View Full Version : Does Texas hold Tourney's anymore?

06-13-2007, 07:41 PM
Does Texas hold Tourney's anymore? I cant find out. I have been out for 4 yrs and getting back in but i remeber San antonio used to have big games i just cant find out anything. All i see is like Chi-town, Wis, Min ny and georgia. Funny because right around the time i quit there were 8 paintball stores in Austin (where i live ) and now believe it or not there is only 1. and we only have 2 (somewhat) local fields. If anyone has info on this it would be greatly appreciated.

(I checked warpig for info and dates & no luck)

06-13-2007, 09:24 PM
The way the game is played has turned allot of people off. Ramping, and the over-shooting/bonus-balling/cheating that accompanies ramping has caused this. Shooting skill is no longer required in today's game. Computers do it all for you. Its all about 'moving' :rofl: Its like dodgeball meets the video game world.

Sales & growth have slowed. Many shops have closed down. Sponsorships dry up. Teams disband & disappear and move onto other endeavors. Many of this industries original Icons have moved on as well. Its different.

The sport is largely based on hype these days. Remember, all markers shoot 300 fps as fast as you can pull the trigger. Unless they have ramping, then you dont have to shoot the marker yourself. Ramping is the equivalent of T-Ball. If you want to play T-Paintball, play with a ramping marker.

Find yourself a mech our pump tournament. Trust me, it will be allot more fun and worth every penny you spend.

BigBoy, when you read this(the above), be sure to with an OPEN mind.If you don't know what ramping is, don't research it here, go elsewhere look into yourself and form your own opinion other then someone else very skewed view of things...but I'm not starting that thread(s) again..

Oh ye for good texas ball check out X-Factor, those boys can play ball and they are based out of Texas...

06-13-2007, 09:38 PM
BigBoy, when you read this(the above), be sure to with an OPEN mind.If you don't know what ramping is, don't research it here, go elsewhere look into yourself and form your own opinion other then someone else very skewed view of things...but I'm not starting that thread(s) again..

Oh ye for good texas ball check out X-Factor, those boys can play ball and they are based out of Texas...

Agreed. When you read this(above), ask yourself why there are fewer tournies in Texas(and all across the US), with an open mind. :D Youve already noticed that there arent as many tourneies. So its not hard to figure out why the sport of Paintball exeperienced unprecedented growth, until the ramping took over and then the decline of paintball.

If you dont know what ramping is, experience it for yourself(and the over-shooting/bonus-balling/cheating) at a tournament to form your own opinion, other than listening to someone else with a very skewed view of things that likes a game without strategy and skill. Youll come to the same conclusion.

But Im not starting that thread(s) again. :spit_take

06-13-2007, 09:47 PM
Around here 24 hour scenario has replaced alot of tourney play including mine..

I luv it to be honest, best damn time playing ive had, i gave up tourneys, maybe 1-2 a year with some old freinds. I now play about 7-8 scenarios a years, with a little rec ball between,.

06-14-2007, 05:42 AM
For airball tournies, there is the TPL series which centralized around San Antonio/Austin/Dallas
I'm involved in the HRL and STARS series which is around the Houston areas

As for scenarios, tactical paintball (www.tacticalpaintball.com) oftens holds scenarios at their fields. If your into scenarios go to http://www.scenariocalendar.com/calendar.php?op=cal&month=6&year=2007 for info of upcoming events

06-14-2007, 06:45 AM
1. ramping 31 up, 5 down

A relatively new feature on high-end paintball markers:
The player simply presses the trigger 5 times a second for the first second, then the marker will speed up to a 15 balls per second rate of fire after the first second.

This has caused much controversy as it is being allowed in some professional paintball leagues, even though fully automatic fire is not, and ramping, at its core, is not a semi-automatic rate of fire, the only rate of fire previously allowed.

Ramping is generally considered a crutch of weak players and cheaters who don't have the skill or dexterity to shoot their markers at a fast rate of fire without having to rely on ramping or automatic fire.

Ramping is for pussies.

by PeaTearGriffin USA Aug 30, 2005 email it
permalink: del.icio.us

Here's what i found. Well appreciate all the info. Great place to find out about the sport for sure. :headbang:

turbo chicken
06-14-2007, 09:54 AM
a google search will net you some results....


06-14-2007, 04:12 PM
It is too hot/humid here. :cry:

06-14-2007, 04:55 PM
flagstation.com is an all texas forum (well almost) with lots of info on the major torunies in the state- watch out for the GD though ;)

06-15-2007, 08:39 AM
This has caused much controversy as it is being allowed in some professional paintball leagues, even though fully automatic fire is not, and ramping, at its core, is not a semi-automatic rate of fire, the only rate of fire previously allowed.

Unfortunately, that has been the only viable alternative available to those leagues, to counter guns equipped with cheater boards. From a safety aspect, the reason they do not allow full-auto, but allow ramping, even though both can achieve the same ROF is that ramping requires constant user input, while a marker on full-auto might be set down in the staging area, and if something falls on or presses its trigger it will fire repeatedly, possibly defeating its barrel blocker. A ramping marker in the same situation will fire only a single shot, that will hopefully be captured by the barrel blocker.

06-15-2007, 08:53 AM
For airball tournies, there is the TPL series which centralized around San Antonio/Austin/Dallas
I'm involved in the HRL and STARS series which is around the Houston areas

As for scenarios, tactical paintball (www.tacticalpaintball.com) oftens holds scenarios at their fields. If your into scenarios go to http://www.scenariocalendar.com/calendar.php?op=cal&month=6&year=2007 for info of upcoming events

Kennedy makes babies weep.

06-15-2007, 02:37 PM
Kennedy makes babies weep.

I ain't got no problem punching babies

06-15-2007, 04:01 PM
flagstation.com is an all texas forum (well almost) with lots of info on the major torunies in the state- watch out for the GD though ;)

thanks for the advice :dance: