View Full Version : Benefit Big Game for Rod & Melissa w/CCM, near St.Louis.

07-08-2007, 03:26 PM

A Big game to benefit Rod & Melissa with CCM, is being held at the above field near St.Louis Missouri. All entry fees to go to Rod & Melissa, and all concessions profit will also. Most everyone should be familiar with the benefits for Rod & Melissa, and Sal wanted to do something to help also. The game format will be 2 large teams using most of the fields in a standard Flag hang game. We hope to get 100 people a side! We will play as many games as possible.

When: July 29th
Entry: $25 (all going to Rod And Melissa) includes air/Co2
Paint: Tenativly $50 a case, Field paint only.

All types of players welcome! It will prolly be HOT, but the fields are mostly shaded.


07-08-2007, 03:59 PM
I already responded elsewhere that I will be there.

Talked to Tore yesterday. They are going to adjust field size depending on the body count, and hopefully will be able to play the field differently each time. It should be capture the flag. If you get hit, reutrn to your flag and "punch" back in.

They were shooting some new paint, didn't catch the brand name. But, it smelled, and i'm told, tastes just like cherry chapstick.

Tore had the guys out pressure washing barracades, so maybe they won't be a sticky & gross as usual.


07-09-2007, 02:59 PM
nice is it an all pump game?

man i wish i could make it......i hear local feilds in hawaii are also going to do small tournies here to help

i plan to do so as well....in a way i can

07-25-2007, 01:49 PM
It's this Sunday for those that dont own a calander................... :D

Should be alot of fun, and we'll see how bad I've gotten/ I'm playing with a SC gun and havent used a stock classer for about 4 years or more.........

No its not a pump only game, but it will have quite a lot of pumpers playing.

See you there!


07-25-2007, 02:04 PM
They were shooting some new paint, didn't catch the brand name. But, it smelled, and i'm told, tastes just like cherry chapstick.

You HAVE to find out what this is.

07-25-2007, 02:43 PM
You HAVE to find out what this is.

Zap Spank I beleive..............

IIRC, they should have Zap and PMI for sale. They usally have 2 brand options. Zap has always had a waxy fill in there, sometimes the tourny paint did and sometimes it didnt.

07-25-2007, 07:50 PM
Zap Spank I beleive..............

IIRC, they should have Zap and PMI for sale. They usally have 2 brand options. Zap has always had a waxy fill in there, sometimes the tourny paint did and sometimes it didnt.

I believe you are correct Shane-O
Last weekend there was Premium, Spank and Stinger.

If you live in the Midwest, you need to get to this event!
There will also be some GREAT raffles.

07-25-2007, 08:01 PM
Raffles! Wonder what other piece of paintball antiquity I can win. Got a Crown Point barrel last time:)

Weather should be great.


07-27-2007, 12:23 AM
Some CCM goodies for sure (used but nice), and if your lucky you might get yourself some Snap-On Waterless Hand Gel.

07-27-2007, 06:20 AM
I guess I need to start w/ my CCM pumper, but I don't think I've ever played the whole day w/ just one gun.

At SPE, I just brought pumps.
For the AO day I just had AGD stuff.

Sounds like people are planning on going pump for the most part. And, I really should "practice" for OSC. But, after the week I've had, I kind of want to shoot...ALOT. Such a delema.


07-27-2007, 10:02 AM
I'm pumping it up (big surprise).

The Mag will make the trip though.


07-27-2007, 10:31 AM
I guess I need to start w/ my CCM pumper, but I don't think I've ever played the whole day w/ just one gun.

At SPE, I just brought pumps.
For the AO day I just had AGD stuff.

Sounds like people are planning on going pump for the most part. And, I really should "practice" for OSC. But, after the week I've had, I kind of want to shoot...ALOT. Such a delema.


Well I am trying the Super Stocker, but I will prolly get tired of Stock Class and switch to the Mag, I alos have another Mag to try out, nothing fancy, just a Mag to make into a Pump mag.

07-27-2007, 12:21 PM
shives...you have a disease. i don't think i've ever seen you use a single gun more than two consecutive games.

Shane-O: super stocker?!? nice.

have fun boys...i wish i could make it out, but serious family commitments are barring me from attending. raise some money for those good folks.

*edit* Big Ups to the Yuma Rattlers...auctioning one of their guns for Rod and Mel:
http://cgi.ebay.com/Custom-Yuma-Rattler-Carter-Buzzard-Rod-and-Melissa-CCM_W0QQitemZ130136971884QQihZ003QQcategoryZ16048Q QssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

07-30-2007, 12:23 PM
Well, I don't think it was as much as we had all hoped for. The weather was reasonable. Yes, it was hot, but it is the end of July in St. Louis, it sure could have been hellish.

Turn out was pretty slim. I could be wrong, but I don't think it was much more than 20 on 20. It sounded like they had a bigger open-play turn out on Saturday.

The first game, because of the field lay-out, yellow team advanced to with-in sight of the orange fort, and got bottle-necked. Both teams spent the whole game firing on each other from about the same positions. Orange did work people into yellow's ranks through the woods from time to time. It stunk getting shot from the flank or behind. It stunk even more to go in and dig them out of the woods.

Steve: I almost went the whole day w/ one gun. Plled out the Splatty at the last minute. Wanted to shoot my Rapide, but the first shot over the chrono was 310. W/in 4 shots it was down to 200.

The second and third games, they change the field lay-out somewhat to relieve the bottle-neck. I don't recall which way those games went, my wife and son showed up, and I spent some time w/ Spencer (goggled him up and walked along the edge of the field & then let him shoot on the chrono range).

The hot dogs that showed up were yummy, but I should have stuck w/ one and not two.

Some nice CCM stuff got raffled off. Shows how nice the CCM people are. Here we are doing an event to raise money for them, and they sent stuff to us. (Anyone need a CCM back block?) I also got an Xtreme t-shirt which was very nice.

All in all, it was a fun day. Only wish the turn out had been bigger so more cash could have gone to Rod.