View Full Version : Really Really Bad E-Mag Paint Breaking Problem

01-08-2002, 06:43 PM
Ever since I got my new E-Mag about three months ago it has been nothing but trouble. I have a 68/45 centerflag preset N2 tank (750psi input), a warp feed, stock and Dye Ultralight barrels, regular and super bolts and a 12 volt revolution. So far I have tried Team Colors (regular and the winter fill), Proball, Big Ball and PMI Premium paintballs all of which yeilded similar results except for that the Big Ball worked slightly better than the rest, but was still breaking paint horribly.
My gun would break at least one in twenty paintballs with or without the super bolt. The gun would preform less poorly but still very badly when I was using the stock barrel instead of the Ultralight.
Last Sunday I used someone else's E-Mag, also with a warp feed, instead of mine which also had a lot of problems aswell, but was not as bad as mine was. This marker would break about one in fifty paintballs while I was using Team Colors winter fill paintballs and a PMI Perfect Ceramic barrel.
I didn't chop any paintballs in either gun, except for several that I chopped when the battery on the warp feed ran very low on the borrowed marker. All of the rest of the hundreds of balls that I have broken were barrel breaks, not chopping in the breech.
I have noticed that the gun works very well straight out of the car or when the gun is inside, but as soon as it has been outside for twenty minutes, in starts to have problems. The temperature outside when I have used the gun has been about 35-50 degrees farenheight.
I would appreciate it if you people could suggest a few things that I might be doing wrong or that could be wrong with the marker to give me such horrendous ball breakage problems.


01-08-2002, 07:03 PM
If the ball isnt able to blow through easily then your barrel is too small. Small barrels will cause breaks on any gun.

Like putting a large ball into a small tube it isnt gonna fit without breaking.

01-08-2002, 07:28 PM
I doubt that the balls being too big is the problem. All of the paintballs that I have tried are medium bore paints and the Ultralight is a medium bore barrel. The stock E-Mag barrel is a large bore barrel so in either case the paintballs probably are not too big for the barrel.

01-08-2002, 08:36 PM
You shouldent be breaking that much.

Sometimes paint swells.

Check your nubbins too.

Thats all I can tell ya.

01-10-2002, 08:46 PM
ahh the pain. ive come to the conclusion there are certain things you need with a mag.
decent paint.
and...no wait thats it :)

the automag, bless her heart is an uncompromising mistress.

several things could be causing you grief. temperature sure as hell isnt helping, I can guarantee it. I have the same prob, mines a blender. I just ordered a venturi to see if thats a little better. the face of the bolt is more concave vs the stock on , so shouldnt be cracking as many balls. also, when the temp changes like that, check your paint size. chances are it has swelled. use a large bore barrel/insert to be certain. a foamie also helps when the paints brittle. might even want to turn your pressure down a bit...better to bounce a few than...well yknow. with some paint when it swells, it can get hung up in the feed neck or your hopper, or elbow etc... a slight delay in balls dropping = one hell of a mess.

thats bout it i believe

01-11-2002, 03:44 PM
I've never heard a paint breaking problem that bad on an E-Mag, maybe you just got a bad one. Try using a Freak system to check the bore sizes of ur paint(if you have access to a Freak)

01-12-2002, 05:38 PM
if your not happy dude just send it to the factory to see if they can help.. but it sounds like the old **** paint theory ..it swelling or the shell is brittle or theres condensation (water vapor or dew)in your barrel.im guessing you have sone idea what your doing so just change 1 thing at a time and see whats causing a problem..be paitent as this is whats called learning your marker hope this helps

01-12-2002, 06:18 PM
I used to have the same problems with my E-mag, I was literally blending close to every shot of paint, though the week before it was working fine with the same exact paint. Through carefull scientific experimentation and the process of elimination, I have come to only one conclusion, the weather, specifically the lower temperature, was weakening the balls to where the force of the bolt was chopping the next ball in the stack, vice bobbling it. I highly recommend using the JT maxim series paintballs or any of the new advantage shell rps paintballs, they seem to have tougher shells which are more resilient to the pounding of a mag during these low temperatures.