View Full Version : Best Route to Own an AutoMag

07-01-2007, 04:41 PM
Hey guys (and gals)!

I'm new to the AutoMag world, and after doing research I have become hooked on getting one. I just sold off my old old old Spyder, and my old A5.

I'm basically short on money right now (the joys of flight training) but I'm looking to slowly build an Automag.

What's the best route to go?

Buy a cheapy 68 Classic on eBay and add upgrades? Or should I just shell out a few bills and buy exactly what I want?

What I want?
ULE Body, X-Valve, Lvl 10, Frame - not too sure, something with a blade trigger. Can a Classic Automag accept the previously mentioned mods? Just double checking...

I have a couple months before I can play again (at least compete - scenario), so I have time to keep an eye out for good deals on the net for parts.

Thanks! Great Site by the way!

07-01-2007, 04:55 PM
save your money and buy exactly what you want. talk to tuna he can hook you up with a good deal.

07-01-2007, 05:07 PM
I recently purchased an automag, and shortly after I did the prices rose a lot. I would personally suggest buying a used ULE automag with x-valve that is the closest to the one your want and then do the last one or two upgrades so that it is exactly what you want.

07-01-2007, 05:39 PM
I have a nice one fs, but it'd be around $500

07-01-2007, 06:10 PM
I would buy it the way you want it, because if you buy lets say a Classic Mag then you start up-gradeing it will be more expensive plus you'll have the parts you won't use anymore. I've never delt with Tunaman but i've always hear good things about him. Good luck and welcome to the family.

07-01-2007, 06:47 PM
poke around in the buy/sell.trade section of the forum. If you want used.

If you want new hotness completely tuned...try tunamart, or the magsmith

07-01-2007, 08:23 PM
Thanks guys.

I half expected the responses I got. Looks like I'll just wait, pay off some debt and throw a message to the main guys who build/sell 'mags.

Thanks again!

07-01-2007, 08:29 PM
Buy a CCI Phantom....

it will amaze you how many phantom owners went on to get an Automag.

07-01-2007, 08:39 PM
save your money and buy an ion.

07-01-2007, 08:49 PM
Save your money, and dont buy any ramping/rebounding marker, like an Ion. Youll spend more money in paint(recurring cost) to shoot one than any youll save from buying a cheap marker(sunk cost) like an Ion.

Playing with a ramping marker is like playing T-Ball. Its for 6 year olds. ;)

07-01-2007, 09:20 PM
There was actualyl supposed to be a dodgy in there. lol.

spray and pray is FUN. and for the record, it's not always lke that. plenty of strategy in 7man.

07-01-2007, 10:38 PM
Save your money, and dont buy any ramping/rebounding marker, like an Ion. Youll spend more money in paint(recurring cost) to shoot one than any youll save from buying a cheap marker(sunk cost) like an Ion.

Playing with a ramping marker is like playing T-Ball. Its for 6 year olds. ;)

i know how you stand on that...and i wont argue...but i play with a shocker in team practices on PSP ramp mode, and i can play the whole game with one hopper, and maybe ONE pod. maybe. i shoot no more then i do with any other gun....

07-01-2007, 10:54 PM
But, one case, one kill IS fun :shooting:

07-02-2007, 12:12 AM
i know how you stand on that...and i wont argue...but i play with a shocker in team practices on PSP ramp mode, and i can play the whole game with one hopper, and maybe ONE pod. maybe. i shoot no more then i do with any other gun....

If you shoot no more than you do with any other marker, then you should be fine using a non-ramping marker. I suggest you do.

Ramping markers are a crutch that should be only allowed for those without shooting skill who are being introduced to the sport. Much like T-Ball is a crutch for 6 year olds new to baseball and dont have the skill to hit a pitched ball.

spray and pray is FUN. and for the record, it's not always lke that. plenty of strategy in 7man.

Agreed, it is fun occasionally. There is nothing stopping him from tinkering with his mechanical marker for some bounce if he wants to have that FUN. Other than the triple tap required of electro-markers, there is no difference between ramp and bounce.

07-02-2007, 12:17 AM
There was actualyl supposed to be a dodgy in there. lol.
This is AO, not PbN jelly. We don't use dodgy's here.


/Get it?
//PbN jelly?
///Ha ha ha.
////Oh. You're not laughing. :(

07-02-2007, 01:55 AM
i had a spyder in '99 then found out how sweet mags were, built a few mags over a few years and just got a cci phantom. mags and phantoms are some of the best guns out there IMO, and i can do everything from pump with the phantom to spray with my x-mod'd e-mag, whatever type of paintball you want to play, there is a mag that's just right.

rogue and tuna are great sellers, there are lots of other options too; i think you have enough info to make a good decision that you will never regret. have fun. :cheers:

07-02-2007, 07:18 AM
Thanks for the replies everyone!

And no, I do not want an RT or any gun that shoots ridiculous (ramping). I'm always making fun of the guys on my team (including my brother) who buy these DM5's and are always yaking about the different settings. I just want a simple 'Mag that will never use electricity in any way, and that won't be breaking down every other game like their electro's do - but can still take them out.

Not even sure if that made any sense. Just woke up. :tard:

07-02-2007, 12:19 PM
I just want a simple 'Mag that will never use electricity in any way, and that won't be breaking down every other game like their electro's do - but can still take them out.

i know what you mean...but they only break down because of user error and people trying to "fix" things that arent broken!!! if they set it once, never messed with it, and cleaned/lubed it like they should, they wouldnt have problems, hardly ever. ironically(sp) my classic valved mag has messed up on me the most out of all the guns i own/have owned.

07-02-2007, 12:24 PM
i know what you mean...but they only break down because of user error and people trying to "fix" things that arent broken!!! if they set it once, never messed with it, and cleaned/lubed it like they should, they wouldnt have problems, hardly ever. ironically(sp) my classic valved mag has messed up on me the most out of all the guns i own/have owned.

If you had just set your Classic Valved mag once, never messed with it, and cleaned/lubed it like you should, you wouldnt have problems, hardly ever.

They only break down because of user error and people trying to "fix" things that arent broken :spit_take :cheers:

07-02-2007, 12:29 PM
If you had just set your Classic Valved mag once, never messed with it, and cleaned/lubed it like you should, you wouldnt have problems, hardly ever.

They only break down because of user error and people trying to "fix" things that arent broken :spit_take :cheers:

i never touched it...thats the sad thing. maybe im just a :tard: and like kevin said, CO2 will do that, or maybe the elves working inside just died.

07-02-2007, 12:31 PM
i never touched it...thats the sad thing. maybe im just a :tard:

If you never touched it, then it sounds like you never cleaned/lubed it like you should. tsk tsk :nono: ;)

07-02-2007, 12:35 PM
If you never touched it, then it sounds like you never cleaned/lubed it like you should. tsk tsk :nono: ;)

i used autolube... i know how important it is to lube it before use ;)

/ im a man for christs sake
//what were you thinking??


07-02-2007, 12:38 PM
Playing with a ramping marker is like playing T-Ball. Its for 6 year olds. ;)


Sorry man, can't agree with that one. Its all about what for and where you are using it.

Would I go and use ramping on a rec ball field with noobs? No

Would I use it in a scenario? Yes, for certain situations.

Its a neccesity for certain tounrneys and/or advanced play.

Where it appropriate...

07-02-2007, 12:40 PM

Would I go and use ramping on a rec ball field with noobs? No

Would I use it in a scenario? Yes, for certain situations.

Where it appropriate...

yea, changed my x-moded e-mag to pure mech when some rec ballers wanted to play, :cheers: .

07-02-2007, 12:46 PM
yea, changed my x-moded e-mag to pure mech when some rec ballers wanted to play, :cheers: .

you have an adj. tank.... :rofl:

07-02-2007, 01:19 PM
which has been added weight recently, i haven't adjusted it for a year or so.

07-02-2007, 02:01 PM

Sorry man, can't agree with that one. Its all about what for and where you are using it.

Would I go and use ramping on a rec ball field with noobs? No

Would I use it in a scenario? Yes, for certain situations.

Its a neccesity for certain tounrneys and/or advanced play.

Where it appropriate...

We disagree.

Ramping is only a necessity for those without shooting skill that need a computer chip to do what they are incapable of doing themselves. This is still a shooting sport, so the skill of shooting is(and should be) a core requirement.

The only appropriate place for ramping in a skill-based sport is in the hands of those without skill who are just starting out. Much like T-Ball. Its for 6 year olds. ;)

Like every other skill based sport, as you become more advanced, you should be using more of your individual skill and less reliant on the equipment as a crutch. As T-ballers improve, they move up in the leagues and are required to play without a Tee.

The shame is that leagues/manufacturers have convinced players, from the top down, that everyone including the Pros NEED ramping for tourneys and/or advanced play. At the Pro level, this should be completely the opposite.

07-02-2007, 03:13 PM
We disagree.

Ramping is only a necessity for those without shooting skill that need a computer chip to do what they are incapable of doing themselves. This is still a shooting sport, so the skill of shooting is(and should be) a core requirement.


The shame is that leagues/manufacturers have convinced players, from the top down, that everyone including the Pros NEED ramping for tourneys and/or advanced play. At the Pro level, this should be completely the opposite.

It should be quite the opposite. I agree with you on that point. BUT it isn't and therefore within the game as its currently played at that level, you have it or you have your *** handed to you.

07-02-2007, 03:33 PM
It should be quite the opposite. I agree with you on that point. BUT it isn't and therefore within the game as its currently played at that level, you have it or you have your *** handed to you.

Nah, just play NPPL. They dont allow ramp.

07-02-2007, 04:02 PM
We disagree.

Ramping is only a necessity for those without shooting skill that need a computer chip to do what they are incapable of doing themselves. This is still a shooting sport, so the skill of shooting is(and should be) a core requirement.

The only appropriate place for ramping in a skill-based sport is in the hands of those without skill who are just starting out. Much like T-Ball. Its for 6 year olds. ;)

Like every other skill based sport, as you become more advanced, you should be using more of your individual skill and less reliant on the equipment as a crutch. As T-ballers improve, they move up in the leagues and are required to play without a Tee.

The shame is that leagues/manufacturers have convinced players, from the top down, that everyone including the Pros NEED ramping for tourneys and/or advanced play. At the Pro level, this should be completely the opposite.
I second Rogue.

07-02-2007, 04:50 PM
even though the x-mod software comes with various ramping and crazy modes, i only use semi. I have fast fingers and can easily achieve 15 bps, which can definitely compete with rampers. (this is done with no bounce or double firing as well, i'm sure many of you can do it).

is the emag's great trigger mechanism a crutch?

07-02-2007, 04:51 PM
is the emag's great trigger mechanism a crutch?

If you are pulling every shot, there is no crutch. Its your skill doing the job. Thats what sport is supposed to be about---skill.

07-02-2007, 04:53 PM
good, although, personally, with a well tuned trigger, i don't think it takes much skill to even get up to 15bps on semi. i love to use my phantom too tho, that takes a bit more skill.

07-02-2007, 05:03 PM
good, although, personally, with a well tuned trigger, i don't think it takes much skill to even get up to 17bps on semi. i love to use my phantom too tho, that takes a bit more skill.

That must be nice for you. I have a hard time consistently hitting 13, as do most others. The shooting skill advantage is yours, and rightfully so. Youve earned it by virtue of talent, or practice.

07-02-2007, 05:35 PM
I am going to hijack for a moment and ask a question. This has been covered in another thread, but cannot remember if you had a "stand" on it. This is not by any means meant as an attack, just for arguments sake.

Since you consider ramping to be "for six year olds" do you also feel the same about RT effect? Especially concerning the accessories you (have) made that help to sweet spot? IE. the stops that were available on your triggers, rollers, etc.

/just curious

07-02-2007, 06:06 PM
Since you consider ramping to be "for six year olds" do you also feel the same about RT effect?

If by RT Effect, you mean bounce...Yes, I do. I consider anything more than 1 shot per pull/release to be the same. This includes: bounce, ramp, full-auto, runaway, auto-response, hybrid-mode...and/or any other name for shooting more than 1 shot per pull/release.

Especially concerning the accessories you (have) made that help to sweet spot? IE. the stops that were available on your triggers, rollers, etc.

/just curious

Ive never made any accessories or features of any RPG product I offer that help to sweet spot, bounce, or ramp. My products have been made for semi-auto shooters.

1- Trigger stops) On a mech marker, as well as on a semi-auto electronic markers, shorten pre-travel and post-travel before and past the activation point of a full pull/release of the trigger to aid in the shooters ability to attain faster rates of fire based on their skill.

2- Roller bearings) Provide a smoother mechanical trigger pull, that is all.

There is nothing about either of these features that inherently aid in bouncing/sweetspotting. If a marker cannot bounce/sweetspot(like a Classic Valved Mag, or properly set-up RT/XValved Mag), there is nothing that either of these features can do to help make it so.

If there are any other accessories, or features you are curious about, please post them. Id be happy to clear up the confusion.