View Full Version : rt pro or retro or emag?

01-08-2002, 10:13 AM
I was talking to somebody from these forums lastnight ans was wondering what the difference in these three guns r? I know they use teh same valve but he told me that tehy feel differnt. For example it seemes that the ReTro was very oil dependent and the emag in manual mode didnt provide the same fanability his RT Pro did. so post your expereinces bewteen the two

01-08-2002, 11:07 AM
Well, I oil my ReTro Valve every month or so, or when its needed, whichever comes first, and since all the valves are exactly the same, I'd imagine theyd need about the same oiling, along with their performance, I doubt that the only difference between the three being one says "ReTro Valve" one says "RT PRO" and the other says "E-MAG" would change the performance of the valve..... if it does, they should make a valve that reads "DYE" we all know anything with "DYE" on it is always better performance..... right?? :D

01-08-2002, 11:25 AM
have u shot any of teh others? if so which ones do u like? I check ur sig nice mag bro.

01-08-2002, 11:39 AM
The valve is the same, and probably should be oiled the same. I typically put three drops in the air intake and a drop between the bolt and power tube each time before I play. I have an RT Pro and a Hyperframe Minimag with Retro Valve. Main difference is that the Hyperframe doesn't do the retro bounce whereas the RT Pro does if I turn my input pressure up. The RT Pro has an RT Benchy Double trigger and has a much longer trigger pull than the Hyperframe.

01-08-2002, 11:56 AM
I've fired an E-Mag, in both electro and manual mode, the manual mode is Just like my ReTro Valve trigger, I havent used an RT or RT PRO, but I'd imagine the RT PRO would be exactly like a ReTro Valve, as theres little difference in the mechanical firing configuration between the a ReTro Mag and an a RT PRO.

01-08-2002, 12:42 PM
u think the emag is worht the extra cash for the electro option?

01-08-2002, 02:01 PM
Ummm to put it bluntly.... YES. The emag trigger is imho the single best part of the emag :) Just charge it every time you play and you'll never even have to wonder what manual mode is like :)

01-08-2002, 03:20 PM
Alright, set things straight.
The rt pro, e-mag, all use the retro valve. The retro valve will fit in ANY mag, with the exeption of the RT, and sydarm (e-mag has a differant on-off which can be swapped out easially if you want to use the valve in another mag, and doesn't effect preformance in any way).
Since they all use the same valve, they will all use the same amount of oil. Usually you just put about 3 drops in the ASA, and dryfire a few times before you play.
The rt pro, e-mag, and retro all have the same amount of reactiveness, which can be ajusted by the amount of input pressure, and leangth of the on-off pin. The only way the feel of the trigger will change, is if you are using a differant grip frame (or electro mode on the e-mag).

That cover everything?

01-08-2002, 03:40 PM
sort of?

what is the max and min input levels of a retro or rt or emag? also how do u adjust the on/off pin?

01-09-2002, 02:02 AM
Man you ask a lot of questions !!! E-Mag is clearly the best choice as its 2 guns in 1, first its an electro, but if the battery dies, flick the switch, it turns into a R/T. #1 selling point IMO, but I would wait until E-Mag Xtreme is out, It will feature the long awaited ACE (anti chop eye), and it has a modular feed system, you can choose either warp feed left/right or vertical feed, and buy an additional feed moduleso you can switch back and forth between. The only way to adjust the on/off pin is to buy a shorter/longer on/off pin, there's no actual adjustment to this, just a matter of switching the different lengths. My opinion is to get retro, program is still on but you have to send Valve and 200 bucks in for switch, still a good deal, and then buy a Flatline tank. Input pressure for reactivness to retro valve is around 700 psi, higher to make it kick back faster/stronger. Hope This Helps, Welcome to AO !!!!!!!

01-09-2002, 08:07 AM
ah ok got it. I was triying to figure out what the big deal was about these xtreme emags. well anybody know when they will come out?