View Full Version : Andrew's AGD Chronicles 1 July 2007

07-02-2007, 01:06 PM
Andrew’s AGD Chronicles 1 July 2007

Well, playing was an unexpected surprise. We have a new little one (a son, named Garret, born on 22 June) in the house and my wife pretty much insisted that I get out and play paintball. It was a great day to play, with just a little bit of wind. The wind did not affect us very much on the fields, which are shielded by woods.

I was playing at OA Paintball in Rosedale, MD and using my Mini-Tac Pro. I have made one change to the Mini-Tac Pro, which is putting on a CP Micro Razor drop. The reason was to put the position of the tank and marker the same as it is on my Y-Gripped RT Pro. The Micro Razor moves the tank 2” forward and 1.3” down. Holding it and the Y-Gripped RT Pro together, they only differ by a fraction of an inch. That should help me stay consistent if I switch around which marker I am using.

Shooting X-Ball Silver again, once again with a great fit for the .690 insert on my Scepter kit. At the end of the day, I was running low and picked up some Engage that was available (from OA). Lucky for me that I did not actually use it in play. I went ahead and fired off around 100 shots of Engage after I got out, to see how it shot. That stuff was terrible. I had a break down the barrel in those 100 shots. I went ahead and fired off the rest of it (about 200 more) and had two or three more breaks. Reminder to self: make sure that you have enough X-Ball Silver when you go to play; I have yet to chop or break an X-Ball Silver in either marker and I believe that is after five cases.

My chrono was good. Most shots 275 to 277, with one spike to 283.

The fields at OA Rosedale are often full of heavy brush. I made sure to put a DEET-heavy insect repellent on my boots and paintball cammies. For my skin, I used OFF that is rated for skin application. I did not get any ticks (I have yet to this year). Also helping that is that I wear my trousers with boot blouses.

The player mix out on the fields was good. Most of us walk-ons were experienced players with our own markers. Dave, a former Marine who I’ve mentioned in a past chronicles, was there. The markers were your usual player owned mix, with Tippman’s (A-5s and 98s), Proto Rails, Ions, an Angel, Dave’s and another Spyder, and my Mini-Tac Pro. Again, people were impressed by the Mini-Tac Pro. They did not like getting into a serious firefight with me. Several times, people retreated when I engaged them (they didn’t always get away).

I was playing red team. Again, our team was often the aggressive movers, while the blue team tended to dig in.

Again, with the heavy brush, I was forced to shoot through bushes or vegetation to take out the opposing them. When you can throw fifty balls at someone trying to hide behind a tangle of vines, eventually you cut through or one sneaks through. This was true today. More than once, I would unload on a bush and eventually hear, “Hit! I’m out!” yelled. One guy even told me that, “I didn’t believe it when they said not to hide behind a bush from you. That was before you shot the bush away and hit me in the head like five times.”

Playing on fields with heavy plant growth means that getting low and crawling is a very viable option. During one break, I dashed forward, got in the farthest bunker I could make it to, and started to engage. Suddenly, I started taking fire from my 4 o’clock. What the heck? How could the enemy possibly be there? I yelled to them, “Red Team here!” and was answered by more paint! Okay, so the enemy managed to get that far up? Yes, they had. Our two players who went to the right had stopped waaaay back. I was on my belly and scooted back until the guy was firing at an empty position. Then, I found one (there were two or three) of the enemy players on my right and engaged. He couldn’t tell where I was at and tried to hide, which just gave me a clear shot at him. Got him from about 35 yards (the center of the field is a hill, I was on top the hill). Then, one enemy tried to move up along the top of the hill. I stood and lit him up before dropping back down as paintballs whizzed overhead. A few more heavy bursts to my right forced the enemy over that way back and I moved up, catching another enemy on the hill off their guard. We now had the hill. We ended up winning that game.

Another game on the hill field, Dave went down on the low right side to make sure the enemy did not get so far forward as they had the one game. He ran into tough resistance. To keep their attention, Dave started heckling them. He made light of their shooting, cracked jokes, and even sang something that sounded like opera (horrible, awful opera, but you get the idea). Amusingly, that allowed me to work across the top of the hill, taking out opponents there, and start shooting at the guys engaging Dave and his wingmen. They either fell back or were hit. Trying to take cover from two directions is miserable, especially if one is higher than you.

When I move, I keep my marker up, pointing where I look. Quite often, an opponent and I see each other at the same moment. However, their marker is barrel down or not easily brought to bear. Before they can even swing it on me, I have put half a dozen paintballs onto them.

Another thing is shooting in woods, with the balls crossing though shadow and daylight areas. I have found that the trick is to aim high. You have a harder time tracking onto target when shooting though light and dark and seem to shoot low by mistake. Quite a few times, when shooting at 30 yards with an enemy, they are shooting way low and I shoot high and hit them.

I used 1200 paintballs in six games. That is pretty heavy usage for me, but every game I had at least one kill. I think my eliminations were: 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4. I can live with those sort of numbers.

Another game was on a field with light vegetation, but lots of pallet bunkers and large trees. I found that an enemy was in a bunker about 10 yards away. I’ve been bit by bunkering someone before (when they shot me after I gave them a chance by not shooting) and I don’t like to shoot someone at point blank range, so I dashed out and away at an angle until I could see his legs, fired two shots onto his leg from 10 yards, then tried to dash back and take cover on the opposite side of the bunker he had been using. Didn’t quite make it. As I started to slide into place, a single ball hit me in the leg. The good thing was that the guy I took out was the enemy’s lynchpin on that side of the field. With him gone, two of my teammates could move up.

My amusing story was the game I ran out of paint. At OA Rosedale, you usually go out, play three games, then come back in. Normally that is no problem for me. I carry about 700 paintballs (hopper and loaders) and fill up my tank before going out. However, during one set of games I did a lot of shooting. You know, shooting away bushes and stuff. Each of the three games I got three opposing players. The last game, after getting the third guy, I was out of paint. I started distracting the enemy by going on point, making sure they wanted to shoot at me, that sort of thing. Finally, to help my team take them out, I made a dash crossways and amazingly dodged a bunch of paintballs. Finally behind a tree, I cursed for not having paint (I could have gotten the last two guys easy from my angle). Instead, since they were heavily engaged with my team, I decided to try to barrel tag them or at least pull their focus from my teammates. I charged at them. They started shooting and boy did they nail me multiple times when I was only twenty feet away. As I walked off the field, the other dead players were laughing and asking if I had lost my mind. When I explained that I was out of paint, had been out of paint for some time, the reaction was, “Oooooohhhhhhhh!”

I saw one awful referee call. I was out and watching from outside play. Three opponents moved up along our flank (the guys who had taken out me and Dave too – I had gotten one of their support guys, or it would have been four). They ran into an ambush by two of our players. One guy took a mask hit, but another ran outside the tapeline to escape. The referee watched it and allowed the player to return to play. I can understand someone who accidentally creeps under the tape being given some leniency and told to get back in bounds. This guy dashed ten feet out of bounds and did so do avoid being hit. He should have been out. I talked to the player afterwards and his reaction was, “The ref didn’t call me out.” I told him that the ref made a bad call and if I accidentally did that, I would call myself out.

I had several people inquire about where to buy an Automag. I am going to make business cards, with applicable URLs on them, for people. Not really for me, more like a “Andrew the AGD Evangelist” angle that will give them the URLs for Airgun Designs, Automags.org, The Mag Smith, and Tunamart.

Also, I was happy to see that one gent went and bought a Scepter kit, having seen and talked to me about mine before. He also loves the barrel kit.

Cleaning the Mini-Tac Pro after play took much longer than normal, because of the miserable Engage paint that had gone everywhere. I actually had to remove the body and rail, rinse them in the sink, and sit them out to dry.

Shot count for the Mini-Tac Pro is now 16,000

Pics of the Mini-Tac Pro:
(This does not show the new Micro Razor drop, the larger Razor drop is in the pic.)

Current setup for the Mini-Tac Pro:

X-Valve with Lvl 10 (3 shims, 1.5 carrier)
Mini-Tac Mainbody w/dual RPG detents and RPG clamping feedneck
Tac Rail
RPG Intelliframe with Splinter Pro Trigger
ULT (6 ULT shims)
Hogue .45 Grips
Viewloader Vlocity
CP Micro Razor Drop
RT Pro Front Grip
Shrink-wrapped Hose w/Quick Disconnect
68/4500 Tank with AGD 4500 Flatline Regulator and Dye Rhino cover
12" Powerlyte 2007 Scepter kit (.684, .686, .688, .690, and .692 inserts)
Pelican 1600 Case

Previous entries in the Chronicles here:

9 June 2007:

26 May 2007:

12 May 2007:

28 April 2007

22 April 2007

14 April 2007:

5 April 2007:

25 March 2007:

24 February 2007:

07-02-2007, 01:52 PM
It's been a while since you've posted one of these. Congrats on the son. Your post reminded me I'm going to need more bug repellent. I forgot to bring it last time and I was probably pretty lucky not to get a tick.

07-03-2007, 03:23 PM
It's been a while since you've posted one of these. Congrats on the son. Your post reminded me I'm going to need more bug repellent. I forgot to bring it last time and I was probably pretty lucky not to get a tick.

Thank you. I was on a short leash for a while, because I did not want to be out playing paintball if my wife went into labor. My son Andy was delivered in 45 minutes from start to finish. I am glad that Garrett gave us a little more time than that.

I hope that these posts always help out a little or remind someone of something or give them an idea. Also, I hope sometimes people enjoy them because they also remember a game where something similar happened.

07-03-2007, 03:51 PM
Congrats on the birth of your son! :cheers:

And also for the fact the minitac does wonders for your play, unfortunatly i missed out on the last one but in the meanwhile i've acuired a tac-one from Geekwarrior. I played with it last weekend together with my xmag and minimag. I saved the tac-one with ULT for last, and i must say for a mech it shoots really, really sweet! :clap:

Well, keep those chonicles going, love to read em!

turbo chicken
07-05-2007, 10:49 AM
cool post once again ...

I used 1200 paintballs in six games. That is pretty heavy usage for me, but every game I had at least one kill. I think my eliminations were: 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4. I can live with those sort of numbers.

^^ I used to play like this but it was more like 1800 paintballs (always seemed to have a pod or so left)... i was banned from playing for a while bacause it "didn't fit the budget". So i purchased the PGP.

I miss being able to "shoot bushes away" :cry: