View Full Version : Great day of play...

07-15-2007, 02:50 PM
Gotta share this one with you AOers;

Two weekends ago i got invited to a private game, about 30 minutes out from where i live, the asked me to just show up and not to bring any electronic markers. (easy considering i don't own any)

I listed off my markers, the autococker was bright red, and not suited for woods play, the PGP garnered a laugh when i brought it up.

i mentioned bringing my Automag. (classic 68 valve, CF frame, backbottle setup)

the guy said 'Are you sure? those are old, loud, heavy and pretty slow.

so, long story short, i show up on the day with my mag and several barrels, as well as my Mokal Titan as a backup.

The guys i wound up playing with were a 'milsim' team looking to recruit. the only non-tippmann markers there were mine and some guys with spyders.

I go to chrono and to a man, everyone plugs their ears, i chrono in at 275fps on the first shot and 276fps on the next two (same as the last time i played); everyone else took several tries to chrono in.

On to play....

the first game starts, it's the milsim guys against everyone else. i push up to the rough center of the field before encountering resistance, two guys with RT'd A-5's. they hammer at me for a good half a minute before laying off. i pop out and pump out a string of 20, getting one and then the other, then follow the 'thak thak thak' of more tippmanns to the next firefight, came up the side of the firefight and scored another two quick eliminations, before spotting the guy who said 'mags are old' to me on the phone, rocking his A-5 SAW lookalike.

I got him in one shot, hit him in the side of the head from 50 or so yards out.

the kicker - he never heard my shot over the sound of his own shooting.

after that game, played about five more, then had two guys out with mechanical problems, and the day was called.

by the end of the day, half of the milsim team was asking me if they made a mag that had a milsim look.

:shooting: :shooting: :dance:

07-15-2007, 05:20 PM
Direct them to Freebird's M14 look-alike.


Yes, Mags are old. And it took everyone else this long to catch up!

07-15-2007, 05:28 PM
LOL... :rofl:

thank you for brightening up my day..... :shooting:

07-15-2007, 07:39 PM
wait, he had a SAW look a like and he said YOUR gun was heavy?


07-15-2007, 08:40 PM
Those milsim guys are pretty funny to me. Military gear centers around the least gear to do the job the best, and milsim markers are often just the opposite. Not true all the time, but a surprising amount of them never seem to get the idea (common to both paintballers and the military) that stacking 15lbs of useless metal on your setup isn't a good thing. Whatever, just means more targets for me.

07-15-2007, 09:40 PM
Those milsim guys are pretty funny to me. Military gear centers around the least gear to do the job the best, and milsim markers are often just the opposite. Not true all the time, but a surprising amount of them never seem to get the idea (common to both paintballers and the military) that stacking 15lbs of useless metal on your setup isn't a good thing. Whatever, just means more targets for me.

Last time i played (not counting today...) We were at this feild we only go to in a pinch (tis pretty crappy)

Anyhow, the basis of the feild is "bombed out city" half walls, windows, doorways, all fake concrete, some cars and a satellite dish and stuff like that...

Bunch of guys wearing BDU's show up.

the one comes over "We're playing military versus civilians" (i hear a few 'HOOAH!' from the gaggle of people)

We're like "uhh, okay fine."

We rolled them all day long. They were the biggest bunch of whiney *****es too.

They really didnt like it when i made a comment along the lines of "Too bad they cant call for an airstrike..."

The best part was, they would not switch up teams until the refs MADE them. They kept saying how they're trained for this kinda thing, too bad its paintball, not iraq.