View Full Version : Trouble in E-Mag town. Need help fast.

06-02-2007, 05:07 PM
Ok, well, i just got my emag this past week. Had it at teh field today excited as i could be, but for whatever reason it doesnt shoot.

Here is the deal:
When i air it up i can hear the valve "click" like it should, but when i pull the trigger nothing "happens" It doesnt shoot. Wont shoot in Mech mode either. The solenoid clicks like it should, i beleive, but the gun just never shoots. Desperate for a fix, i oiled everything, and took the panel off the side. It looks like the solenoid is moving the sear ok, at least as far as i can tell. But it almost seems like its (the sear) not letting go of the bolt, and nothing happens. Still, no chuffing, no actual AIR will fire out of the marker. I tried my friends X-Valve also (we know that works he was playing with it) but we had the same troubles.

Ill be the first one to admit ive dont know ANYTHING about electronic markers. this is my first one. However, it almost seems like the solenoid is "weak" and not pulling on the sear strong enough to make it release itself from the bolt. Also of note, earlier if i held the gun upright and pulled the trigger i would hear the magnetic "click" but i didnt see the arm of the solenoid move at all. It i turned the gun upside down the solenoid arm "moves" when i shoot it, but still no reaction form the gun.

needless to say im greatly disappointed, but i did bring home a full tank of air and some paint so hopefully you guys can help me get this resolved and ill just play tomorrow.

Please please help guys.
Thanks in advance.

OH! one more note, im using a 68/3000 Carleton tank that shot just fine on my Classic.

06-02-2007, 05:34 PM
turn up the velocity

06-02-2007, 05:38 PM
I thought about that. the velocity thing, but i figured that wasnt the case because my buddies X-Valve would have worked. We took it right off his gun when he walked off the field.

06-02-2007, 05:56 PM
did you try and turn up your velocity?

06-02-2007, 05:59 PM
is your battery charged?

are you getting (enough) air to the valve?

06-02-2007, 06:31 PM
put the gold spring in for now. just to make sure the velocity is not causing the problem.

What on/off pin are you using? You will need a .712" pin. Buy a mic at home depot/ lowes/ harbor freight/ northern tool&equip and measure it. (you usually can get one for 20 bucks).

Dark Side
06-02-2007, 06:51 PM

06-02-2007, 09:29 PM

First off...let me say something

I=the biggest NEWB in all the land.

it was the safety. I had seen it there behind the trigger frame before, and thought that might be a safety switch. Upon attempting to push it however (really hard), it wouldnt move at all, so i figured it was something else entirely, and left it alone. While looking inside the grips today i saw the sear arm moving and that thought (about the safety) just never ever accured to me.

Sure enough, right after reading a PM from the dude i got it from (OSUBALLER ftw!) i turned off the safety (had to push REALLY hard with the handle of a screwdriver) but sure enough, ::flip:: there it went and off went the emag. Rocking, rolling, and scaring the hell outta my girlfriend.

I really really do need a "DUNCE" cap now.


:tard: =me.

Seriously. Please make fun of me. :p

06-02-2007, 10:00 PM
that is some funny stuff, but I also thought i had the same problem, be careful how hard you have to push the saftey.
I also just got a new emag and pushed the saftey to far to the right and guess what....
there is the tiniest little ball bearing and spring in there you ever saw, thought i lost it,
pushed it clear out of the frame :tard: luckily it flund to the magnet on the trigger :)

glad to here everything is working out for ya. xmoded emags rock :shooting:

06-02-2007, 10:15 PM
download the emag manual to save yourself from any similar situations

Emag manual (http://www.airgun.com/downloads/emaginstructions.pdf)

there is also a blow-up of all the Emag's components

Emag exploded view (http://www.airgun.com/downloads/emagexploded.pdf)

06-02-2007, 10:26 PM
Thanks Russ.

Yea, i cant beleive what a newb i am. Well, me and 10 other people that were sitting around trying to figure it out.

Lol. Oh well, what can you do? At least i have a humbling story for my friends to tell.

06-02-2007, 11:25 PM
yeah the safety got me on my first emag, im had to pm a buddy of mine..i felt like a real numb nut..

06-03-2007, 12:00 AM

First off...let me say something

I=the biggest NEWB in all the land.

it was the safety. I had seen it there behind the trigger frame before, and thought that might be a safety switch. Upon attempting to push it however (really hard), it wouldnt move at all, so i figured it was something else entirely, and left it alone. While looking inside the grips today i saw the sear arm moving and that thought (about the safety) just never ever accured to me.

Sure enough, right after reading a PM from the dude i got it from (OSUBALLER ftw!) i turned off the safety (had to push REALLY hard with the handle of a screwdriver) but sure enough, ::flip:: there it went and off went the emag. Rocking, rolling, and scaring the hell outta my girlfriend.

I really really do need a "DUNCE" cap now.


:tard: =me.

Seriously. Please make fun of me. :p

Well one of the guys who plays for our field was doing some back to back dueling with some other guys "walk ten paces and turn" sorta thing. Anyway he dueled a guy and all we could hear was one gun go "puff" and this guy huddled in the fetal position wimpering and saying "My safety was on..." and yes the other guy did shoot him square in the bean bag from 20 paces. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

06-03-2007, 12:16 AM
Well one of the guys who plays for our field was doing some back to back dueling with some other guys "walk ten paces and turn" sorta thing. Anyway he dueled a guy and all we could hear was one gun go "puff" and this guy huddled in the fetal position wimpering and saying "My safety was on..." and yes the other guy did shoot him square in the bean bag from 20 paces. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


06-03-2007, 02:45 AM
it was the safety.

ummm well I would love to make fun of you, but I have done it before myself a few times, and I knew there was a safety I just don't use it too often. Once in a while when I haven't used it, I forget and can't figure out why it isn't firing.

06-03-2007, 03:05 AM
Ha Ha Ha. I was not such a Newb. Pushed the safety off when I could feel it not shooting in mech mode.

Rocked and rolled my Emag first time out when I first got it. Welcome to the Electronic Mag World Ninjeff! :headbang:

06-03-2007, 06:55 AM

First off...let me say something

I=the biggest NEWB in all the land.

it was the safety. I had seen it there behind the trigger frame before, and thought that might be a safety switch. Upon attempting to push it however (really hard), it wouldnt move a

:tard: =me.

Seriously. Please make fun of me. :p

We have all done a few things we are not too proud of .... me included..