View Full Version : MQ Valve to be made again... comback for the Aedes?

06-27-2007, 02:24 PM
So there's multipage thread over on PBN about a resurgance of the MQ Valve and it being produced by the originators and not by PBX (as they've dissapeared). It seems legit and the guys making it were in on the original MQ and they are working out the legalities of it currently.

Anyways, if the MQ comes back to market and a reliable source is found, does this mean that DW could finally come out with the Aedes? That would make me smile.

06-27-2007, 02:35 PM
So there's multipage thread over on PBN about a resurgance of the MQ Valve and it being produced by the originators and not by PBX (as they've dissapeared). It seems legit and the guys making it were in on the original MQ and they are working out the legalities of it currently.

Anyways, if the MQ comes back to market and a reliable source is found, does this mean that DW could finally come out with the Aedes? That would make me smile.


Well that puts my cyborg plans on the fence again. I had my eyes on the aedes when it was in dev. :headbang:

Can you link me to the thread? :cheers:

06-27-2007, 02:45 PM

Well that puts my cyborg plans on the fence again. I had my eyes on the aedes when it was in dev. :headbang:

Can you link me to the thread? :cheers:

I wouldn't wait on the aedes. Even if the valves are reproduced it would take a large order to make a mq based gun. So far it doesn't sound like they would be making the new valves in large quantities. I would like to have an aedes too, but it may be a while.

06-27-2007, 03:44 PM
What is the aedes? :confused:

06-27-2007, 03:48 PM
Nobody should hold their breath on this one... valve that is.


06-27-2007, 04:01 PM
For those who wish to know.....



06-27-2007, 07:14 PM
Nobody should hold their breath on this one... valve that is.


Seeing as how the creaters of the MQ valve are the ones in the thread who are saying they will be making it again... I'd say it stands a chance at being made.

06-27-2007, 07:29 PM
Then they should call it something else, and not after the actual old owner of PBX, whos initials are MQ...

06-27-2007, 07:40 PM
Then they should call it something else, and not after the actual old owner of PBX, whos initials are MQ...

MQ is Mike Quinn, the inventor. Mel Maravilla was the owner of PBX.

06-27-2007, 07:42 PM
The only problem I forsee...

Isn't the patent under Mel's name and NPS?

Or am I just imagining that...

06-27-2007, 07:48 PM
Or even better, MQ 'Mag. Anyone still got that picture?

06-27-2007, 07:49 PM
The only problem I forsee...

Isn't the patent under Mel's name and NPS?

Or am I just imagining that...


The names are Mel, Kerry Johnson, and Mike Quinn. NPS is listed as the assignee.

06-27-2007, 08:22 PM

The names are Mel, Kerry Johnson, and Mike Quinn. NPS is listed as the assignee.

Thanks for clearing that up.

06-28-2007, 06:19 AM
Well If Mike Quinn said he can produce it you can bet it will be done.
Him and Kerry johnson will be making them personally so there will be no quality issues.
Mel has nothing to do with the patent.
National has the say so and it seems they are behind the project as well.
I heard they have made some updates in it to make it even better.
So if DW wants to do the Aedes than the mq valve wont be the thing holding him back.
That may rest with Smart parts.

06-28-2007, 06:31 AM
SP wouldn't go for a small company like DW yet. SP will wait for DW to be larger and worth the litigation. For example, Alien paintball just signed with SP this past january ecause as they steadily grew they became worth more. I'm willing to bet DW could make 500-700 guns before SP even raised an eyebrow.

When you get a little pig you wait till fat before you eat it... then there's bacon ;)

06-28-2007, 08:08 AM
SP wouldn't go for a small company like DW yet. SP will wait for DW to be larger and worth the litigation. For example, Alien paintball just signed with SP this past january ecause as they steadily grew they became worth more. I'm willing to bet DW could make 500-700 guns before SP even raised an eyebrow.

When you get a little pig you wait till fat before you eat it... then there's bacon ;)

I would say DW would have to make more markers then that even, DP just now signed a deal with SP and by my rough guestimates, they have released around 3,000 fusions.

I cant wait to see what comes of this.

06-28-2007, 09:07 AM
No one knows how long they've gone with the C&D on hand before signing..

06-28-2007, 09:16 AM
I would say DW would have to make more markers then that even, DP just now signed a deal with SP and by my rough guestimates, they have released around 3,000 fusions.

I cant wait to see what comes of this.

PSSHhhhh What do you know about DP... or fusions for that matter :rolleyes:

06-28-2007, 09:20 AM
PSSHhhhh What do you know about DP... or fusions for that matter :rolleyes:

Nothing at all. :D

06-28-2007, 03:03 PM
Good clear up of the name.

Either way, they should still change the name... so people like me don't bring up the whole PBX crap from back in the day... :rolleyes: ;)

12-07-2007, 10:37 AM
As many of you probably know already, the MQ2 is available in small quantities as a pilot project. We are constantly getting feedback in order to improve the design as fast as possible. It is already head and shoulders above the original mQ-Valve. Faster, more efficient, more reliable, more idiot proof, lower pressure. I won't plug the website but I do need your help, I'm trying to get in touch with Potatoboy. If anyone knows how to reach him it is urgent and important that I talk to him ASAP.
If you are still active on these forums please e-mail me. Even though PBX is out of business there are some unresolved issues (no, I don't care what happened to all the markers at the Plex, this is totaly different).
-Mike Quinn

12-07-2007, 10:54 AM
whoa why no plug? maybe we want that..:p

12-07-2007, 11:12 AM
Well, generaly I don't like using the forums for blatant, obvious, shameless self promotion....but if you insist:
www.mqvalve.com (for ordering)
More infor at kajohnson.com
We'll eventualy do a real website that has all the info in one place, but we are still working out details.

12-07-2007, 11:18 AM
As many of you probably know already, the MQ2 is available in small quantities as a pilot project. We are constantly getting feedback in order to improve the design as fast as possible. It is already head and shoulders above the original mQ-Valve. Faster, more efficient, more reliable, more idiot proof, lower pressure. I won't plug the website but I do need your help, I'm trying to get in touch with Potatoboy. If anyone knows how to reach him it is urgent and important that I talk to him ASAP.
If you are still active on these forums please e-mail me. Even though PBX is out of business there are some unresolved issues (no, I don't care what happened to all the markers at the Plex, this is totaly different).
-Mike Quinn

tatoboy? the evil mod? havent seen him post in a long while.

the valves are still way too difficult to get for the average person as well as pricey when they do show up.

the reproduction has been stated for a few years now i believe, and as it appears only a few valves have trickled out.

I want to see them available as much as the next person, and i appreciate the work on improving them, but it doesnt seem like it will be available all that soon.

12-07-2007, 11:34 AM
What are the benefits of the MQ valve? Speed? reliability? sound signature?

12-07-2007, 11:40 AM
tatoboy? the evil mod? havent seen him post in a long while.

the valves are still way too difficult to get for the average person as well as pricey when they do show up.

the reproduction has been stated for a few years now i believe, and as it appears only a few valves have trickled out.

I want to see them available as much as the next person, and i appreciate the work on improving them, but it doesnt seem like it will be available all that soon.

I didn't know tato was "evil"....Oh well, I have his dad's home #, but I hate to act like a bill collector or something. Maybe I'll have to though.
Anyway, there are actualy valves available and in-stock at a few online stores like Moody, Compulsive, and mqvalve.com
What makes these valves a "pilot" run is that they are done in small batches and are not being advertised or promoted beyond a few key forums where we can get good feedback. That does not mean the are unavailable, just that the majority of the paintball community is not aware of them.....yet.
Also, these are for autocockers only, I'm just here in the mag forums to find Jason.

12-07-2007, 11:52 AM
I am curious...
I have heard a good review on these new MQ's. IIRC priced around $125 and far superior to the others. A fellow I was speaking to got one of the first run you started making again.

Will this new MQ valve work better with the racegun?
I have a problem now that the older MQ required more voltage than the racegun board and battery were designed to supply and has fried them both. I really like the valve and what it did for the marker. I had though to buy one of the new ones, but need to know if the voltage requirements are the same as the old.
This info about the board came to me directly from a well known racegun tech, I am not just pulling it out of my butt.

12-07-2007, 12:48 PM
The MQ2 from MTX Designs uses the same solenoid as the mQ1 from PBX. The difference is that you can run the MQ2 without the white spacer under the solenoid plunger spring. This reduces the force the solenoid needs to pop open the orifice. Furthermore the MQ2 has a smaller volume of air behind the poppet (by 22%) so it can dump faster, which means a lower dwell. The difference is small, but it might be all that is needed to allow it to run on a race frame. We have only sold one to someone with a race frame and that person put thier own connector on it and has had no trouble.