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View Full Version : Why you should buy n Automag

06-27-2007, 03:37 PM
I iam going to buy n automag of that iam sure,

My first marker i ever had was n Armson, i didnt realize at that time that it was a mag(mag like marker) it shot great but it had a unremovable bottom line so i had to sell it,

And now iam of to buy a RPG Paradigm Pro,

But why should i buy a Mag?
Its expensive, 500USD

Tell me the Pro's so my 554USD(incl shipping) will feel more well spent =)

06-27-2007, 04:02 PM

taken from pbn stickys

Why should I buy a mag?


I see threads like this once in a while. Someone new comes to the forum wondering about automags and why they are so great. The question of "Why should I buy one" comes up often so I thought I'd go ahead and list some reasons why exactly mags are so great.

Automags are synonymous with reliability. The very simplicity of the mag is the reason why. Mags are simple by nature, the design is simple and upkeep is even simpler. A few drops of oil in the ASA can keep a mag running for a long time. Ask any mag user and they'll tell you that their mag never gives them problems. This makes mags perfect for a backup gun or a primary. When the gun works perfect, you days will go by much easier.

This goes along with reliability. Mags are a simple design. Look at an xvalve or classic valve and you see pretty much the whole assembly of moving parts neccesary to fire (not counting the sear or body). Check out the mag animation here and compare it to the others on the page. The simplicity of the design aids in its reliability and the abiltiy to customize easily.

Customizability(is that a word?)
Mags are freakishly customizable. There are so many parts and upgrades on the market today that it will make your head spin. Whether they be from private dealers or straight from AGD, you are sure to find something to make your mag even better. If you want to build a gun from the ground up, a mag is a perfect alternative to the custom cocker.

WIth all those custom parts out there, mags have become a breed of their own. These days its come to the point where no two mags look the same. Theres vert grips, custom bodies, y grips, z grips, custom rails, foregrips, feednecks, you name it. If you want to stand out at the field instead of blending in with another bland generic gun, a custom mag is for you. You can build something totally unique or contact a private dealer to aid in the creation of your badass machine. Today, the only thing relating the custom mags out there is the valve.

I know that accuracy is based on paint to barrel match blah blah blah but i must say mags can be pretty damn accurate. They never let you down and with a properly tuned level 10 bolt, you'll never worry about chops again. This all translates to a fun and worry free day of paintball for you.

Not much. The mag has about 1oz of recipricating mass (love that level 10 bolt) which ends up translating to less kick. Way way less than a cocker but a tad bit more than say a timmy or a matrix.

Xvalved mags are capable of 26bps which in no way means that you can pull that fast but still its there if you need it. You wont be outshooting a mag anytime soon. Theres videos out there of mags clearing 30bps (not legally of course) so they are definately capable of great things. Mech triggers on mags are somewhat heavy but fast firing rates can easily be acheived with a little practice. That not your thing? The ULT drops the wieght of the pull down drastically. Still too much? With promising new developements such as the PTP pneumatic assist frame (hopefully coming soon), the devilmag frame, and PBX's mQvalve, eventually mags will be ripping just as fast as hgih end electros
Got girly arms? Not enough meat on yer bones? Mags got you covered. Yeah some people say mags are heavy but those people are living in the past. Its called ULE. Ultra light engineering. Mags are wicked light when properly set up with ULE bodies, rails, etc. Just as light as an 03 shocker when ULE'd.

Well resale value has gone a bit down lately, which translates to cheaper mags. You can pick up used mags for under 200 if you have a keen eye. Also, AGD offers great packages, as do the private dealers on AO. You can build your dream mag without emptying your pocketbook.

I built a custom mag to fit my needs over the summer. You'd be suprised what a comfortable setup can do for your playing skills. If you are comfortable with your gun, you'll feel a lot better on the field. A custom mag can be made to fit you like a glove.

I hope you enjoyed reading this little guide. If i missed anything, feel free to add. I hope this helped anyone out there who is considering buying a Mag. Remember to check out www.automags.org if you have any questions about mags, or feel free to pm me. Now i must do my homework!

here are some gun animations how the gun and lvlX works

AGD Authorized dealer list
store.airgun.com(offical site)
Themagsmith.com(assorted upgrades and custom built mags)
Tunamart.com(assorted upgrades and custom built mags)
logicpaintball.com(EM frame/pending completion-progress)
lukescustoms.com(aftermarket accesories)


Also check with local fields and pro shops, if they dont carry AGD products you should reccomend that they do.

list is Alphabetical by state

06-27-2007, 04:14 PM
^ Yeah that pretty much covers it... I can't think of a reason why you shouldn't buy a mag... so I think you should buy one. The RPG is great b/c you don't have to fuss with little parts like feednecks and detents... it's all taken care of for you, some people like to build up their own mags... Like me, but at this point it looks pretty similar to an RPG :rofl:

Just make sure you've got a good loader and a good airsource (preferably adjustable) and you'll love it. If you play back you might want to think about a big tank but with all day air it's all day fun with no hassles. Goodluck!

06-27-2007, 04:29 PM
Pretty much sums it all up...

Look forward at rocking that Paradigm pro!! That's money well spent. :)

"The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten"

Have fun with it!

06-27-2007, 04:32 PM
You can spend 500$ and get the latest Electro-craze. And it will shoot just like every other gun out there. You might have to buy a few up's , just to keep up with the Jones'es. And, you will get on the field and realize that you did not change the battery. This of course will be in the middle of a game and you will get shot in an embarrassing way. It will last for a while, then you will get tired of it and look for another marker.

OR, you can buy a marker that can evolve as you do. If your tastes change, then so can your marker. No batteries, and can still keep up with the electro guns. Mags are the Mercedes of the paintball world. Built with quality and longevity in mind.

06-27-2007, 05:00 PM
yep. thats a pretty good explanation.

Ive never been as happy with a marker as i have been with my mag.

06-27-2007, 08:35 PM
Because you can shoot 34bps and then go home and wash it in the sink :dance:

chill will
06-28-2007, 12:18 AM
Mags are the Mercedes of the paintball world. Built with quality and longevity in mind.

You also hit the nail on the head. I bought my first mag 2 years ago and the valve inside of it was from the mid 90, and still shoot like a champ. I dont now of any markers that can do that and not fry a board or two. Wheither you spend 100 or 500, you will get your moneies worth out of it.

And then go home and wash it in the sink.

06-28-2007, 01:24 AM
But why should i buy a Mag?
Its expensive, 500USD

Tell me the Pro's so my 554USD(incl shipping) will feel more well spent =)

You're paying for a precision killing machine made in the USA.

Easy to fix, reliable, and you can modify it as much as you want.

06-28-2007, 10:11 AM
Because you can shoot 34bps and then go home and wash it in the sink :dance:

My sister washes her mag in the sink... Its a good thing i got her a mag... :D

06-28-2007, 02:58 PM
thats great =))

Now iam totally convinced,

Ken Majors
06-29-2007, 11:37 PM
...But why should i buy a Mag?

...because it will always work, everytime, all the time.

06-30-2007, 12:28 AM
I iam going to buy n automag of that iam sure,

My first marker i ever had was n Armson, i didnt realize at that time that it was a mag(mag like marker) it shot great but it had a unremovable bottom line so i had to sell it,

And now iam of to buy a RPG Paradigm Pro,

But why should i buy a Mag?
Its expensive, 500USD

Tell me the Pro's so my 554USD(incl shipping) will feel more well spent =)

Well you can feel happy that when you pay that price all you would need ON TOP is a parts kit. Many other guns people can go straight to buying this and that to add. All you really need is a level 10 wether you want a mechanical mag or an e mag.

The downsides to a mag are that they aren't as light weight and not as stylish (at least if you get what AGD offeres). However there are many 3rd part parts especially mainbodies and such which are designed for looks (but would set you back more than $500).

An option to consider is buying used. A used gun will be alot cheaper and just as reliable (as long as the user didn't treat it like garbage). I bought an emag brand new and later sold it and put that towards a used x mag (and it was well used since it was from the AGD factory team). it was just as reliable as my new emag was. The feeling of a brand new gun of your very own is pretty sweet though.

Anyway, all I needed was a parts kit, and have only used a bolt spring for my 10 year old mag which wasn't maintained that well by its previous owner. JUST A BOLT SRPING which simply wore out (being 10 years old and all)!!!!!!

Whenever my mag was down for a day it was because of user error on my part, asside from when I needed to change the bolt spring. As for my user error, I either needed to lube the gun or didn't have the field strip screw in tight enough, but mags are very user friendly as long as you don't try and tinker with them. :clap:

06-30-2007, 01:59 PM
I iam going to buy n automag of that iam sure,

My first marker i ever had was n Armson, i didnt realize at that time that it was a mag(mag like marker) it shot great but it had a unremovable bottom line so i had to sell it,

And now iam of to buy a RPG Paradigm Pro,

But why should i buy a Mag?
Its expensive, 500USD

Tell me the Pro's so my 554USD(incl shipping) will feel more well spent =)
i have one and i love it!!! never let me down :cheers:

06-30-2007, 04:03 PM
Why you should buy an Automag ....................

............. because you can't customize any other gun to look as good as an agd gun!
............. because, autocockers all suck!
............. because, agd guns for the most part are affordable guns, but if you want to spend the money the a few out there you can buy for over 1000 duckets!
............. because, agd guns are the most reliable guns in the field.....hands-down!
............. because, the agd family kicks ____!

06-30-2007, 04:04 PM
My sister washes her mag in the sink... Its a good thing i got her a mag... :D
I've actually put mine in a dish washer before (minus valve). It cleaned up pretty good.

06-30-2007, 04:21 PM
I've actually put mine in a dish washer before (minus valve). It cleaned up pretty good.

She put the whole gun in... Last time i was at her place for her birthday, i picked up her case so i could take a close look at her marker. After removing the valve, i noticed there was water in the air chamber, so i asked her about it. She said: "Well it was a bit dirty so i washed it in the sink" :rofl:

And that is also why i got her a mag... I wanted a good gun for her, but idiot proof and maintenance friendly so even a girl without any technical background could not mess things up. (like putting it in a sink and washing it)

06-30-2007, 08:12 PM

07-03-2007, 12:38 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :spit_take :spit_take :spit_take

07-03-2007, 01:49 PM

And you married her? :confused: :rofl: :rofl:

07-03-2007, 09:46 PM
And you married her? :confused: :rofl: :rofl:

well i couldn't find anyone else at the time that was as close to "the total package" as she is..........so i'll be happy to wash the dishes for what she lacks.

which, to me isn't much...... :dance: :dance: :dance:


07-03-2007, 09:48 PM
I would buy an 06 timmy with 500 bucks, instead of a mag.

You will get better performance

07-03-2007, 11:23 PM
I would buy an 06 timmy with 500 bucks, instead of a mag.

You will get better performance

and you could have me carve you up real nice...

/name that movie!
//real quote is "but for a green card, ill carve him up real nice"
///dont be a loser and use google
////ill give you a cookie

07-03-2007, 11:36 PM
could... but I doubt it

07-04-2007, 01:03 AM
I would buy an 06 timmy with 500 bucks, instead of a mag.

You will get better performance
Meh. To each their own. I'll stick with my 'Mags. They just, well, "work" for me. This is comming from a guy who's owned a hundred or so 'Cockers, 2 Timmy's, a 2k1 Angel LCD, a couple of Bushy's here and there, a Shoebox Shocker, a 2k3 Shocker, a couple more 'Cockers, Defiant, Defiant 2, a few PGP's, a P68SC (which I still own and love), some Sniper 2's, a Brute, and a Traccer. 'Mags are just my favorite.

07-04-2007, 01:37 AM
Meh. To each their own. I'll stick with my 'Mags. They just, well, "work" for me. This is comming from a guy who's owned a hundred or so 'Cockers, 2 Timmy's, a 2k1 Angel LCD, a couple of Bushy's here and there, a Shoebox Shocker, a 2k3 Shocker, a couple more 'Cockers, Defiant, Defiant 2, a few PGP's, a P68SC (which I still own and love), some Sniper 2's, a Brute, and a Traccer. 'Mags are just my favorite.

I agree, though I'll have to shrink that list down a bit.

I've owned about 25 diffrent mags and I alwyas sell them for somthing new, and I alwys end up selling that for anouther mag.

Though the A1 is pretty damned sweet...

07-04-2007, 01:38 AM
all preference, actually ive never even used a mag in a game but i love mine more than any marker ive owned, and ive had a couple.

Joelus Morolus
07-04-2007, 02:17 PM
you should buy a mag because after i got my tac-one and we played a scenario game my friend adam said he wanted to quit playing because he totally lost faith in his tippmann 98 custom pro.

inside i was laughing my *** off, but after he explained he was seriously thinking about getting out of paintball because, and to quote him

'your gun is on a totally different level than mine and it's not fun anymore'

but yea, mags are just that intimidating to other mech players and put most of them to shame.

because quality...