View Full Version : JW Dundee's Honey Brown beer

06-20-2007, 12:47 PM
Well I'm having one right now and damnit it's good. It's brewed locally to me and I was just wondering if they sell it anywhere else. It's really smooth and the honey taste isn't overpowering like some flavored girl drink. Anyone else ever had this stuff?

06-20-2007, 12:55 PM
Yep, good stuff, but a little heavy. It is one of my "winter beers". I'm pretty sure it is available nationwide and is brewed by one of the big 3.

06-20-2007, 01:05 PM
Hey that's pretty neat. And here I thought they only sold it locally. I live about 15-20 minutes from the High Falls Brewing Co where it's made. Heavy? Yea I guess it's a wee bit heavy, but I'm just sitting here in the cool, air conditioned house lol. I mean, it's by no means Guinness Stout heavy lol.

06-20-2007, 03:53 PM
Oddly enough we only get the Honey Brown, no Genessee of any kind or any of the other JW Dundees. Such is life in the desert I guess.

06-20-2007, 06:10 PM
Guiness isn't actually that heavy, its a false perception due to the nitrogenation of the beer :)

And yeah, Honey Brown is good stuff.

06-20-2007, 06:29 PM
No way, honey brown is the worst beer I've ever had. And I drink a lot of beer. It's like they tried extra hard to make it taste bad.

But +1 on the guinness not really being that heavy. :cheers:

06-20-2007, 07:05 PM
The honey flavor in Honey Brown reminds me of mead, with which I've had some iffy experiences.

Guinness = light, easy drinking.

Now Three Floyds Dark Lord, THAT'S a heavy beer. They describe it as being like "motor oil" on the bottle. And they aren't kidding.

06-20-2007, 07:12 PM
Honey brown is good.

Guinness is not heavy.

You're just a pansy.

06-21-2007, 05:04 AM
Hey that's pretty neat. And here I thought they only sold it locally. I live about 15-20 minutes from the High Falls Brewing Co where it's made. Heavy? Yea I guess it's a wee bit heavy, but I'm just sitting here in the cool, air conditioned house lol. I mean, it's by no means Guinness Stout heavy lol.

rochester? or a burb?

<-- is from walworth

07-01-2007, 03:06 PM
Yeah, I can get that stuff in Mass, it's one of the decent beers you can get in the bars around UMass Amherst without spending a lot. Kind of sucks, most of the time it's either crappy Miller Lite for cheap or better beers for way too much. Honey Brown's a pretty decent balance, though. Affordable and worth drinking.

Found my new favorite beer, though. I was just up in Kennebunkport, Maine for a week and hit Federal Jack's a lot, all the nice Shipyard beers there rock. Anyway, Old Thumper rocks my world. It's a non-traditional english bitter, and it's the best damn beer I've ever had. Just thought you all should know.

07-01-2007, 10:44 PM
+1 on the Old Thumper. There was a shipyard brewpub on my ride to work. Great beers.