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01-07-2002, 12:33 PM
i just found out that i wrote my speech for english wrong and i need more info. it is on how barrel condems work better then barrel plugs. please reply with info or experiences that you have had with them. please include barrel diameters and how different pugs fit. Thank you i hope all my AO buddys help.

01-07-2002, 12:35 PM
most barrel plugs will pop out after one shot. a barrel condem will catch ball after ball after ball.

01-07-2002, 01:15 PM
I recommend you contack Larry Cossio. Do a google search for Larry Cossio Enterprises. He inveted the barrel condom and owns Warrior Sports - as well as selling insurance for paintball.

he can tell you the advatages and why it was invented.

he is very friendly - give him a call!

01-07-2002, 01:49 PM
My bushmaster has a barrel condom, and good thing. My best friends little bro (He's ten) picked up the gun and pointed at his mom. And said "Stick um up lady!" and pulled the trigger like 3 times. The barrel condom cought every one, and prevented her from going blind. it was a good thing, and the barrel condom is worth every penny.

01-07-2002, 02:06 PM
Barrel plugs block the first ball that gets shot out, but they fly out too. So if multiply balls go flying out the barrel the first one blows out the plug, and then the rest fly out without anything blocking them.

01-07-2002, 02:10 PM
also with a barrel condom you don't have to worry about different bore sizes, porting/muzzle breaks.

Hope this helps:)

01-07-2002, 02:10 PM
Barrel plugs are a solid plastic. If someone does actually shoot it with the barrel plug in and the plug shoots out, it could seriously injure or permanently damage seeing capabilities. A barrel condom on the other hand is made out of a cloth. If it was shot with a projectile in the barrel and came off the marker, it would not cause such a servere injury....

01-07-2002, 02:21 PM
The other thing I really like about the condom concept is that there are no 0-rings leaving a lil residue in the barrel. That's not a problem with the solid plastic kind. But it's even less of an issue with a condom.

01-07-2002, 02:42 PM
No scratches inside the barrel.
Easier to use.

01-07-2002, 02:52 PM
Barrel condoms have actually been around a lot longer than people think.

Early paintballers (like 10 years ago) used to use sports socks to block the ends of their barrels off. This is where I believe the origin of the barrel condom came from.

The first commercial ones that I know of were produced in the UK by Steve Bull from Undercover.

I went to the Skyball tourny in 2000 and many people asked me what my barrel condom was. I actually had it stolen from my gun when I left it on a table. They left everything else but removed the barrel condom (also known as barrel bag or barrel blocking device) and left the gun.

Just after that Larry Cossio, an insurance broker for paintball, started producing them for the US market.

Due to some safety concerns they started becoming the recognised safety unit at all Millenium events in Europe and now this has spanned over to NPPL events and other events around the world.

They are great because they are safe no matter what barrel inner bore you have and because it is easy for people to tell if they are on and thus the gun is safe or not.

I hope that helps.


01-07-2002, 03:10 PM
no barrel plugs i have are long enuff to stay in my bigshot... i think i should get a condom for it... lol

01-07-2002, 07:00 PM
webmaster- thnak you for the input but i got no time to call(due tomarrow)

manike- thank you thank you thank you. i will definatly use that and ill even send a card if i get an A+