View Full Version : If you know Jim at Ape/Diveanx check here...

06-05-2007, 07:21 PM
I was recently made aware of a tragic turn for the worse of a fond member of the paintball community. This is taken from Racegun.dk forums.

Originally posted by Bux
Some of you may know it from pbnation, some may not.

Jim "Diveanx" Walton is in hospital for therapy of "Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia".

Heīs running through all of the **** that comes with it, oral chemo, IV chemo, medics, everything.

His wife Allison brought up a webpage where she tries to set up a journal from time to time to let everybody know how he īs feelinī.
Much more important, there is a guestbook for Jim.

Diveanx Therapy Journal (http://www.caringbridge.org/cb/inputSiteName.do?method=search&siteName=jimwalton)

Please, take some minutes to read the story and leave some good words in the guestbook.
I guess Jim needs every nice word he can get right now.

Thank you guys


This may be old material but I havent seen anything about it here. Jim is one of the most helpful and outgoing people I have ever met. Please see your way to the web site posted above and leave some words of encouragement for him.

Here is the paypal address for all donations and benifit BST transactions for Jim.


Allisons email address:


Dealers/members pm me if you have something you would like to donate (items, services) to the sale thread.

go here for the charity drive....

Jims Benifit BST Thread (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=216184)

06-05-2007, 07:26 PM
Jim is a buddy of ours, and my webmaster on BEO. Please send him your best wishes, good thoughs, and pray for him. He is one of the good guys in the industry today, one of the few left. Lets show him some love.

Also, I am starting a collection for him. Anyone who wishes to contribute, please PM or Email me.

Thanks in advance

06-05-2007, 07:29 PM
Man, thats aweful for anyone to go through. :(

I sure hope he pulls through.

06-05-2007, 08:25 PM
thanks for letting us know......

06-05-2007, 08:44 PM
Positive thinking goes a long way so keep him in your thoughts but KNOW he will make a full recovery. He needs blood too (A+) and there are a whole lot of us here on AO that live in Florida too.

06-05-2007, 08:47 PM
jim me and the guys from ao socal hung out with jim at nppl hb, hes an awesome guy, i hope he gets better soon

06-05-2007, 09:06 PM
Jim is a buddy of ours, and my webmaster on BEO. Please send him your best wishes, good thoughs, and pray for him. He is one of the good guys in the industry today, one of the few left. Lets show him some love.

Also, I am starting a collection for him. Anyone who wishes to contribute, please PM or Email me.

Thanks in advance

BigE, I read your forum as well as many more like this one. I can't help but to be moved by lifes misfourtunes that seem to touch the nicest people all to often. I'm going to start a for sale tread and donate the proceeds of the first items that sells to Jim and his family. Please pm me your's or Jim's paypal address and I'll make shure it goes directly to that account. Hopfully it willbe 50-70 dollars. Thanks for your efforts and all the others that are trying to get the word out....Richard

06-05-2007, 09:30 PM
Let me know if you get a formal collection going.

Haven't met the man, but I'm sure I've met a few like him.

Best wishes. :)

06-06-2007, 01:11 AM
I signed up for the guestbook, and left him a message. I haven't met the guy, but it seems hes and awesome member of the paintball community.

06-06-2007, 03:23 PM
You can donate blood specifically for Jim if you contact his wife and get her to call the blood bank and add your name to the list.
If you have the right type it will go directly to Jim.
If you dont it wont go to waste.

06-06-2007, 04:45 PM
i found out about this from a friend at blanding. i know Dive enough to say hello and chat and have found him to be personable and asset to the community.

best wishes go out to him and his family.

06-06-2007, 06:21 PM
I have spoken to several members on a couple of forums and we are going to put together some items to raffle off for Jims benifit. I will be putting up a new marker. What kind? I guess you will just have to stay tuned.

If you have an interest in contributing something to the raffle please PM me. :cheers:

06-06-2007, 09:26 PM
Jim is a buddy of ours, and my webmaster on BEO. Please send him your best wishes, good thoughs, and pray for him. He is one of the good guys in the industry today, one of the few left. Lets show him some love.

Also, I am starting a collection for him. Anyone who wishes to contribute, please PM or Email me.

Thanks in advance
Scott, pming you on making a donation to him. Jim is a heck of a guy, all the best to him.

06-07-2007, 08:23 AM
Hey guys, just wanted to make you aware that Going_Home has decided to offer up the proceeds from the sale of his UMF frame to Jim. I personally think this speaks loads about his character. I dont want ANY flaming in this thread whatsoever. This is about Jim and not about us. If you are in the market for a UMF please see your way to the thread. Here is a link to the BST thread. Jims wife Allison will be collecting the $$.


Remember guys, this is charity so dont be shy (or cheap) :rofl:

Edit: anybody have the link for the thread on PBN?

Double-edit: Here is Jims wife Allisons paypal addy for those that want to make donations. All money sent for items being sold for Jims benifit should be sent to this address. Once I have a confirmation from her that funds have been received, the parts will ship. Please include you forum name, real name, shipping address and what item you are donating for with your payments.


I don't know what to say other than THANK YOU!! I have been very happy to see how the paintball community is supporting Jim; especially on the website that I created for him. You may or may not know that Jim does not really have any family other than me and the kids, he has a sister that lives in CA but they are not really that close, so it is nice to see all his friends take an interest in his well-being when something like this happens and I know that because of that he does not feel so alone.


06-07-2007, 12:31 PM
Thread at pbn.

Fom the invert forum. (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?p=35524772#post35524772)

06-07-2007, 02:26 PM
Thread at pbn.

Fom the invert forum. (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?p=35524772#post35524772)

Thank you.

Hopefully the raffle is going to take place at the AO event in Orlando, Florida that GraveDiggersUnion is setting up for sometime around September. I will know more after this weekend. Until then we are going to set up a thread in the BST forum with items whos proceeds will go directly to the paypal account Allison has set up. Im still working out the details so if you have any items laying around that you would like to contribute please PM me. This is seperate from the raffle which will be all BNIB items. Racegun (Denmark) has committed to some items as well. This isnt just an AO thing but I think we have the most to give :)

06-07-2007, 05:28 PM
So far the total I have managed to collect from all of you fine AOers(Between cash and plledges) is about $400.

Great job guys. :hail:

06-07-2007, 09:54 PM
Hi everyone this is Allison (Jim's wife)!! I have only had the pleasure of meeting/speaking to a few of you however I wanted to let you all know that we are very thankful for all your kind thoughts and prayers. Jim has had a very hard couple of weeks but we are hopeful that over the next few days we will start to see some vast improvement. As I am sure WarWitch has told most of you I have set up a website where I can journal Jim's progress for everyone to read. You can also leave him some words of encouragement on there if you want; I can tell you that he does read them every day and when he can't get up to read them I tell him about them. It always makes him feel better to know that he has so many people out there that care about him and his wellbeing. The website address is as follows: http://www.caringbridge.com/visit/jimwalton
Jim and I send our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for all that you are doing and pray that God will bless you in many ways.

Allison Walton

06-07-2007, 10:07 PM
That woman is a saint. And on that note, lets all remember that this takes a huge toll on his whole family so keep them all in your prayers!

Also, She has set up a benifit account specificly for the proceeds generated from p'baller donations and BST threads. Check post #1 for the new account address.

06-08-2007, 05:29 PM
If you are in Florida I would encourage you to donate blood or platelets.
Email Jims wife so she can call Florida blood services and have your name added to the list, a day or so before you donate.
If your blood type matches Jims, he will get the blood (or platelets).
If it doesnt, it wont go to waste.

I only found out about his situation Tuesday evening and have been trying to get in to see him
all week.
Finally today he felt well enough for visitors and I went in an visited for about half hour.
He seemed in good spirits. But I guess I stayed a bit too long because he started getting
real tired so I left.
But he looked good and seemed to be his boisterious self.
So keep up the prayers !

06-08-2007, 05:35 PM
I'm on the other side of the country and I don't know what blood type I am, but can I donate?

06-08-2007, 05:38 PM
I'm on the other side of the country and I don't know what blood type I am, but can I donate?

I dont know the answer to that but email Jims wife and she will find out and get back with you.
Its the weekend and all so it may take her a couple days.
I didnt know my blood type either but if he can use it thats good, if not, someone in need will get it.

awalton@tampabay.rr.com is her email .

06-08-2007, 05:51 PM
Hope the guy pulls through, don't know who he is but he seems to be a person in need.

06-08-2007, 06:53 PM
Thanks for keeping this thread alive guys. There has been a lot of verbal warfare on AO lately and its nice to see we can all still check our ego's when it really matters.

06-11-2007, 07:04 PM
HUGE UP!! You guys have already helped generate $1,070 and counting via Jims BST Thread :hail:


Dealers/members pm me if you have something you would like to donate (items, services) to the sale thread.

go here for the charity drive....

Jims Benifit BST Thread (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=216184)

06-11-2007, 08:48 PM
Add another $400 to the total on behalf of Atachone, Robnix, Flyingpootang, Dm4don3 and Myself.


06-11-2007, 09:23 PM
From Jim's wife Allison;


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and support. You and everyone else will never know how much all this means to me and the happiness I feel to know that Jim has friends out there like you. Our deepest gratitude goes out to you and all the others in the paintball community.

Allison Walton

P.S. I am sure that Jim would be upset if he knew I was telling you this but he was actually talking about you in one of his medicated slumbers the other day. I was not sure what he was mumbling until I ask him what he was talking about and he said...."You know.. BigEvil" and I just said "ok honey" and he was back out again. LOL So now I know who he dreams about when he is sleeping..... ;) Thanks again!!!!!

06-13-2007, 08:22 PM
From Jim's wife Allison;

Awwww thats sweet, he was dreaming about BigE :p

Up for those who havent been here yet.

06-14-2007, 09:11 PM
Keeping this bumped for a good cause

06-17-2007, 07:38 PM
What's the total up to now?

06-17-2007, 07:50 PM
I was able to meet Jim at the APE booth at NPPL HB 2007 and I got to talk to him about paintball with Rudz and d4m4don3. He seemed to be a nice guy and I pray that he gets better soon. I hope my small donation helps.

06-17-2007, 08:27 PM
What's the total up to now?

We will break $2,200 tonight after the jersey auction closes!!!

You guys absolutely rock :headbang: :hail: Please keep checking the BST thread because things are coming in all the time!

To all the people and dealers who contributed items: Thank you so much!!!

It has been a lot to keep up with so if I failed to mention you by name please dont think it was intentional :tard: !!

Please continue to visit his guestbook and leave some messages for him, he has been having a really tough couple of weeks.

07-05-2007, 08:48 AM
Well its time for an update. Good news this time too!!! Jim has finally stabilized enough to go home for a couple of weeks before his next treatment. He got to spend the 4th of July with his family giving a new significance to Independence Day :clap:

Keep this thread alive and keep his family in your prayers!

07-11-2007, 12:05 PM
Even more good news, possibly even GREAT!! I spoke to Jim on the phone this morning (he called me from home) and he sounded like a new man! Very upbeat and chatty. I even heard him laugh a couple of times. What a difference being at home with his family has made. I asked him about the treatment timeline and he said he has only 2 treatments left!! :clap: It looks like the Lukemia is now in remission but they are doing some follow up treatments to be sure. He said he has lost 40 lbs. over the course of this so he is slowly trying to get moving around a little at a time. He is also back on the real food which should reallly help him regain some strength.

He said he is still focusing on getting better and not quite well enough to browse the forum boards yet. But he wanted me to pass along the most sincere "thank you" as possible.

So from Jim...
So thank you AO. For all of your support, both financial and spiritual!!

07-25-2007, 03:04 PM
Hey for the AO Contigents in Florida.

Theres a benefit Scenario


07-25-2007, 03:26 PM
Let me know if you need any input about the Transformers properties. I can probably provide you with images, background info, etc. from the recent film.

/getting a kick out of...
// ;)