View Full Version : The right mag for the job

01-07-2002, 10:03 AM
I'm planning to build a warp fed, nitrogen power mag but I plan to do it in economic stages instead of throwin down a ton of cash all at once. What I need to know is what mag is best for the warp feed? I've read you can use the power feed hopper right gun and just take out the power feed and hook the warp feed hose to the bottom. Does this work as well as a the warp body? Does it matter if I use a classic or a mini? Any info would be of great benefit.

01-07-2002, 10:49 AM
If you are planning on building a mag over time, and you know you will be playing with it before you have the warp, I would suggest buying a powerfeed left body. That way, you will be able to use it with a hopper like normal, and then when the warp comes, put the hose in the bottom and use the extended powerfeed plug that comes with the warp feed kit.

01-07-2002, 12:04 PM
Yes it can be fed thru a a standard mini or automag powerfeed right body, imo it just looks cleaner going thru a warp body, you dont have the unobtrusive powerfeed left over to block your sight picture, thats all. The only problem you'll have with a power feed right is you wont be able to feed it under the body unless you put the entire system on the right side of the mag since the 90* elbow is no longer standard with the kit. Any mag will work as long as it has a powerfeed but i suggest the hopper feed right if your right handed, if not set-up on right side withe a hopper feed left powerfeed. two examples of this on mags are in the main forum under "official automag pictures", may have to go back a few pages or just do a search, Look at BlackVCG's and ProjectMags, two different set-ups but going in a hopperfeed left mags. One with discontinued elbow and one with hopper mounted on rightside. Very first page check out Yipe's minimag ( dont let the z-grip throw ya, thats an AGD aftermarket grip) it has the set-up you inquired about. Hope this helps, Good Luck !!!! heres a short cut to thread http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5895