View Full Version : Action Village rant

06-27-2007, 11:08 PM
Yep. So heres me being really really mad. :mad: :mad:

Like, super mad.

So friday night i went to the bar with my old band, got...erm.....tipsy, Anyhow, upon returning from the little get together that night i couldnt really sleep. No one was on here, so i went over to actionvillage to poke around for a bit while i waited for the room to stop spinning. Long story short, i wound up spending abou$150.00 ordering parts that i either wanted (invert pants, micro gauge) or needed (a new ASA for my new stiletto drop forward) and some other various things.

I really NEEDED the new ASA as the one i had purchased originally from the BST forums wasnt what i needed. Or wanted. And the screw holding it to the drop forward i got it with was lock-tighted on, so it wasnt budging anyhow. So....i anxiously await my purchase in the mail. Even paid extra shipping to make sure i got it in a timely fashion.
My package arrived tuesday while i was at work. everything as it should be, MINUS one ASA. As it turns out the gloss black NewDesigns asa was on back order. Which got me kinda ticked because when i ordered it, the box said it was "in stock". So here i was, new gear and all without an ASA to make my gun work.

Not to be out done, i called ActionVillage to see what they could do for me.
I talked to a pretty decent guy, who notified me that they still had the "dust black" asa's in stock.
"Perfect" I said, "ill take that one instead, but i HAVE TO HAVE IT HERE BY FRIDAY."
"No problem, it'll be there thursday" he replied.

So, all sounded good and well in Emag land. So it wasnt glossy....no big deal.

tonight i jumped onto actionvillage just to get my tracking number and make sure the ASA would be here tomorrow. Sure enough....

THE DUST BLACK ONE IS MAGICALLY ON BACK ORDER NOW ALSO!!! :mad: And not a one was shipped to me.
So here i sit, livid as hell, because BOTH ASAs i wanted that they said were IN STOCK at the time of ordering have magically gone to back order. And i have no asa to put on my gun. None. So i wont be able to play saturday. Despite the fact he promised me i would have it by tomorrow.

Needless to say, someone is getting an earful at actionvillage tomorrow. Im going to tell them i will take whatever color they DO have in stock, but they better get it to me next day air. So i have it friday.

Still, something tells me they wont go for it. Despite the fact that both times it was their fault. And, unfourtunately, i just dont see them getting too worked up over me demanding my $40 back. even if i DO get a refund, what the hell am i going to do saturday? not play?
Ordinarily i would be ok with that, and just hit the field with video camera in hand to catch some action. But i happen to have some friends going this weekend who have never played, and i really want to join them on the field.


What would you guys do?

06-27-2007, 11:11 PM
Never had a problem with Pbgear. It's a big store though, shiz happens.

06-27-2007, 11:12 PM
Order a different one? Get your money back and order it elsewhere? Buy it from you local shop and have it as soon as you purchase it?

Couple of things I might do.

06-27-2007, 11:13 PM
well i would rape them over the phone tomorrow and then spend al night figuring out a way to set up the marker. are there no paintball shops around?

06-27-2007, 11:14 PM
i know stuff happens, thats why i wasnt too mad when i called them Tuesday and they helped me out. I figured it was a freak inventory thing. No harm no foul right?

But twice? C'mon! Do they not know what they do have and dont have?I order TONS from actionvillage....but now, im not so sure i want to anymore.

As for local shops, the closest one i know of to my location is about 2 1/2 hours away. If there was one closer i would buy ALL my stuff there, as i support local retailers and small buisnesses when ever possible. But driving 2 1/2 hours (no to mention the GAS prices) just isnt going to happen. I work 8-5 monday-fri. so i couldnt make it there before they closed anyway.

mr doo doo
06-28-2007, 12:02 AM
dang ninjeff, im sorry to hear about that. everytime i order from actionvillage (i love them by the way), i either get everything or something extra, but i never had anything as bad as your situation. im sure they will help out in someway...

06-28-2007, 01:18 AM
"But i happen to have some friends going this weekend who have never played, and i really want to join them on the field."

Well if you really want to you can. If they have never played they dont have their own gear. So show them the ropes. Pick up the same gun they are and go have fun. Take your love of the game to the field and show your friends a fun time. :argh:

06-28-2007, 02:03 AM
"But i happen to have some friends going this weekend who have never played, and i really want to join them on the field."

Well if you really want to you can. If they have never played they dont have their own gear. So show them the ropes. Pick up the same gun they are and go have fun. Take your love of the game to the field and show your friends a fun time. :argh:

Good point Beemer. I could use a rental no problem. Guess in all my anger i forgot about that.........

But still.......
Kinda tough when you have an emag sitting around. Shoulda never sold my Classic. :(
Just kinda dissapointing is all.

Up until now ive always had a great experiance with action village. They are in Illinois too so iusually get stuff pretty quick.
I noticed fedex next day air (which they said could take 2 days... :confused: ) is only $25 to ship the asa. I figure they could eat that much for the double screw up.

06-28-2007, 05:41 AM
They are pretty good about getting stuff shipped out. What about a local store? You might pay more but you will have it in plenty of time.

06-28-2007, 09:34 AM
J, I would be a little thoughtfull when on the phone with Action Village. I know it'd feel good to tee off on the person that answers the phone but ask youself if a) was it personally their fault? and b) do they have the power to fix the issue but won't because of some larger consiracy? Normally the people who work the phones at a business like this are just average Joes/Janes and probably don't even play so they don't understand the desire for the exact part or the expectation, the "jones" for playing. They are just there earning their ten bucks an hour for customer service not part of some global consipracy to keep you off the field on Saturday. So go lightly, cancel the order tell them to have a nice day and buy an ASA elsewhere.

And now here's the cheesey old addage to back up what I said: "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."

Other than that, AV is like 5-1 in my book. They've gotten five orders to me on-time or early and complete. But they righteously screwed up one order where they simply forgot to put the parts I really wanted into the box yet billed me for them (but hey, I got the sticker sheet!).

06-28-2007, 02:58 PM
"That is all we have in stock. We have had a new person processing orders and he is still learning."

is what i was told when dealing with a similar sized online company when i didnt get all or some of the items(some of the main reasons i ordered were ebcause of these items as well)

i emailed them saying basicly , some people like myself order certin items taht appear instock because we want them. if that item isnt available or multiples are not i would like to know before the order is finalized as i may have bought soemthing else or nothing at all and i was unhappy with the service overall(regarding unshiped items, and being unaware), basicly said isnt that what the contact # etc is for? :confused: otherwise they dont need my phone # do they? :ninja:

seems like this has been a problem for a long time, the companies just want to make the $ off ya apparently. i dont plan on doing bix with them anytime soon. or in OTHER option il be sure to forwarn i dont want the items if all are not available, or call and speak to someone if the option is available .

06-28-2007, 03:06 PM
You know for stuff like this I ussually hoof it over to my local pb shop. They're fairly large and pretty honest with me when it comes to getting stuff special ordered if they don't have it in stock themselves. Except for mag parts...... :argh: We have rogue and tuna for that though. :)

06-28-2007, 05:00 PM
J, I would be a little thoughtfull when on the phone with Action Village. I know it'd feel good to tee off on the person that answers the phone but ask youself if a) was it personally their fault? and b) do they have the power to fix the issue but won't because of some larger consiracy? Normally the people who work the phones at a business like this are just average Joes/Janes and probably don't even play so they don't understand the desire for the exact part or the expectation, the "jones" for playing. They are just there earning their ten bucks an hour for customer service not part of some global consipracy to keep you off the field on Saturday. So go lightly, cancel the order tell them to have a nice day and buy an ASA elsewhere.

And now here's the cheesey old addage to back up what I said: "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."

Other than that, AV is like 5-1 in my book. They've gotten five orders to me on-time or early and complete. But they righteously screwed up one order where they simply forgot to put the parts I really wanted into the box yet billed me for them (but hey, I got the sticker sheet!).

You are obsolutely correct.

I should know...i work in a call center. So TRUST me i know how not to be on the phone. When i say someone is going to hear it, i dont mean lots of yelling....i just mean moderate irritation. Im nice when i call call centers because i work in one...and i beleive in karma. :)

And beleive me guys, i would LOVE to be able to hoof it over to the local shop, but there just isnt one close to here.

06-28-2007, 05:04 PM
you only have 1 marker ?? to bad ya don't live close i'd lend ya a mag or 2 or 3

06-28-2007, 05:12 PM
Yea, just one now. I had 3 and a ton of parts, but i sold them all to get my EMag. Seemed like a fair trade.


Still, no money out of pocket for the emag yet, all of the associated costs have been covered by selling off old stuff. Cant beat that.

06-28-2007, 06:53 PM
The only problem I've had with action village was a small dent on the inside lip of a barrel. I fixed it myself with a dremel style tool. Other than that I've had all good buys from them. Their prices are pretty good and they are trustworthy. (I don't have to worry if they will steal my money and just shut down the site)

If you still get the new designs on/off be aware that it is kind of confusing. If you just put your tank in with the knob unsrewed all the way, and then screw in the knob you will (loudly) dump your entire tank of air before you have the chance to close the knob enough. You have to have it in just the right place or else it bleeds uncontrollably. Or maybe I'm just a retard and I don't understand how to work on/offs. :tard: Oh, and the asa is kind of wobbly on the rail, I had to put some electrical tape on the top of the asa to keep a tight fit.

Very small though, unlike some of the other huge asa's.

06-28-2007, 07:57 PM
Sorry about the whole incident man. Hope you get your ASA as soon as you can though.

I've had nothing but good from Action Village. They are a big company though, so I'm sure that there's gonna be an occasional glitch.

Nick E
06-28-2007, 08:12 PM
if you go to a place that rents guns...why the can't you just ask nicely to borrow a duckbill? I mean, it probably isn't the best thing, but I don't think it'd be that hard to at least see. before you get all worried about it..

06-29-2007, 03:52 AM
what color asa do you want? i have a few and i'd be willing to sell one if it's to complete an emag. and since i'm in the area we could meet up some where kinda between our houses for the trade off. i'm about 10 min away from action village so if you want i can go in and see what they have in stock. pm if interested.

*edit* hrm... just went onto yahoo maps, apparently bloomington/normal is 2 hours away. i remember bloomington not being 2 hours away. took me 45 minutes to get out there for Chi-town open last year. if you want i'm still willing to go in for you to see if it really is "on back order"

06-30-2007, 10:14 PM
I'll let you borrow one of mine. Opps too late. :spit_take

06-30-2007, 10:47 PM
what color asa do you want? i have a few and i'd be willing to sell one if it's to complete an emag. and since i'm in the area we could meet up some where kinda between our houses for the trade off. i'm about 10 min away from action village so if you want i can go in and see what they have in stock. pm if interested.

*edit* hrm... just went onto yahoo maps, apparently bloomington/normal is 2 hours away. i remember bloomington not being 2 hours away. took me 45 minutes to get out there for Chi-town open last year. if you want i'm still willing to go in for you to see if it really is "on back order"

Pm 'd ya