View Full Version : Phantom surrender video???

06-15-2007, 01:44 PM
Does anyone know where the vid of the guy surrender-ing the kid is? The kid shoots him, and phantom guy owns the kid and he cries, IIRC.

I just cant find the link to save my life...


06-15-2007, 05:29 PM
Does anyone know where the vid of the guy surrender-ing the kid is? The kid shoots him, and phantom guy owns the kid and he cries, IIRC.

I just cant find the link to save my life...


Ive seen it, the older dude should get kicked in the balls 5x for doing that. FFS the kid can't be more than 11-12 years old. Yes he should know better, and yes he should not of done it, but the older person, age unknown, should know better. If I was there and I saw the guy do it, he and I would be having an up close and personal conversation.

here ya go. http://youtube.com/watch?v=GpQCxkwBp6I

06-15-2007, 05:56 PM

That's hidious! :(

:shooting: :cry:


06-15-2007, 06:30 PM
Funny as all get out, but totaly uncalled for. He should have been sent packing and the kid needs a good talking to aswell.

06-15-2007, 06:32 PM
kinda looks staged....

06-15-2007, 06:34 PM
kinda looks staged....

nah the kid was crying

06-15-2007, 06:36 PM
Yah, children should be alowed to do whatever they want, whenever they want, because... well because they are only kids. Old enough to play the game= Old enough to follow the rules.

06-15-2007, 06:38 PM
Yah, children should be alowed to do whatever they want, whenever they want, because... well because they are only kids. Old enough to play the game= Old enough to follow the rules.

Those are conflicting statements.

If they can't follow the rules, they shouldn't play.

06-15-2007, 06:50 PM
Those are conflicting statements.

If they can't follow the rules, they shouldn't play.

Sorry, I was being sarcastic in the first statement. It realy upsets me that some people let kids get away with anything, just because they are kids. Im glad you agreed with the point I was trying to make though, I thought I would get hung for speaking out against the "precious children".

06-15-2007, 07:19 PM
nah the kid was crying
i could do a pretty good fake cry when i was twelve...

06-15-2007, 08:01 PM
to me the vid was to short to really know all the angles of the situation. but "our" rule of thumb where i play is: if someone has you "dead to rights" if you even look like your going to react in a hostel way, your clothes are getting a fresh color scheme no matter how old you are.

06-15-2007, 09:14 PM
that thing just will not load for me.............. ugh

06-15-2007, 10:47 PM
Sorry, I was being sarcastic in the first statement. It realy upsets me that some people let kids get away with anything, just because they are kids. Im glad you agreed with the point I was trying to make though, I thought I would get hung for speaking out against the "precious children".

So let me ask you, in that video which one was the real child? The older person was in his upper teens, no freakin way he should of shot the kid. The fact that you have the attitude you do, makes you just as big a jerk as the guy that pulled the trigger. Simple fact, most younger kids don't have the same pain threshold as older people. You know something that hurt you when you where a kid does nothing to you now. Point blank shot to the gut is total BS. The guy should of had his butt handed to him. Sorry, but he may as well smacked him in the head for all I care, same thing IMHO. He attacked an 11 year old, he's a big man. :nono:

Empyreal Rogue
06-15-2007, 11:21 PM
Honestly though, the kid has to have some idea of what he's getting himself into by playing Paintball. Yes it was an intentional shot at close range. However, 70% of the AO populace (Probably more than that actually) are 5+ year 'veterans', now tell me how many times on a daily basis you shoot or have been shot at that range UNINTENTIONALLY? Thinking back I know for a fact I need at least a 4th hand to count just the ones I can remember.

We don't know if the kid announced his surrender or not, but by the looks of it I'd say he didn't. When the older guy converges on him he keeps his marker trained on the guy and hunkers down. A person who surrenders holds up his marker and spare hand and starts to walk off. At every field I've ever played at and with every person I've played with, the rule has always been: You may fire until an official surrender is announced. If you fire after that then penalties will result.

Paintball is an unpredictable sport. We all know this from our years of experience, and most people can figure that out just by watching it. I'm not going to state whether or not I agree with what happened in this video, but I want to make a clear point that using the fact that the kid is young is NOT a good excuse. When I'm with or against children, I treat them as equally as any other player because that's how they need to be treated. If they want to play this sport, they have to handle how the sport is played. Some may see this as heartless or cruel, but I feel that it's respectful towards everyone.

When I played soccer in high school, as a freshman I got to start a few games. Games against seniors who had been playing the game so much longer than I and had at least 3-5 years on me. Did they go easy on me because of the age gap? You can bet your *** they didn't. Why should they? That's the sort of thing I expected when I went to soccer tryouts.

Upon further inspection, it's clear by the sound (And the time between the two shots) that the first two shots were shot by the kid, who was already out according to the older guy. While I personally would not have shot back in the case of the older guy, I do think the kid got what he deserved. The kid was out and he kept shooting. How can you justify that? Because he's young? If you get a handball or tackle someone illegally in soccer, is that OK because you're young and new? Negatory.

06-16-2007, 12:57 AM
So let me ask you, in that video which one was the real child? The older person was in his upper teens, no freakin way he should of shot the kid. The fact that you have the attitude you do, makes you just as big a jerk as the guy that pulled the trigger. Simple fact, most younger kids don't have the same pain threshold as older people. You know something that hurt you when you where a kid does nothing to you now. Point blank shot to the gut is total BS. The guy should of had his butt handed to him. Sorry, but he may as well smacked him in the head for all I care, same thing IMHO. He attacked an 11 year old, he's a big man. :nono:

So the attitude that if "your old enough to play paintball, your old enough to follow the rules" makes me a jerk? Please re-read my posts. I only mentioned the kid breaking the rules, and gave no opinion on how the other person reacted. I cant believe you would jump to that conclusion about someone you do not even know, lets be adults here.

06-16-2007, 01:50 AM
So the attitude that if "your old enough to play paintball, your old enough to follow the rules" makes me a jerk? Please re-read my posts. I only mentioned the kid breaking the rules, and gave no opinion on how the other person reacted. I cant believe you would jump to that conclusion about someone you do not even know, lets be adults here.

Sorry man, and for any one who thinks the kid "got what he deserved", no way. I will prob be out voted here big time, but you dont freakin do that to a little kid. If you condone it your a jerk. Yes he is playing paintball, yes he did a REALLY stupid thing, you don't blast a little kid point blank. Sorry, no way I can ever be convinced it's ok. Oh, and being a jerk isn't a big deal, Im a jerk all the time, at least my wife says so ;)

06-16-2007, 02:13 AM
By the sound of it, the older player assumed the kid would surrender. When he bunkered him, and surrendered him, the kid shot him a few times. He then says something like "What are you shooting me for? I could have shot you" and then nails him.
That's what happens when all are not familiar with the rules pertaining to surrender.
Whenever myself or someone else in our group discusses surrendering someone. It is always made clear that if he chooses not to, he's toast.
That's assuming he's not facing you when you surrender him. If he's facing you, you're gonna get one up close.
I've been shot like that by a nervous youngster. The difference is, I was mature enough not to blast him back. Kids make errors. That's how they learn.
Teenagers don't learn.......they already know everything. :rofl:

06-16-2007, 02:14 AM
Sorry man, and for any one who thinks the kid "got what he deserved", no way. I will prob be out voted here big time, but you dont freakin do that to a little kid. If you condone it your a jerk. Yes he is playing paintball, yes he did a REALLY stupid thing, you don't blast a little kid point blank. Sorry, no way I can ever be convinced it's ok. Oh, and being a jerk isn't a big deal, Im a jerk all the time, at least my wife says so ;)

as much as i would want to not shoot the kind, honestly, i would probably had landed a shot back, granted, aiming for the leg or something.

why? i hate when kids go on to the field after not listening to the refs explain the rules. i dont know the whole situation, but it seems the kid did either not know the rules.

i am a firm believer in the double standard for new players, (ie, if you come up from behind a newbie, shoot only once in the pack or something) but this doesnt apply to people that dont bother to learn the rules.

either way, it looks (and sounds) like the kid isnt ready to be playing on a field yet

06-16-2007, 02:35 AM
Guys, the way this looks to me is that the "adult" called for a surrender.

Now it is known that simply calling for a surrender in no way requires them to do so. And the boy didn't.

He turned and fired.

And per the "adults" statement "what did you shoot me for, I coulda..." says that the kid got him. He is out.

And yet he took a cheep shot and zaped the kid.

I don't know about any of you but he is out of any game I am part of. If I had witnessed this personally I would be pushing that he be banned from the field.

It is a cheep shot, it is cheeting, and it is things like this that drives the new players away from the sport. I am shocked. :eek: :mad:

06-16-2007, 02:41 AM
I don't know about any of you but he is out of any game I am part of. If I had witnessed this personally I would be pushing that he be banned from the field.

It is a cheep shot, it is cheeting, and it is things like this that drives the new players away from the sport. I am shocked. :eek: :mad:

at my local field(and many others i know of), it is not a suggestion to surrender, but it is mandatory. the munchkin shooting would get HIM kicked off of the field (insurance company regulations)

06-16-2007, 05:17 AM
The insurance company requires that anyone that shoots a young player should be kicked off the field? Gee, that would make for fun games :rolleyes:

I can't get the darned thing to load either so there might be some assumptions based on fallacy here.

If you're on the field you follow the rules, where I play 10-15 feet means surrender. You offer surrender, the other player may choose to turn and shoot, but at that point he's probably toast.

It doesn't matter what your age is, if you're on the field you're expected to act like an adult. That means 10 year olds who don't surrender and 17 year olds who shot people on a surrender.

I realize we don't like in an ideal world but those types of rules should be very easy to follow.

06-16-2007, 07:03 AM
Now it is known that simply calling for a surrender in no way requires them to do so. And the boy didn't.

That is the way I have always known it to work. The older guy asked him to surrender, the kid turned around with his marker ready to shoot and the older guy just stands there, he should have expected to be shot at right then. The kid shot him, the older guy is out plain and simple.

Maybe some fields have a mandatory surender rule, but there are some that dont. Wether that field has a rule on it, no body knows, but if it happened at my field, the older guy would be in the wrong. Heck if you your going to shoot a kid that close, shoot him in the foot or barrel tag him. :tard:

06-16-2007, 12:01 PM
That is the way I have always known it to work. The older guy asked him to surrender, the kid turned around with his marker ready to shoot and the older guy just stands there, he should have expected to be shot at right then. The kid shot him, the older guy is out plain and simple.

Maybe some fields have a mandatory surender rule, but there are some that dont. Wether that field has a rule on it, no body knows, but if it happened at my field, the older guy would be in the wrong. Heck if you your going to shoot a kid that close, shoot him in the foot or barrel tag him. :tard:

Where I play, it's optional. If you get surrendered, you're options are:

a) Put your marker in the air immediately and walk away.
b) Move and shoot. Most likely you get shot.

It appears to me in the video that the older guy thought he was being cool by surrendering a little kid. The kid turned and shot, the old guy got his ego bruised, and tried teaching the kid a lesson. Where I play, the older guy would have been in the wrong, and most likely sat out for a game or two.

06-16-2007, 07:25 PM
Guys, I read this thread and almost cried. YOU ARE FIGHTING OVER A LITTLE KID GETTING SHOT YEARS AGO. It dosn't matter now, and you are fighting over wether it is wrong or not? I don't care, I think they were both wrong and I also think that this thread should be closed.

EDIT: I have a little brother that plays and if an older guy like that had shot him without thinking.... His face would have been busted so bad9I would also had yelled at my bro later too though).

06-16-2007, 07:31 PM
Im not commenting on this video, im commenting on little kids playing paintball..

Its not surprizing to me that everytime I see a little kid playing paintball HE DOES SOMETHING STUPID.

Hell I almost lit a kid up who apparantly got out the other day, and i didnt know it, and he walks out behind a can with his mask completely off and in his hand.

Or another time when something similar to this happened to a buddy of mine. little 6 y.o. kid lit him up AFTER A BARREL TAG, that day was rec ball and there are rules against it.

I dont like playing with little kids..

06-16-2007, 09:42 PM
most little kids are obedient, if not a bit slow on the uptake. I don't mind them, they just need to be instructed a little more

The problem is the ones that are simply too little to understand whats going on or have abnormally small heads. The latter scares me more than the former.

06-16-2007, 09:48 PM
WOW, havent seen that one before :spit_take


06-16-2007, 10:05 PM
Kill them both! Kill everyone who has ever made a mistake on the field! Oh wait...

Temo Vryce
06-17-2007, 05:30 AM
There is one simple thing that everyone has over looked. The older individual didn't ask for a surrender. He simply stated that "you're dead". This is not a surrender it's more of a barrel tag but he never touched the kid with his barrel. To me the kid was in the right to shoot the guy. Surrendering is an option. Unless you're right behind me, it's not an option that I'm going to take. If you ask someone to surrender, you're taking a chance on the person saying no and trying to shoot you. The ____ in the video took that chance and lost and took it out on the kid because he didn't listen to the rules closely enough. Actions like that are not acceptable no matter the age of individuals involved.