View Full Version : palmers brass on automag

06-14-2007, 03:33 AM
so im thinking about selling my two cockers and using the money to make a mag and i have a nice palmers brass barrel that i like and i was owndering if the wedgits will mess with the paint as i shoot it. im wondering mainly because of the operation of the mag doesnt push the ball forward first then shoot like a blowback, correct? oh yea i would be getting a ULE body so it has cocker threads

Doc Nickel
06-14-2007, 03:57 AM
[...] i was owndering if the wedgits will mess with the paint as i shoot it.

-The only reason to have "Wedgits" is to control ball roll-out, which is only relevant on closed-bolt guns. ('Cockers, old Shockers, Typhoons, Sovereigns, etc.)

Wedgits are completely unnecessary on a barrel intended for an open-bolt, especially since they cost extra to have installed.

Skip 'em.


06-14-2007, 08:59 AM
If you plan on ever getting a closed bolt gun and want to use the barrel on that as well, then I'd say get them. They will not harm the paint at all. If you don't, then they are not necessary.

06-14-2007, 01:28 PM
sounds like he already has the barrel from his cockers, and wants to know if it will work well on a mag. I've never seen wedgits before, but I'm guessing it will work ok but may not be to healthy for the wedgits.

06-14-2007, 01:42 PM
sounds like he already has the barrel from his cockers, and wants to know if it will work well on a mag. I've never seen wedgits before, but I'm guessing it will work ok but may not be to healthy for the wedgits.

they'll be fine. it won't mess anything up whatsoever. I missed that you already had the wedgit barrel...

06-14-2007, 01:53 PM
ya i already have wedgits in the barrel so i was hoping that having them wouldnt slow the ball down as it left or break the balls as they went out

06-14-2007, 01:53 PM
Actually you can order the palmers brass without the wedgeits if you're not using it on a closed bolt gun. I've got a 12" Brass unported barrel from pps. It's nice and loud. :D I've liked mine so far.

06-14-2007, 02:44 PM
well considering i already have one with i think i want to keep it becasue they have a pretty steep price tag and it sounds like the one with wedgits might work just fine

06-14-2007, 02:56 PM
so i just called palmers and the tech said that i might see a few more breaks but if i want "best" peformance it is not reccomended to use wedgits with an open bolt gun

so do you guys think that there will be enough just to stay with my cocker or not enough to make going over to the mag a good choice

06-14-2007, 03:48 PM
so i just called palmers and the tech said that i might see a few more breaks but if i want "best" peformance it is not reccomended to use wedgits with an open bolt gun

so do you guys think that there will be enough just to stay with my cocker or not enough to make going over to the mag a good choice

key word is "might" as long as you aren't using some incredibly thin walled/ brittle paint or something that's grossly too big, you shouldn't have a problem. Don't let that be the reason you don't try a mag.

06-14-2007, 04:10 PM
so i just looked at some animations about the mag and from what it looks like the air dosnt get released too far from where the wedgits would be. on a ULE how far away are the threads and where the back of the barrel sit from where the ball enters the chamber