View Full Version : Vforce Grills ? any opinions

07-15-2007, 11:55 PM
I need to get a new set of goggles before next weeeknd. One of the clowns at the field decided to barrow mine while I was in South Dakota for the last 2 weeks. In 2 weeks time he did more damage to them than I have done in 2 years!!!

I have always been one to have my own goggles, for playing and reffing, the thought of some dudes sweat being against my skin has always made me a little queezy.

Basically I asked him if he would like to barrow my jock strap as well cuz its close to the same thing in my opinion. Long story short he ponied up 65.00 so I could get a new set of goggles.

I like the looks and features of the Vforce Grillz, but does anyone have a pair of them? Pros/Cons?



07-16-2007, 12:04 AM
No complaints about them so far. I have been trying to buy a second set of foam inserts since they're easily swappable. They are quite comfy.

07-16-2007, 12:07 AM
No complaints about them so far. I have been trying to buy a second set of foam inserts since they're easily swappable. They are quite comfy.

I know in the release video they said 10.00 for a new set of foam, but I have seen 22.00 as the cheapest price so far....

Any fogging problems?

Whats the best price you have seen on them, I want to pick them up before Monster game at the end of this month.


Damn... peopel think I'm tryin to be like Don.... shootin same gun as him, now lookin for same goggles as him :)

Empyreal Rogue
07-16-2007, 12:08 AM
I think it looks hideous.

*hugs his profiler*

07-16-2007, 12:10 AM
I think it looks hideous.

*hugs his profiler*

Because paintball has evolved into a fasion show....


07-16-2007, 12:13 AM
I know in the release video they said 10.00 for a new set of foam, but I have seen 22.00 as the cheapest price so far....

Any fogging problems?

Whats the best price you have seen on them, I want to pick them up before Monster game at the end of this month.


Fogging issues? Oh heck no, and I do breath quite heavily. I fog the vents masks and the jt proteus masks and those have been relegated to spare masks.

http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/7/18313082530.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=5872336)

As for price, I picked it up right when they came out so I got reamed for it. I must kill shrub for handing me the mask at the store.

07-16-2007, 12:17 AM
Can you get them with Yellow lenses, or have to do the usual, order them with clear, and then buy extra lenses for them?

How much did yours run you may I ask?



Empyreal Rogue
07-16-2007, 12:22 AM
Because paintball has evolved into a fasion show....


And? Is there something wrong with looking good when playing paintball?

Why spend 85 dollars on the Grillz when you can spend 40 on a used Profiler in tip-top shape that looks better and has the same functionality? You asked for AO's opinion...

07-16-2007, 12:22 AM
Can you get them with Yellow lenses, or have to do the usual, order them with clear, and then buy extra lenses for them?

How much did yours run you may I ask?



Lol I don't remember, that was 6 months ago and about the time I got the mini after getting a nice fat see ya check from my old job. :D They cost me 85 I think, ball park around that area. And I have seen them for cheaper now. :tard: Geek got his for cheaper so he'll probably chime in and mention his and his failed coloring project with the grill. :rofl:

07-16-2007, 12:24 AM
And? Is there something wrong with looking good when playing paintball?

Why spend 85 dollars on the Grillz when you can spend 40 on a used Profiler in tip-top shape that looks better and has the same functionality? You asked for AO's opinion...

That whole USED mask thing kinda goes in hand with some other dudes sweat on my face... not gonna do it....

I like the idea of removeable foam int he Grillz, do the profilers have that feature now?

Geeks got a pair too.... damn, ill look like I am copying him too :)


07-16-2007, 12:26 AM
They are nice masks, I like every aspect about them except the foam. It's to pourus for my tastes and makes my forhead ich.

I prefer the vents masks, but to each their own.

probubly going to end up buying both anyhow just for no reason....

07-16-2007, 12:28 AM
They are nice masks, I like every aspect about them except the foam. It's to pourus for my tastes and makes my forhead ich.

I prefer the vents masks, but to each their own.

probubly going to end up buying both anyhow just for no reason....

Wonder if they used a more porous foam so it would break downa little quicker, so you use the new foam feature?

I was wearing Proto Switch goggles, and they were a little heavy, but I likes the 2 densities of foam they used on em, made them snug and comfortable.


07-16-2007, 12:33 AM
Wonder if they used a more porous foam so it would break downa little quicker, so you use the new foam feature?

I was wearing Proto Switch goggles, and they were a little heavy, but I likes the 2 densities of foam they used on em, made them snug and comfortable.


I like the foam on the grill but they just made the extra foam available recently, I'm gonna have to go visit my local shop and see if they got it yet. BTW we won't match 100% My mini has a a different trigger from everyone and I do have viking detents modded to fit the mini. :cheers:

07-16-2007, 12:36 AM
I like the foam on the grill but they just made the extra foam available recently, I'm gonna have to go visit my local shop and see if they got it yet. BTW we won't match 100% My mini has a a different trigger from everyone and I do have viking detents modded to fit the mini. :cheers:

Is it a single stage foam or 2 stage with a denser layer and then the soft layer?

Are those ball bearing style detents or piston style still? Keep waiting for a bearing style, I think they perform better.

Someone on PBN was lookin for a composite trigger for the Mini... I passed your name on, so he may be contacting you.


07-16-2007, 12:46 AM
Is it a single stage foam or 2 stage with a denser layer and then the soft layer?

Are those ball bearing style detents or piston style still? Keep waiting for a bearing style, I think they perform better.

Someone on PBN was lookin for a composite trigger for the Mini... I passed your name on, so he may be contacting you.


Don't know if I can get the triggers anymore. The dude that made them is moving to Montana to finish his degree.

07-16-2007, 12:52 AM
yes, i have one. and it turned out dark purple instead of black in my attempt to dye it. :p

think i paid $60 for it, got it off pbnation, brand new. if you look around you can find them for cheap. It's a nice mask, no complaints, but honestly not much better than my profiler IMO.

07-16-2007, 02:30 AM
To me the grillz mask was too close to my mouth, similar to a proteus for me, maybe closterphobic or what, but i ended up buying a pair of vents to use as back up to my profiler. To me the profiler is still my fav for comfort, looks and usability

07-16-2007, 03:30 AM
Got 'em, love 'em. Olive/Desert Tan or whatever. Looks good for speedball, blends in for woodsball.

I couldn't find a place to buy them with the tinted lens. In fact, I couldn't find a place with that color mask and tinted lenses in stock, so I had to get the mask from pbgear.com and the lens from eBay.

Anyway, got 'em now, and they're great. Easy to take apart and swap stuff or clean, you can swap foam (loaner foam, perhaps?), and the strap adjuster doesn't move once you set it. Also low profile and great visibility.

I can't find a fault with them. Then again, I did switch from JT nVaders, so a lot of things are a step up for me.

07-16-2007, 06:58 AM
Absolutely love mine. Fits MY face much better than the I3. Foam is a little stiff around th e face but not bad. One stage foam Styg. I live in SW Florida and didnt have any trouble with fog this weekend at 95* and 85% humidity.

OD/Tan with Chrome Silver lens with mad net mojo :ninja: (damn mirror lens puts you in every shot :rolleyes: )




07-16-2007, 08:37 AM
Wonder if they used a more porous foam so it would break downa little quicker, so you use the new foam feature?

I was wearing Proto Switch goggles, and they were a little heavy, but I likes the 2 densities of foam they used on em, made them snug and comfortable.

Yeah i loved my proto switch but zazzoo's dog ate it no joke... :cry:

07-16-2007, 09:08 AM
Wow those OD/TAN look MUCH better in pics than they do in the promo pictures I see on the web for them. Normally wouldnt choose those colors, but that looks nice.

I think I am going to order up a pair - Almost tempted to wait for Monster Game, since Vforce sponsors the game, but I am not sure if they will be at any sort of discount there or not.

How do those mirrored lenses work out for you? are you a flashing beacon in the sun for anyone trying to find you?


07-16-2007, 10:02 AM
That whole USED mask thing kinda goes in hand with some other dudes sweat on my face... not gonna do it....

I'm with you on this. I even tell rec players to go out and spend $25.00 on a decent anti-fog mask if they plan on playing more than once a year.

07-16-2007, 10:31 AM
It's a good mask, but for less you will have the profiler that is equally good. I have had shields, morphs, profilers, and finally a grill. And all are comfortable to wear. (imho) I have very little problems with fogging, only when the humidity spikes and temperature is way above comfortable levels. At my last biggame everybody was complaining about fogging, but i only had a bit of water on the inside of my lense. It did'nt fog, just condensated on the surface.

07-16-2007, 10:40 AM
Wow those OD/TAN look MUCH better in pics than they do in the promo pictures I see on the web for them. Normally wouldnt choose those colors, but that looks nice.

I think I am going to order up a pair - Almost tempted to wait for Monster Game, since Vforce sponsors the game, but I am not sure if they will be at any sort of discount there or not.

How do those mirrored lenses work out for you? are you a flashing beacon in the sun for anyone trying to find you?


I have always used mirrored lenses since its always blazing in FL. Havent had any spotting issues. I can actually pull the netting over the lenses without impairing my vision any. Almost like lens ghillie.

Another HUGE plus over the I3 system: A lobotomized monkey can change the Grill lenses in about 30 sec. :clap:

I foolishly didnt get another foam piece to switch out :tard:

07-16-2007, 11:33 AM
concensus seems to be the Profilers are just as good a goggle system for less money

By the looks of it, the Grillz use a smaller lense than the profilers as well? I had heard issues with taking a hit on the bridge of the nose of the profilers and paint coming in under the lenses - is this still a problem with them?


07-16-2007, 12:23 PM
concensus seems to be the Profilers are just as good a goggle system for less money

By the looks of it, the Grillz use a smaller lense than the profilers as well? I had heard issues with taking a hit on the bridge of the nose of the profilers and paint coming in under the lenses - is this still a problem with them?


Hmm, not sure, I havent been shot in the face yet :p The lens has a MUCH SMALLER profile than the I3's or Protos. Yes it leaves your forehead exposed a little. Also much lighter than my DYE's or Proto's.

07-16-2007, 12:39 PM
I had heard issues with taking a hit on the bridge of the nose of the profilers and paint coming in under the lenses - is this still a problem with them?

Hmm I experienced that problem more or less with the JT masks.

07-16-2007, 12:45 PM
I like my grills a lot more than my old profilers. They feel more comfortable to me and are more flexible. The lense is a little smaller but I couldn't tell a difference in vision. You would probably be happy with either one but I would rather have the grills.

07-16-2007, 02:58 PM
I love my mine!
lense comes off in 15 seconds...and goes back on just as fast.
very light and comfy, no fogging problems..used them in jersey nam all weekend 95 with 90H .....never fogged up :headbang:
try Orderpaintball.com for best price

07-16-2007, 03:53 PM
Heard horror stories about Orderpaintball.com

They must have greatly enhanced the no fog on those lenses since Vforce first came out, becaeu I remember alot of fogging at the field years back.


07-16-2007, 04:52 PM
I have heard a lot of people saying that they think the lower portion is too flexible and I have to disagree. Certainly no softer than a Flex.