View Full Version : Viper Invitation Paintball: "26" at Blanding in October

06-17-2007, 10:45 AM
The players asked for it...

* Blanding

* Use of windows and fire escapes

* More involved, multifaceted missions

* Professional theatrical effects

* Invitation only

* Limited to 300 paid players, handpicked by the commanders

* Professional reffing

* Only the highest levels of sportsmanship and competition


As this is no ordinary paintball event, I have handpicked two extraordinary leaders to command the sides.

Our first commander:

A man who is head-and-shoulders above most (partially because he’s about seven feet tall). He is the captain of one of the largest and most respected teams in the Midwestern United States. A team that specializes in “special weapons” and “command and control.” Although he’s only been playing for about five years, he has learned from many of the best, and is always striving to improve his skills and his team’s effectiveness. He has served as a field commander at three Blanding events, and has never been defeated when traveling to other areas.

Leading CTU...I am proud to introduce Cody “Hawk” Lawton of 1st Mercenary Group (1MG)

(Insert uproarious applause here)

And his opponent:

Hailing from Georgia, and being infamous in his own right for a number of years, he was once a member of the loved/hated “Sons Of The Apocalypse” paintball team. After a number of years with them he and others left to form his current team. His laid-back attitude could easily mislead an opponent to underestimate him. However, having played at multiple producers’ events, at Blanding, and commanded at events like Florida’s Grand Finale with 2000 players, this commander is plenty “long in the tooth” and rife with the kind of experience that will make him a formidable opponent.

Leading the terror cell will be Mark “Mudguts” Cohea of “The Moles.”

This will be the process for registering for the event:

* Commanders are in the process of recruiting now.

* They each have until July 31st to send me a complete roster of 150 complete, full names.

* Once rosters are received and approved at our offices the players will be instructed on how to register. We will likely have a Paypal link set up so, if you don't have a Paypal account, and you get invited, set one up ASAP.

* Players will have 14 days from notification to get us their payment, as well as all necessary documents. That means in our hands...not just in the mail.

* After that any unclaimed spots will be removed from the two lists, and replaced with players invited by Viper Enterprises. Please do not mail us requesting these slots. If it looks like there will be openings we will post an announcement and you may, then, submit your request and qualifications.

* These players (if applicable) will need to get all payment and documents to us by August 31st.

Just as with the rest of this event, the registration process will be much different and more exacting than usual due to the higher level of organization needed.

So, as you can see, if you are invited you need to be standing by with funds at the ready. At this point we plan to have only two options:
* Pay for registration only ($150)
* Pay for registration, first case, and HPA ($250)

If paying via Paypal you will be able to fax or scan-and-email your forms to us.

Stay tuned to www.viperpaintball.com for more announcements...

06-17-2007, 12:50 PM

If you don't "get it" then it is likely that you are not among the ranks of the more skilled players who get tired of feeling that they are playing against fields of newbies. What fun is it for Shaq to go and play pick up at the local city park?

There are a number of truly badass players out there who dream of an event where they can play as hard as they can against opponents playing just as hard, and where no one will whine about wanting the other side to "back off and give them a chance" or that "the other side had all the good players."

At this event they will all be "good players." That is what this is about.

So if you haven't, yet, developed the skills to be invited to such an event by the two knowledgeable and experienced commanders who will be leading the two sides then perhaps, if you strive to learn and improve, you may be invited to one in the future. :)

06-17-2007, 01:32 PM
Kind of expensive but seems worth it in the end. Of course I havent factored in all the gas it would cost to get there and back :( Blanding is an mazing facility though...

Mike Smith
06-17-2007, 01:54 PM
Kind of expensive but seems worth it in the end. Of course I havent factored in all the gas it would cost to get there and back :( Blanding is an mazing facility though...

I'm looking at $250-$320 for the game, $185 for lodging, $260 for air fare, and $150 for a rental car. Grand total = $915 plus food.
DAMN!!!!! I shouldn't have done the math until I came BACK from Blanding!!!! :eek: :eek: :wow:

06-17-2007, 02:13 PM
I'm looking at $250-$320 for the game, $185 for lodging, $260 for air fare, and $150 for a rental car. Grand total = $915 plus food.
DAMN!!!!! I shouldn't have done the math until I came BACK from Blanding!!!! :eek: :eek: :wow:


I guess im lucky I live fairly close, atleast close enough to make the drive cheap enough rather than flying. Still though Im not sure I would spend that much on one game, too many bills and insane car insurance :(

06-17-2007, 02:57 PM
lol some elitist scenario?

whos to say that random people dont have good skill? I've been wanting to play blanding for a while now, and was really looking foreward to another game this year.

Whatever, im actually disappointed in viper scenarios now.

Lawrence TB Wright
06-17-2007, 03:01 PM
Why can't the people who want to play hard core without listening to the newbs cry have a game? Even if they want to pay more for it? Jeez, if you don't like it don't send in your resume, quit thinking that this is all Viper's doing, quite a few players want to do this.

If you want to play, play if not, then leave it alone. Quit attacking the idea.

06-17-2007, 03:02 PM
Good for the players, I hope they have fun.

06-19-2007, 01:49 PM
Wish I could go, what Viper has up his sleeve looks awsome.

06-19-2007, 04:01 PM
I would like to think that I am among the elite long time players...although even as I have been to many games through the years, I have had more of a tendency to keep to myself or within the group I came with. Some may know of a few, including the Moist Donuts....lol, not exactly giving a stand up reference there, lol.

It sounds great, especially with the use of the areas that haven't been a part of the previous games. That facility is badass!!! Seeing how I neither know these commanders and much less chance that they know me...I have to say to those special few that will be making it, to have fun for me. 300 players on that field should be ideal. Quite a few of the past events were too crowded most of the time to be anything other than a large stalemate. That time of year the weather should be quite agreeable as well.

Thanks to you Viper, for taking the time to go through the motions and post an invite announcement here. In spite of your obvious distaste with the way "we" reacted to this information in the other thread, you went ahead and took the time to post it anyway. I might decide I like you after all..... :D

06-19-2007, 04:11 PM
I'm getting lots of questions form players who are excited about the event, and want more details on what to expect...so here is the short list...

What you'll get:

* A custom, personalized event ID badge (with photo if you send us a passport-style photo. Gag pics will NOT be accepted/used)

* A mission-briefing styled dossier (not your basic player pack) including important game info and a waterproof map

* An event t-shirt. The back will feature the event logo and info. The front will state the obvious; "Don't hate me because I'm GOOD!"

* Confirmation that you are considered amongst the best players in the country. :wink:

What makes this event different:

* The missions will be much more complex. Rather than a simple mission every 15 minutes, there will be complex missions requiring multiple objectives, multiple types of specialists, and more complex goals. You may be required to take a communications expert and a computer hacker, go to a specified location and meet a non-player character who will tell you about the whereabouts of a satellite uplink. You may then have to go and acquire the uplink, and then take it to another area where the hacker will hook it up and access the system, and then the communications expert will link into the satellite and upload data.

* The level of competition will be higher, as these are the best players in the country according to the two commanders and their adjuncts. Unlike games where you are asked to “back off and play nice” and, sometimes, you feel obligated to, at this game you are expected to play as well, and hard, as you can. This does not mean that you can play like an ***, but it does mean you can play hardball with a smile on your face and a good attitude.

* The level of sportsmanship will be higher. There will be a no-tolerance approach to this. The best of the best shouldn’t need babysitting by the refs. Reports of bad behavior from the refs will result in the captain being pulled off the field and given one warning. Further reports will result in their being asked to leave. All players/teams will agree to this before the event.

* The game will have more effects and opportunities. As there will be no inexperienced players, or those unable to embrace unfamiliar concepts, we will be able to provide players with many opportunities that would be nearly impossible in a normal scenario event, including the use of fire escapes, windows, and enhanced tools at your disposal for clearing rooms are just some of the additional things players will be able to enjoy.

* The game will feature a very-involved storyline. As the story is inspired by the popular series “24” we want to factor all of the excitement and suspense of that show into the event. With hourly revelations and dozens of non-player characters (“extras”) the story, and its development, will play a big part in where the story goes, and what happens next. We hope, in this way, to have an unprecedented level of involvement and interest by all players in what is currently going on with the story. However, this is still a Viper Paintball production, which means that mission points are what will win the game. However, what happens in the story may make it easier/harder for you to score them.

So that is a taste of what's in store for those of you who can make it. More details will be released as we get input from players and futher examine the possibilities.

Lawrence TB Wright
06-19-2007, 04:21 PM
I would like to think that I am among the elite long time players...although even as I have been to many games through the years, I have had more of a tendency to keep to myself or within the group I came with. Some may know of a few, including the Moist Donuts....lol, not exactly giving a stand up reference there, lol.

It sounds great, especially with the use of the areas that haven't been a part of the previous games. That facility is badass!!! Seeing how I neither know these commanders and much less chance that they know me...I have to say to those special few that will be making it, to have fun for me. 300 players on that field should be ideal. Quite a few of the past events were too crowded most of the time to be anything other than a large stalemate. That time of year the weather should be quite agreeable as well.

Thanks to you Viper, for taking the time to go through the motions and post an invite announcement here. In spite of your obvious distaste with the way "we" reacted to this information in the other thread, you went ahead and took the time to post it anyway. I might decide I like you after all..... :D

Both commanders have made it known that they do not know everyone and want people to submit a resume if you will to them so that they can make the determination. It isn't as elitist as it sounds.

Emails for the Generals:

Muddy [email protected]
Hawk [email protected]

Lawrence TB Wright
06-19-2007, 04:25 PM
So I've traded some emails with Viper and here is something I would like to see. No stand downs except for dinner and breakfast.

Game On: 1200
Dinner: 1800
Game On: 1900
Breakfast: 0700
Game On: 0800
Game End: 1400

This will be a true testament of hard core with players playing all night or in shifts. But a game like this needs to have max amount of time to play. I only mention this because of the trends of players to go to bed before midnight and if he knows about it now, he can plan on the game to go on all night. I mean Jack Bauer and CTU never sleeps, it is a 24 hour day. So you guys game to push the envelope?

BTW: THis makes it a true 24 hour scenario in a 26 hour period, with 2 1 hour breaks.

So money wise? That's around $10 an hour to play vs the standard $11.50 to play a 'regular' scenario. So commanders and players, we down to do this?

06-19-2007, 04:27 PM
Very true.

This isn't a game of popular players...it's a game for skilled players. If you got skills and credentials, and think you would be an asset, let them know.

06-19-2007, 04:34 PM
So I've traded some emails with Viper and here is something I would like to see. No stand downs except for dinner and breakfast.

Game On: 1200
Dinner: 1800
Game On: 1900
Breakfast: 0700
Game On: 0800
Game End: 1400

This will be a true testament of hard core with players playing all night or in shifts. But a game like this needs to have max amount of time to play. I only mention this because of the trends of players to go to bed before midnight and if he knows about it now, he can plan on the game to go on all night. I mean Jack Bauer and CTU never sleeps, it is a 24 hour day. So you guys game to push the envelope?

BTW: THis makes it a true 24 hour scenario in a 26 hour period, with 2 1 hour breaks.

So money wise? That's around $10 an hour to play vs the standard $11.50 to play a 'regular' scenario. So commanders and players, we down to do this?

I am only good for about six hours of good play these days. Everything from there on is downhill, fast!

Mike Smith
06-19-2007, 05:56 PM
I am only good for about six hours of good play these days. Everything from there on is downhill, fast!

Yea, I plan on going and I'm 57. What's your excuse... :cool:

And, no... I do not want to play all night. I
have a comfortable cabin at the State Park!
I should be good till 11:00 pm.

06-19-2007, 06:30 PM
man...i would absolutely love to do something like this.

I would like the think i am good enough. Capable enough, and experianced enough. But the trouble is, im just another face on another field here in central illinois. Actually, me and my "squad" of players would exell at something like this. Too bad this sorta thing doesnt happen alot.

06-19-2007, 07:49 PM
Make the trip up to Sherwood for Vipers RTS and get a taste of it my friend...I am sure one of the Commanders would love to get a squad of players running missions for him.

While no Blanding, Sherwood is a GREAT field!

06-19-2007, 08:05 PM
I would love to be a commanders "personal" squad. Actually, what a great way to bill it......hmmm.....

06-19-2007, 09:45 PM
Just curious as to the availability of a photographers pass.Not sure I could afford to come down and play,but would definitely be interested in covering such an event :headbang:

06-19-2007, 09:58 PM
Entry will likely be limited to staff, players, and official media.


SN toter
06-20-2007, 01:55 PM
damn...its just too far...

06-21-2007, 11:34 AM
show details
Jun 20 (15 hours ago)
Welcome to CTU Eric! You're in.


Looks like I made the cut!!
