View Full Version : Paintball markers and aesthetics.

Empyreal Rogue
06-07-2007, 09:25 AM
Right now I'm working on an E-Mag project that I'm investing a fair amount of custom work into. Lets just say that it could have the potential to be one of the prettiest non-SFL E-Mags AO has seen in recent years.

My plan is to put a warp feed on this E-Mag for a couple reasons. Reason 1 is because I can't play with vertical hopper anymore. Ever since I bought my q-loader I simply can't go back. Reason 2 is because a warped E-Mag fits a little 'theme' I have with my 2 'mags (Pneumag is 100% mechanical, E-Mag is 100% electronic).

Now here's where a little dilemma I'm having comes in. Someone said in the classic MotM thread that warp feeds are not aesthetically pleasing. And he's right, they really aren't. They're bulky, oddly shaped, in a weird position on the marker, and just plain ugly in general despite the fact that they are really useful. I mean, when was the last time a marker with a warp feed won MotM? This month could be the first.

On top of that, I've been doubting whether or not I actually want to invest in a warp feed anyway. I've been reading testimonials and I read a lot of good feedback, but almost no negative reactions. Mostly negativity from people complaining about the weight who have honestly probably never even owned a warp feed.

So here's my question, can the aesthetics of a well put together marker overcome the facial mole that is the warp feed? Or even better, could a warp feed be 'fixed up' to actually look appealing as well?

06-07-2007, 09:41 AM
Here's a suggestion ...and i haven't seen this on a warp before, who knows if anyone has done it.


People get their hoppers painted to go along with a theme or for whatever other reason

Why not get your hopper and warp painted to match the theme of your gun? Maybe that will please the eye and accomplish what you're looking for

Dark Side
06-07-2007, 10:25 AM
Aer you talking about redesigning the warp? If so, go for it. I'd love to see one with much smoother lines.

Heh, milling by DW perhaps.

Empyreal Rogue
06-07-2007, 10:30 AM
Not physically altering the design of the warp feed, merely its looks and appeal. Most likely through an attractive and matching color scheme. Or I may end up not using it at all, I can't say for sure right now. I'm really on the fence about it.

Dark Side
06-07-2007, 10:34 AM
You can design a new outer shell then if you are up to it.

06-07-2007, 03:48 PM
I mean, when was the last time a marker with a warp feed won MotM? This month could be the first.

On top of that, I've been doubting whether or not I actually want to invest in a warp feed anyway. I've been reading testimonials and I read a lot of good feedback, but almost no negative reactions. Mostly negativity from people complaining about the weight who have honestly probably never even owned a warp feed.

So here's my question, can the aesthetics of a well put together marker overcome the facial mole that is the warp feed? Or even better, could a warp feed be 'fixed up' to actually look appealing as well?

i won the second or third GOTM with a warped karta mag, so yes its possible. i believe there has been atleast ONE other warp oener or q-loader who won

there ALOT of modifying you can do to a warp if you have the time, know how, and patience, and soemtimes $.

it doesnt have to sit ina certain place on the gun, and it doesnt even have to have a hopper if were to mod it in a certain way.

Empyreal Rogue
06-07-2007, 08:39 PM
Well I don't know that I'll have the time or money to do some heavy aesthetic modifying to a warp feed, but I most certainly have the ambition. But my goal isn't necessarily to make the warp really flashy and stand out, it's to make the warp feed flow nicely with a pretty marker.

I thought about it a little a work and I kind of feel that I may want to step back to a conventional hopper for this marker. I know that there was a thread specifically about people who play front with warp feeds and that the weight difference doesn't affect play too much, but I kind of feel that it might. A lighter gun makes all the difference on those off the break sprints. But I do know, from experience with my q-loader, that having the ability to angle the marker in any direction is too helpful for words.

Hrm. Which kind of makes me wonder... What if I just used another q-loader system with the CMS? But I'm a little picky and this would sort of mess up my 100% mech/100% electronic theme. Bleh, I don't know. But I have time to sleep on it. I don't even have a valve or rail for my e-mag project anyway.

Dark Side
06-07-2007, 08:42 PM
and it doesnt even have to have a hopper if were to mod it in a certain way.

Pics please.

06-07-2007, 08:45 PM
Pics please.

not getting them, :ninja: though if your nice i might describe what you can do with a halo, warp and a few other things :ninja:

06-07-2007, 09:02 PM
are u going to the stock board or an aftermarket one?

Dark Side
06-07-2007, 09:35 PM
not getting them, :ninja: though if your nice i might describe what you can do with a halo, warp and a few other things :ninja:

Bribery or maiming my friend?

Yeah I wouldn't mind listening to your ideas.