View Full Version : Cali AO Meet Pic Thread

06-25-2007, 05:45 PM
First wanted to thank everyone that made the tirp out to our place for one fun day of ballin. My wife and I both had a blast playing, seeing some of you again, and meeting some for the first time!
Big thanks to Loguzzzzzz for not only supplying the killer food but for cooking it too! :cheers:
Big thanks to Geekwarrior and Loguzzzzzz's son Daniel for the help setting up the airball field! :cheers:
Big thanks to Loguzzzzzz's son Daniel, rudz, D4M4don3, and Finchman for field breakdown and cleaning of the airball field! :cheers:

Here are some pics, and I know rudz has some more he will post up later.

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone), shot with C700UZ. (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=C700UZ.&make=OLYMPUS+OPTICAL+CO.%2CLTD.) at 2007-06-25
By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone), shot with C700UZ. (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=C700UZ.&make=OLYMPUS+OPTICAL+CO.%2CLTD.) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone), shot with C700UZ. (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?
model=C700UZ.&make=OLYMPUS+OPTICAL+CO.%2CLTD.) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone), shot with C700UZ. (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=C700UZ.&make=OLYMPUS+OPTICAL+CO.%2CLTD.) at 2007-06-25

06-25-2007, 05:46 PM
By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone), shot with C700UZ. (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=C700UZ.&make=OLYMPUS+OPTICAL+CO.%2CLTD.) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone), shot with C700UZ. (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=C700UZ.&make=OLYMPUS+OPTICAL+CO.%2CLTD.) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone), shot with C700UZ. (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=C700UZ.&make=OLYMPUS+OPTICAL+CO.%2CLTD.) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone), shot with C700UZ. (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=C700UZ.&make=OLYMPUS+OPTICAL+CO.%2CLTD.) at 2007-06-25

] at 2007-06-25

http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/3397/aocalimeetyosn2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

06-25-2007, 05:47 PM
By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone), shot with C700UZ. (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=C700UZ.&make=OLYMPUS+OPTICAL+CO.%2CLTD.) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone), shot with C700UZ. (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=C700UZ.&make=OLYMPUS+OPTICAL+CO.%2CLTD.) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone), shot with C700UZ. (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=C700UZ.&make=OLYMPUS+OPTICAL+CO.%2CLTD.) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone), shot with C700UZ. (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=C700UZ.&make=OLYMPUS+OPTICAL+CO.%2CLTD.) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone), shot with C700UZ. (http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=C700UZ.&make=OLYMPUS+OPTICAL+CO.%2CLTD.) at 2007-06-25

By atachone (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/atachone)

http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/8870/aopaintballmeetjn9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

06-25-2007, 05:51 PM
the victim, atachone

the culprit, mrs atachone

she triple tapped him in the back when he was out, bwhahahahaha

you can see our duct tape job in the background, but this is "the man, the myth, the legend" atachone, and thats his new civil war pb junkies jersey made for shatnerball, he got it new off ebay , i think he slept with it on too... :eek:


loguzz is on the recieving end of geekwarrior :shooting:

06-25-2007, 05:57 PM

mindeseye atachs daddy


06-25-2007, 05:59 PM
thanks for sharing fellaz..... Hopefully next time..... I'd make it to one of the meet(s)..

Looks like it was a weekend of fun and fill.... :cheers: :headbang: :clap:

06-25-2007, 06:07 PM
wow, deflate those bunkers before they explode!!! also, plugs IN. ;)

06-25-2007, 06:14 PM
wow, deflate those bunkers before they explode!!! also, plugs IN. ;)
Ya that would of been the thing to do. :) Them babies tightend up the hotter it got. :cheers:

06-25-2007, 07:05 PM
awesome pics! well worth the drive, and the uh, undercover trip there. :ninja: :rofl:

06-25-2007, 07:15 PM
Damnit why do I have to live in the north east. Nothing good ever happens around me. :mad:

06-25-2007, 07:28 PM
Looks like a blast. Can't wait for the next one. I hear there is a train station nearby? That may make it easier for me next time.

06-25-2007, 07:51 PM
Is that Atach's dad rockin a Mini? LOL shame!!

I see Rudz put the damn pump down and picked up his SFL. How's that thing shooting after now? :ninja:

06-25-2007, 08:12 PM
Is that Atach's dad rockin a Mini? LOL shame!!

Ummm......I hadn't played in about 1 1/2 month so it was my first chance to excercise the Mini. Very nice little weapon. The rest of the day was spent with my Xmag. For what it's worth, geekwarrior and I were sporting matching Mini color motifs. I had a blast hanging out with all the guys who stationed in the "duct tape tent".

06-25-2007, 08:17 PM
Looks like a blast. Can't wait for the next one. I hear there is a train station nearby? That may make it easier for me next time.
Santa Barbara Train station. I'll pick ya up. :cheers:

06-25-2007, 08:56 PM
I had a blast hanging out with all the guys who stationed in the "duct tape tent".

Duct tape tent?! I hope someone got a picture of that. Sounds kinky.

06-25-2007, 09:05 PM
Damnit why do I have to live in the north east. Nothing good ever happens around me. :mad:

plenty of stuff going on in the northeast. we just had an aka/ao day at fox4 saturday.

06-25-2007, 09:46 PM
Duct tape tent?! I hope someone got a picture of that. Sounds kinky.
Lol. I think rudz does. :D

mr doo doo
06-26-2007, 12:25 AM
oh... i wish i was like you guys...

06-26-2007, 01:02 AM
Is that Atach's dad rockin a Mini? LOL shame!!

I see Rudz put the damn pump down and picked up his SFL. How's that thing shooting after now? :ninja:

i only brought it cuz tach said i had too, i ended up using it thru fate, batteries didnt last long , because i didnt intend to use it, but she ripped away in mech all day, prolly made it more fair, i used to pump for a sec on sunday, but not much, i needed to use up the paint i had..

06-26-2007, 01:53 AM
Looks like I missed out... :(

That looked like a lot of fun! Go AO SoCal! :headbang:

06-26-2007, 08:39 AM
i posted some piks, ill find more when i get home from work today

06-26-2007, 08:50 AM
loguzz is on the recieving end of geekwarrior :shooting:

actually we traded out, he got me in the arm ;)

steve on the other hand, was on the receiving end that game....he thought he had it easy when it was 2 on 1....and dint see me move up. :D

06-26-2007, 09:02 AM

oooh erics playing on!!!!!

06-26-2007, 09:49 AM
Lol, I wasn't playing on there, I brought the marker down to check if I got hit and what do ya know I did. :D And that exchange with geekwarrior is with my pop mind'seye. :cheers:

06-26-2007, 09:52 AM
you really should put sunblock up there..

06-26-2007, 09:54 AM
you really should put sunblock up there..
hehe, I always do! :D

06-26-2007, 11:19 AM
As you can note in the Triple Tap bruise pic. Do not mess with Tach, his pinky can crush you. :rofl:

06-26-2007, 11:50 AM
will ms atachone be at the next event? will she have equally as hot friends with her, as well"?

06-26-2007, 12:01 PM
Looks like a good time guys! Maybe next time.............. :ninja:

06-26-2007, 01:23 PM
i really pictured you as being middle aged, ATO. oh well

06-26-2007, 02:37 PM
will ms atachone be at the next event? will she have equally as hot friends with her, as well"?
Oh yes she will, but her friends are too chicken. ;)

i really pictured you as being middle aged, ATO. oh well
Lol, thanks. :p

06-26-2007, 02:44 PM
Oh yes she will, but her friends are too chicken. ;)

Lol, thanks. :p

Did you spend alot of time teaching the mrs to play, or is it just natural talent? She's certainly one of the better girls i've seen on the field, plays both sides of the bunker well, doesn't get tunnel vision, isn't afraid to move, etc.

06-26-2007, 03:34 PM
Did you spend alot of time teaching the mrs to play, or is it just natural talent? She's certainly one of the better girls i've seen on the field, plays both sides of the bunker well, doesn't get tunnel vision, isn't afraid to move, etc.
In all honesty, natural talent. She doesn't even play that much and she snap shoot's hell of alot better than me. I wish she played more but just playing some is sweet enough. :cheers:

06-26-2007, 06:24 PM
i really pictured you as being middle aged, ATO. oh well

I pictured him with more hair :-)

RvB Caboose
06-26-2007, 07:44 PM
That looks like it was a really good time. Good pics. If I lived in the states I would have gone. Looks like I'll have to organize a Europe-wide Automag meet. I'm still on step 1: find someone else who owns a Mag... :(

06-26-2007, 08:38 PM
As you can note in the Triple Tap bruise pic. Do not mess with Tach, his pinky can crush you. :rofl:
With the pinky huh? Kryptonite = Wifey. Obviously! :D

06-26-2007, 09:48 PM
Hey rudz............remember this... :D

im writing loguzzzzzz on my barell... :rofl:Then you won't mind if I put rudz on my balls...............................paint that is. :D

.......remember these...........

<a href="http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/6324/rudzballs1ee5.jpg"><img src="http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/6324/rudzballs1ee5.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

Just a sample!!! :eek:



06-27-2007, 01:51 AM
Good times indeed!

06-27-2007, 08:29 AM
Hey rudz............remember this... :D

<a href="http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/6324/rudzballs1ee5.jpg"><img src="http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/6324/rudzballs1ee5.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

Just a sample!!!


I thought it was great, rudz has blue balls! :argh:

awesome pics! well worth the drive, and the uh, undercover trip there. :ninja: :rofl:
You know, this showed me the dedication and love you have for paintball.....But damn you got balls! :rofl: Marrige turned you into James Bond yo!

06-27-2007, 11:55 AM
hey!!! loguzz was supposed to let me have thoe balls!!!!

06-27-2007, 01:33 PM
Hey, you got some nice shots there!

Thanks again Eric, the fellas and I had a blast :D

06-27-2007, 01:41 PM
With the pinky huh? Kryptonite = Wifey. Obviously! :D

Hey Tach- Next event at your place. Hopefully your house is finished and you guys are all moved in.

We will need to find a good excuse to get rid of your wife for an hour or so. Send her to get lunch or a mani-pedi. Whatever!

Once shes gone you can give us a tour of your panic room. Atachs Fort Knoxs! We all know that the bed picture is just the tip of the ice berg. That bed pic only represents what your wife actually knows about. We want to see the whole collection.

I figure an hour will be enough time to see them all.

Of course I realize there will be no pictures allowed and we will all have to sign a silence clause.

Wouldn't want to blow your cover.

06-27-2007, 02:11 PM
hey!!! loguzz was supposed to let me have thoe balls!!!!
In my mad dash to get on the road (6 hour drive) I forgot to leave them. :tard:

PM me an address and I will send them to you. :D

Great Fun! Me and Xecutioner (Daniel) look forward to the next opportunity to play with you guys................Monterey :ninja:

06-27-2007, 02:15 PM
I my mad dash to get on the road (6 hour drive) I forgot to leave them. :tard:

PM me an address and I will send them to you. :D

Great Fun! Me and Xecutioner (Daniel) look forward to the next opportunity to play with you guys................Monterey :ninja:

lol we ended up for 2 hours on the 101stuck in traffic, so our travel time was about equal yours. :spit_take

06-27-2007, 03:35 PM
That looks like it was a really good time. Good pics. If I lived in the states I would have gone. Looks like I'll have to organize a Europe-wide Automag meet. I'm still on step 1: find someone else who owns a Mag... :(

Then you haven't been looking hard enough ;)

mr doo doo
06-27-2007, 04:35 PM
shoot, where is this in south california anyways? might be going to college around there in a year or so, so i hope this keeps going!!

06-27-2007, 04:44 PM
shoot, where is this in south california anyways? might be going to college around there in a year or so, so i hope this keeps going!!

this is up by santa barbara, but we've been having games all over Southern CA. :cheers:

mr doo doo
06-27-2007, 04:46 PM
cool, i cant wait! im up in san rafael (near san francisco) so i miss every AO event.

06-27-2007, 05:33 PM
this is up by santa barbara, but we've been having games all over Southern CA. :cheers:

Technically Goleta/Buellton so that was actually Central California. :eek:

06-27-2007, 09:15 PM
so cal, hmm this is all cal now, we growing, we have events from san diego to santa barbara, loguzz was from 6 hours north of santa barbara and me and d4m4don were about 4 hours south, so technically that event was an all cal showup, good job guys

06-27-2007, 10:00 PM
Wow... I'm on the "ATO seemed to be middle aged" boat. Sorry ATO...

Nice pics tho.. :dance:

06-27-2007, 10:42 PM
Eric, man I could have went looks like a lot of fun.

06-28-2007, 12:14 AM
Wow... I'm on the "ATO seemed to be middle aged" boat. Sorry ATO...

Nice pics tho.. :dance:
Hey, WTF! lol :p

Eric, man I could have went looks like a lot of fun.
Richard, are you serious?! :wow: Were you here in Cali and didn't check the AO Meet and Greet section? :cheers:

06-28-2007, 12:36 AM
Hey, WTF! lol :p

*hides from Mr. Buff ATO's wrath...* :eek:

06-28-2007, 12:45 AM
so cal, hmm this is all cal now, we growing, we have events from san diego to santa barbara, loguzz was from 6 hours north of santa barbara and me and d4m4don were about 4 hours south, so technically that event was an all cal showup, good job guys

.......The Return of the Automag........ :headbang:

06-28-2007, 08:50 AM
Come on now rudz, I know you have more pics on your camera. I saw them, now post up. :D

06-28-2007, 12:31 PM
yeah but my braodband is acting up and taking forever and a day to upload anything, plus im having some family issues that got me kinda tied up

06-28-2007, 03:54 PM
yeah but my braodband is acting up and taking forever and a day to upload anything, plus im having some family issues that got me kinda tied up

hmmmmm.....what did you do to your internetz now rudz?

06-28-2007, 04:56 PM
Hey, WTF! lol :p

Richard, are you serious?! :wow: Were you here in Cali and didn't check the AO Meet and Greet section? :cheers:

Northern Cali. Weekend are bad for me to travel :cry:

mr doo doo
06-28-2007, 08:37 PM
where in north california are you at flyingpootang? im in the bay area, so its like a 7 hour trip too if i were to go down there.

06-28-2007, 09:41 PM
Hey, you got some nice shots there!

Thanks again Eric, the fellas and I had a blast :D
It was friggin great that you guys showed, good to see you again, we had a blasg too! :cheers:

06-28-2007, 09:59 PM
It was friggin great that you guys showed, good to see you again, we had a blasg too! :cheers:

Looks like a great time fellas. Tach, you're a beast, dude. Actually, Rudz is a beast (literally) lol. I just wouldn't wanna arm wrestle you Tach. Maybe one day I'll be close enough to attend one of these evets.

06-29-2007, 12:05 AM
Norcal you guys need to setup some games. :cheers:

I know the old norcal crew is still bustling around (wake up guys!), But if need be the new guys need to step up and organize. :headbang:

mr doo doo
06-29-2007, 12:07 AM
shoot, if there was an AO meet somewhere in north califoolya, ill be there! even im such a noobie, ill be there for AGD's sake!

06-29-2007, 01:27 AM
Looks like a great time fellas. Tach, you're a beast, dude. Actually, Rudz is a beast (literally) lol. I just wouldn't wanna arm wrestle you Tach. Maybe one day I'll be close enough to attend one of these evets.
Ha, I am really weak, like weak weak. You could take me. :p ;) Lets make that one day you'll be close enough to attend an AO meet sooner than later. Just sayin that would fun as heck. :cheers:

06-29-2007, 08:39 PM
Looked like a great event, makes me even more excited about AO South this November... we havin a swap meet ya'll.

So A-Tach, what small percentage of your collection did you bring out? I bet there were some good'ns in the mix. What does the Mrs. shoot if I may ask?

06-29-2007, 11:37 PM
Looked like a great event, makes me even more excited about AO South this November... we havin a swap meet ya'll.

So A-Tach, what small percentage of your collection did you bring out? I bet there were some good'ns in the mix. What does the Mrs. shoot if I may ask?

that particular day me, atach and mrs tach all shot sfl emags

06-30-2007, 07:36 AM
Looked like a great event, makes me even more excited about AO South this November... we havin a swap meet ya'll.

So A-Tach, what small percentage of your collection did you bring out? I bet there were some good'ns in the mix. What does the Mrs. shoot if I may ask?
Well, about half of the collection came out but only a few saw daylight. Like rudz said, I used the satin blue SFL EMag and the wife used the gloss red SFL EMag. She normally uses a pewter XMag but we chose to shoot them for the day and they performed perfect. :cheers:

07-02-2007, 11:46 PM
Hey rudz............remember this... :D

.......remember these...........

<a href="http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/6324/rudzballs1ee5.jpg"><img src="http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/6324/rudzballs1ee5.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

Just a sample!!! :eek:



hey loguzz thanks, i just got my blue balls, lol

07-03-2007, 12:06 AM
whoa! that looks like crazy fun.

im glad the AO meetup spirit is alove and well in CA.

07-03-2007, 12:12 AM
we need an all cali weekend, from sacramento to san diego we need to show em what ao cali is made of :shooting:


mr doo doo
07-03-2007, 12:50 AM
fo sho!