View Full Version : We are no more

07-17-2007, 11:18 PM
For those of you keeping score, Team Twisted, our CFOA effort has been dissolved. The internal pressures, external factors within the play and the league were just more than we wanted to deal with. In essence it was no longer fun, our performance was lacking due to many issues and it was no longer finacially feasible to carry on.

I am saddened by this on many different levels. I mean first off, no one LIKES to fail. Some members of the team have put almost two years of time and effort into getting this off the ground from concept to reality. We had achieved what many people in paintball dream of doing. We were a SPONSORED team. Not all inclusive mind you, but payed nothing for tourney fees or paint. A much better deal than many.

Not that the whole thing was a cakewalk. The concept changed so fast from the intial idea to the reality...dreams burn off fast when the checkbook comes out. Its a hard road finding decent players, not just hangers on.....I have detailed a lot of it. I hope it might help some of you other players that decide to follow the same road.

If I could say one thing to take to heart. Nothing within competative paintball is as it seems on the surface. There is no innocence. It is not just a game anymore at that level.

07-17-2007, 11:41 PM
That sucks.

I was reading through some of your past posts just today on this subject, and was going to post something up to find out how it all worked out. Glad I didnt considering the bad news.

Hope you keep playing. :cheers:

I am most definately going to keep playing, just not on a tournament level at this time. Who knows what the future will bring?
The core of the team is still around and I don't think any irrepairable damage has been done. We just got away from our original chemistry and stepping away is the best thing we can do right now. Clear our minds, see who if any are truly loyal and in for the long haul.

I actually am glad to have my free time/will back again. I enjoyed an excellent semi only game this past weekend and am already booking the upcoming scenario season. Really looking forward to the AO South game coming up in Rome...gonna be a lot of fun.

07-18-2007, 12:26 AM
Sorry to hear that. Just focus on this as a stepping stone to moving forward to something better.

I've been with my team through the thick and thin for 3 years now. I'm glad I stayed loyal. We were dissapointed not playing NPPL HB this 2007 due to guys lacking committment. But after alot of hardship, we have revived the roster with bright new talent and things look good for next year's NPPL HB. We are partially sponsored, so expense is always a big deal.

Skills are always good, but finding financially responsible and dedicated players with good attitude was the way to go. It just so happens these new guys know how to shoot too. But one thing that we always found most important is to remember to have fun.

07-18-2007, 04:27 PM
Its too bad about your team. Its so hard when there is a core bunch that are truly dedicated to the team, while others are just hanging on for the ride. Stick with the core guys, have fun playing, and if the opportunity comes, grab a couple of new players willing to have fun and go again. Finding a bunch that are willing to have fun together is fundamental to maintaining team chemistry on a non-professional team.

Now go and have some fun!!!!

07-19-2007, 10:12 PM
We at the CFOA are sorry to see you go. As a customer, it's important to us that you have a great time playing paintball. I can only hope that nothing about the league itself prompted this decision.

Please stay in touch and know that you're always welcome in the CFOA family any time! If there's ever anything I can do for you, let me know!

Take care and the best of luck with the future.

Joshua D. Silverman
Director of Marketing and Sponsorship, CFOA Tournament Series