View Full Version : Grrr....my mag is making me angry!!!

07-14-2007, 03:39 PM

I haven't been able to play for the last several weeks. I haven't really touched any of my gear in that long, its been sitting in the closet. Got my mag out to go play with it in a mechanical/semi game at our home field. Anticipating a bit of bolt stick I went ahead and lubed the powertube and bolt, the on/off assy, and a few drops down the inlet. I tried to shoot her a few times at home on a tank w/ about 1k. It wouldn't fire, but I figured no big deal...it will be fine at the field.

I get there, air it up, and immediatly I get a large bolt tip leak. The tank is empty in seconds. After investigating I find nothing wrong, except that I have to completly reconfigure the LX for the marker to even operate. I got it working w/o leaking, but it was nothing near tuned and chopped all day. Later my tanks reg seat began to leak, an ongoing issue, so once again I had to break out another marker.

I just got home, put back in the original and well tuned LX configuration and the marker works fine. No leaks at all. :confused:

This is the fourth time in a row that I have had issues with this marker at the field, after working flawlessly at home. Missed playing in the CFOA with it due to LX issues and the adj. tanks reg seat popping out of place at 1100PSI. The next time at the field it got really inconsistant, found tape inside the valve. The third I broke a ball detent, and then this. I am seriouly beginning to wonder if I am ever meant to play with this marker....

07-14-2007, 03:53 PM
I'll take it off your hands.... :D

07-14-2007, 04:11 PM
I'll give you $5 for the problematic marker..... ;)

07-14-2007, 04:13 PM
are you tuning the level 10 inside your air conditioned house or outside where the conditions are similar to where you are playing ?

07-14-2007, 06:08 PM
seems like that's the way it works !!!!! I allways tune in the conditions I play in ( in my hot hot garage ) never overlube (too much is as bad as not enough) in my opinion , 2drops before &&&& after the game then 2 drops after the cleaning
Mabey i'm just lucky I've got a 1/2 a dozen that just don't give me problems & 1 that has an on/off leak that I just don't worry about

07-15-2007, 06:46 AM
are you tuning the level 10 inside your air conditioned house or outside where the conditions are similar to where you are playing ?

Never heard of such a thing. I have tuned many an LX inside and not had to adjust it again in months and in some cases even years of playing. Can't really see where 20*F of temp would really make that much difference....

07-15-2007, 10:52 AM
At least your trigger resets, 10% of the time my trigger doesnt reset I hear HISSSSSSSSSSSs-click as it takes about 2 seconds to reset - if it does.

This ULT thing is killin me :)

07-16-2007, 03:45 AM
I got 3 mag valves... all leak down the barrel :cry:

2 are in a shop, the other was, untill i was told i may have a bad powertube...