View Full Version : Newb Question, AGD Pro Classic marker

07-17-2007, 03:39 AM

Been looking at this, and it seems like the gun for me. I do have a few questions as this is my first time buying a paintball gun. First i'd like to say i'm getting the lvl10 added, a smoke warp feed, signature, insurance... but my problem is with the mainbody type. What would I choose out of that drop-down menu if I am left handed?

Other questions: Would a pure energy 48ci 3000psi work well for this gun, if no, suggestion?
This "warp feed" jigger, i'm going to assume i still need a hopper, and that's just the neck. What's a good hopper if I assumed correct?(I was thinking... viewloader vlocity?)

Thank you in advance anyone able to help me, i'm a bit :tard: when it comes to paintball terminology.

07-17-2007, 09:47 AM

Been looking at this, and it seems like the gun for me. I do have a few questions as this is my first time buying a paintball gun. First i'd like to say i'm getting the lvl10 added, a smoke warp feed, signature, insurance... but my problem is with the mainbody type. What would I choose out of that drop-down menu if I am left handed?

Other questions: Would a pure energy 48ci 3000psi work well for this gun, if no, suggestion?
This "warp feed" jigger, i'm going to assume i still need a hopper, and that's just the neck. What's a good hopper if I assumed correct?(I was thinking... viewloader vlocity?)

Thank you in advance anyone able to help me, i'm a bit :tard: when it comes to paintball terminology.

It is great to see someone choosing such quality for your first paintball gun purchase!

I'm not sure about the body type. Being left handed I would think you need a warp right body, but that is assuming the warp drive can be mounted on the right side of the gun. Someone else needs to verify this...

Pure Energy tanks will work fine. 48/3000 is a bit small, but will work none the less. For comparison I get around 750 shots with my 68/3000.

You will need a hopper to go on the warp feed. Your VL Vlocity is great.

07-17-2007, 11:08 AM
It is great to see someone choosing such quality for your first paintball gun purchase!

I'm not sure about the body type. Being left handed I would think you need a warp right body, but that is assuming the warp drive can be mounted on the right side of the gun. Someone else needs to verify this...

Pure Energy tanks will work fine. 48/3000 is a bit small, but will work none the less. For comparison I get around 750 shots with my 68/3000.

You will need a hopper to go on the warp feed. A VL Revy with X-board would work nice.

Alright thanks, if that is possible, can that be chosen from the menu, or is that a special part?
A 68/3000 would work fine also, my budget isn't too tight, I'll keep it in mind.
As for the VL Revolution, would it be best to order this in at the paintball dealer in town(lots of hassle, but i'd still do it), or is there a reputable online dealer?

07-17-2007, 01:55 PM
:tard: Bump, I'd really like some clarifacation on this.

07-17-2007, 02:51 PM
:tard: Bump, I'd really like some clarifacation on this.

The warp can be mounted on either side. If you get a warp body you want warp right [WR] for left hand shooting. Any hopper will work. I use a revy on mine.

07-17-2007, 03:00 PM
The warp can be mounted on either side. If you get a warp body you want warp right [WR] for left hand shooting. Any hopper will work. I use a revy on mine.
Thanks, you rock man! :headbang:

07-17-2007, 04:09 PM
You won't be shooting that fast, you know. . .

07-17-2007, 04:10 PM
i've never used a warp before, but if you were right handed, wouldnt you want it on the right hand side, so its not against your body, or obstructing your view down the left side of your marker...you cant see the right side anyway

07-17-2007, 05:44 PM
For speedball, a warp on the off-side is usually preferred. A lefty is better protected shooting from the left side of a bunker where the majority of his/her body is protected. You wouldn't want a substantial target such as a warp feed extending further out from the bunker, so putting it on the right would tend to keep it protected behind a bunker. Of course, when you have to switch to right-handed shooting, it will be exposed. Since it will be exposed to some degree one way or the other, you just mount it on the side that will be protected most often.


07-17-2007, 06:01 PM
Well, I know I wont be shooting fast, that's not my goal. It's all woodsball over here anyways.

07-17-2007, 09:03 PM
custar, keep in mind that with the Warp the intent is not to switch hands. If you're shooting on your off side, just rotate the marker. Works great, I did it all the time. Watch the agg kiddies freak when you tell 'em you don't switch hands.

Genome, I think what they mean about rate of fire is that the VLocity is overkill. A $20 used Revvy will do fine. I've even seen people use a Warp with a run-of-the-mill VL200. You can still hose a string of 20 or so shots, and if there are gaps in the Warp when you stop shooting just hit the little button on the bottom and it closes them up for you. Also, maybe look into a powerfeed body (the one with the tube over the body at a 45° angle). I won't let mine go because I can hook a Warp or QLoader to the bottom of it and have a low profile setup, or just stick a hopper on the top and go out with the normal setup. Anyway, enjoy the 'mag, I really couldn't think of a better woodsball marker.

07-18-2007, 03:27 AM
Warp left for righty shooting. Warp right for lefty shooting. Thats right you dont have to switch for off hand shooting, just roll the gun. :ninja: Its a beautiful thang.

Here watch the TK Warp lesson vid. All actors should be ballers or all ballers should be actors or something like that. :spit_take

http://home.comcast.net/~beemerone/TomKayeWarpLesson.wmv 4.8Megs

To add........this vid is warp left, righty shooting. The concept is the same for a lefty just a warp right instead. :headbang:

07-18-2007, 03:32 AM
well, this all helped a bunch, so i'm pretty much set now. Thanks for helping everyone! :D

07-18-2007, 07:50 PM
The warp doesn't obstruct your view too much. I have mine set up for righty shooting and I love it!


07-18-2007, 08:11 PM
Have you been here yet ?
http://www.themagsmith.com/store/index.php or http://www.tunamart.com/