View Full Version : angels low demand?

06-14-2007, 09:53 AM
I was wondering are the demand for angels shrinking? I have noticed on the of the most popular paintball websites, they are selling less and less angels. Where i play to see less of then. I am wondering if anyone else has noticed the same as i.

thanks :)

06-14-2007, 09:58 AM
Yeah it seems like everybody thats techy is going DM or EGO these days. Angel used to have a kind of mystique but I think that is slowly fading. I hardly ever see people using them where I am either. Or maybe I just dont care about them enough to notice :sleeping:

06-14-2007, 10:19 AM
lots of A1's around us.

06-14-2007, 10:32 AM
The A1 is a sweet marker, but people would rather use EGO's and matrixes because "that's what the pro's use, and they kick *** don't they?" :rolleyes:

06-14-2007, 10:41 AM
I've actually seen a lot more Angels around recently. However, I'm seeing intermediate players buying them used for cheap off eBay. (Two of my friends bought Angels in the last six months.)

This is probably only reinforcing your point, though. My friends are probably buying these used Angels from other guys who are selling them to buy Egos and Dms.

06-14-2007, 11:04 AM
my local field doesn't even sell them. it's all about the dye markers and the egos.

'course the store owner uses a mag :headbang:

and he's selling a classic mag if anyone's interested, let me know.

i used to see angels ALL THE TIME in charleston SC. is it an east coast thing?

RvB Caboose
06-14-2007, 11:13 AM
'course the store owner uses a mag :headbang:

Best. Store. Ever.

There is one person at my field with an A1, and a guy who owns 7 Angels. I really don't hear many people talking about angels anymore. The Mini gets talked about the most at my field, with the Ego a close second. However, the legions of Ions still remain the most common players at my field.

06-14-2007, 11:21 AM
up keep on a angel is just a pain. dumped my 05 speed for a mini which i dumped for a tac 1 :D hehe got to love a mag so easy to use so easy to work on

06-14-2007, 11:22 AM
lol noeir no worse than any other "high-end electro".

06-14-2007, 11:51 AM
My Angel is very easy to upkeep. Its almost as easy as my mag. That is why I like them.

The Ego's, mini's and DMs are the hot guns right now, so they are the ones everyone wants.
The unfortunate part for angels in our area is the lack of service. Its hard to get parts in a timely manner. Badlands (our angel techs) promise them but never deliver on time and the US based companies won't ship to Canada because "its too hard. Boo hoo." They won't actually try to ship, but they will try to take your money.

I still like the angels because they are so well made.

06-14-2007, 11:57 AM
Timmies and Minis are what most of the speedballers out here use.

06-14-2007, 12:25 PM
well there' alot of angel sponsored teams around here, but other than that everyone shoots ego's or dm's, marqs are also sartign to pick up. Persoanlly they don't feel comfortable to me idky, i like the feel of the Ul frame on the Dm's better

06-14-2007, 01:18 PM
there used to be alot...now its all shockers (sft's & nxt's), timmies, egos, or DMs.

not one angel.

06-14-2007, 01:20 PM
i think minis and pmr are so popular is because they are a fraction of a price of a angel.

06-14-2007, 02:30 PM
there are two or three angel owners at my field, couple cockers and an ego.


06-14-2007, 08:06 PM
I own an A1 as well as a dm and shockers ,and many , many more and the only reason most poeple at the fields i go to don't own one is because no one will tech them just about every field and store in the area has someone who know DM's ego's and smartparts guns but no one local touches angels you have to send them out :cry:

angel does not even have tech classes for stores in new england so no store wants to carry them or deal with them

its too bad because my a1 shoot great and is more dependable than my dm6, angel did a good job getting all the the old troubles out of their marker -now if they would just make it so classes for store and field people were as easy to find as the rest of the industry

06-15-2007, 01:18 AM
Ego seems to be the marker of the moment - I was tempted by an Ego 07 myself, but went for an Angel 1 as the rest of my team shoots Angels and it worked out £200 cheaper than the Ego. :wow:

06-15-2007, 05:53 AM
As for teching, the angels follow the principle of every other stack tube design. They are so easy to work on.

06-19-2007, 01:53 PM
Most players follow the "Pro Trends" with the sponsorships and such, not to mention SP and PE just spam their crap all over PBN so all the agg boys think its good stuff. WDP is more refined.

06-19-2007, 02:15 PM
As for teching, the angels follow the principle of every other stack tube design. They are so easy to work on.

So the whole having to shim the LPR is a field friendly easy thing to do ?
I have owned 3 brand new Angels. 05 Speed. G7 as soon as they came out.
And an 06 Speed The Gat. All were paint shredders if a low pressure front came thru.
I complained to the store and they said that is to be expected in Florida.
I decided I didnt want any more markers that weather affected.
No more Angels for me. :nono:

06-19-2007, 02:41 PM
I never had any issues with the A1 I got to barrow, it was a sweet as marker, I like it better than the 06 ego.

06-19-2007, 02:54 PM
haha when i first started to play about 3 years angels had a godly presence :hail: . god thing when i first started i got a a mag... :headbang:

06-19-2007, 09:32 PM
I play CX4 and there are no Angels other than my LED, most everything else is as stated before DM's and Ego's.
Same goes for MXL and CXBL, although there are a few more Shockers in these leagues.

06-19-2007, 10:19 PM
I never was a big fan of the Angel since I think it had too much hype and too much lipstic and mascara to justify the price. However it is a big kick to the nuts when you realize that the orriginal AGG gun is no longer that popular, despite being a fantastic gun asside from price.

06-19-2007, 10:38 PM
I've just gotten into angels, and I've noticed that there seem to be a lot more in the northeast than anywhere else(http://www.frappr.com/angelowners). I dont know why this is, but it seems to be the case.

Much like the mag, I prefer the design of the angel. I'm not a big fan of the spool type guns, don't know why...maybe its because when I see dm, I think ion...
I also like the fact that there's no internal lp hoses, and unnecessary technology doesn't hurt.


06-19-2007, 10:58 PM
So the whole having to shim the LPR is a field friendly easy thing to do ?
I have owned 3 brand new Angels. 05 Speed. G7 as soon as they came out.
And an 06 Speed The Gat. All were paint shredders if a low pressure front came thru.
I complained to the store and they said that is to be expected in Florida.
I decided I didnt want any more markers that weather affected.
No more Angels for me. :nono:

Hrm, could you point a link with more detail? I own a Pred II Angel, and I've been pretty happy with it. I have consistently heard finicky problems, first with Sensi, blowback?, using force-fed hoppers, shim issues, etc. and I could use a FAQ or something similar.


06-20-2007, 05:50 AM
I own a predator angel as well. I play out of Nova Scotia and our weather goes from very cold to very hot including humid and fog days as well. I've experienced no problems with my angel.

06-21-2007, 08:40 AM
I own an A1 as well as a dm and shockers ,and many , many more and the only reason most poeple at the fields i go to don't own one is because no one will tech them just about every field and store in the area has someone who know DM's ego's and smartparts guns but no one local touches angels you have to send them out :cry:

angel does not even have tech classes for stores in new england so no store wants to carry them or deal with them

its too bad because my a1 shoot great and is more dependable than my dm6, angel did a good job getting all the the old troubles out of their marker -now if they would just make it so classes for store and field people were as easy to find as the rest of the industry
you know one of the angel master techs is in New England right?Ken Crane of http://www.performanceangel.com. He's at every NEPL event too I beleive

06-21-2007, 09:25 AM
Had an Angel, worked great, no problems at all, and was pretty damn fast...but HATED the feel of it, I think its one of the most uncomfy markers I have ever shot, but thats just me.

06-21-2007, 11:02 AM
The g7 platform was pretty heavy compared to other stuff on the market at the same time, and didnt really offer any stand out performance features over any of the alternative markers of the time. People drifted away from angels during that time, now, the A1 really picked it up with its size and performance, and more and more people are starting to realize that and pick them up. I have owned many varities of angels, all worked well and shot great, but, they just wernt the marker for me. Its all personal preferace. Now, I am currently trying to pick up an A1 to have some fun with, but, I cant see that actually becomming my primary marker.

06-21-2007, 01:47 PM
So the whole having to shim the LPR is a field friendly easy thing to do ?
Whats hard about adding or removing a shim?