View Full Version : Center-Fed Body + Warp

06-27-2007, 11:32 PM
Hey all,

(You'll have to use your imagination on this part, so bear with me.) On my mag, I have a center-fed body. I have a Sub-Zero feedneck and a Q-Loader 90* elbow coming out of that. I run the hose from the warp down from the elbow to the warp feed itself. The path the ball travels from warp to breech looks sort of like an upside down J.

This is where I run into a small problem. Since the ball has to travel over a "hump", I have to sometimes shake or rotate the marker to get a ball over and into the breech. I don't like the fact that a ball might not be there when I need it.

Now before you suggest it, I do not want to get a warp body. I want something I can use if the warp fails and I need to swap out hoppers.

Thanks much,


06-28-2007, 02:48 AM
try running a 12 volt mod. You can take 8 AAA bateries and run them in series (basically they are all in a row with each other). I recomend rechargables such as the energizer e2 NiMH rechargables. it will set you back about $50-60 for the batteries and charger, but it will pay for itself in savings of 9volts. Try and find a battery holder for AAAs which will fit into your warp feeds batery holder.
The extra power should help with this. If you do this mod you will need to turn the vibration sensor way down because it will spin continously at first with the increase in power.

06-28-2007, 10:42 AM
Alright I get the idea, but how do you rig up the batteries?

06-28-2007, 10:20 PM
Keep in mind that those E2 NiMH batteries are 1.2 v as opposed to 1.5 v in a regular alkaline battery. I remember one time when I recognized they were 1.2 v each, I put another 2 in series on my Halo to get it to the full 9 v needed. Problem was, I charged them with a regular charger to 1.5 v. There's nothing like the smell of frying circuit boards in the morning :p

06-29-2007, 12:00 AM
Keep in mind that those E2 NiMH batteries are 1.2 v as opposed to 1.5 v in a regular alkaline battery. I remember one time when I recognized they were 1.2 v each, I put another 2 in series on my Halo to get it to the full 9 v needed. Problem was, I charged them with a regular charger to 1.5 v. There's nothing like the smell of frying circuit boards in the morning :p

Hmm I wondered....the 9Vs for the E2s seemed kinda weak. Anyway I will keep this in mind or just run AAs.

06-29-2007, 12:06 AM
Alright I get the idea, but how do you rig up the batteries?

Basically you run them "end to end" Positive to negative. And have the connection attach to each end of the line. You don't have to litterally have them end to end in reality, usually battery packs will hold the batteries side by side but every other one will be upside down and connected to the next battery beside it (It is sorta like the folding poles in a tent). If you have a halo or a pulse with a battery pack for 6 AAs it is the same thing.

You should be able to buy a pack for 8 batteries from radio shack. It may even have a connector to attach it to the same connector as a 9v.

06-29-2007, 10:19 AM
Alright, I'll give it a shot. I'm also doing the intellifeed.

06-29-2007, 11:00 AM
Hey bro if you are using the Q-loader you dont need to use the warp feed aswell...

06-29-2007, 12:11 PM
I'm not using a Q-Loader...

06-29-2007, 12:19 PM
I did the 12 volt mod for mine with 2 9 volts and a 12 volt converter, and then I use the PowerEX rechargable NIMH batteries that are 9.6 volt, works like a charm :clap:

06-29-2007, 06:23 PM
I can't see your setup so I really don't know what's going on, but it sounds like you should be able to just straighten the hose out a bit and get it to stop doing that. Never had that problem myself, but with a properly set up hose it shouldn't be an issue.

06-29-2007, 09:18 PM
I can't see your setup so I really don't know what's going on, but it sounds like you should be able to just straighten the hose out a bit and get it to stop doing that. Never had that problem myself, but with a properly set up hose it shouldn't be an issue.

I made the hose shorter and I did the intellifeed. I'll probably make the hose shorter again though.

06-30-2007, 12:49 PM
I did the 12 volt mod for mine with 2 9 volts and a 12 volt converter, and then I use the PowerEX rechargable NIMH batteries that are 9.6 volt, works like a charm :clap:

PowerEX are also branded as "Maha" and are FANTASTIC for paintball applications.

I've tried Energizer and Duracell NiMH rechargeables - they don't compare. Go with the PowerEX/Maha's. Despite being labelled 1.2volts, the Maha's deliver 1.5 volts per cell most of the time, unlike the 1.2volt Energizers.

You can also get Maha/PowerEX's in 9volt block cell format and, as was mentioned, they output a genuine 9.6 volts, unlike most other rechargeable 9volt cells.