View Full Version : Pulse and Reloader B

07-10-2007, 12:06 PM
Since the reloader B and Pulse are almost the same technology. Has anyone tested these 2 hoppers in a head to head against each other? I know warpig did some tests but they did it with the v35 halo and not the reloader b or b2.

07-11-2007, 03:53 AM
I recently did this since I purchased a Pulse.
The Halo has the V35 board, DueyDog battery and speed wheel. The pulse was RF'ed to my ion virtue board.
I tried two different firing modes: uncapped ramping and uncapped full auto.
On ramping both keep up fairly well with the Halo getting 18-19 bps and Pulse doing 22 bps.
On full auto, there was a noticable difference. The Halo lagged every 7-8 balls. The Pulse on the other never lagged and kept a steady stream the whole time.