View Full Version : IF you could change one thing . . .

07-18-2007, 09:43 AM
IF you could change one thing about your 'typical' paintball playing experience (like your average day of play where ever that is) , what one thing would you change if you could ?

50 cal
07-18-2007, 09:51 AM
Boy, this is going to hurt a bunch of people........

I would have ROF limits on walk on play. I've seen waaaaay too many new people to the sport serve as nothing but punching bags for some wise alek with a $1500 gun.

On walk on play you don't need to wail on someone with your 1,000 ball a second Super Duper Newb Blaster(TM).

Someone is sure to complain about that. It's just my opinion, worth exactly what you paid for it. ;)

07-18-2007, 09:52 AM
The pump games I attend are perfect. Great people, and very honerable game play.

The semi games I attend could use less cheaters, and less boards.

......but if I had to say just one...........I would ban circut boards from all guns at all fields and all games. Just my own private pipe dream. :)

50 cal
07-18-2007, 09:54 AM
Aaahhhh, pump play. :D I would rather play that way than with jerks with super guns. Playing laid back style with a bunch of friends that since '86.

07-18-2007, 10:26 AM
im with 50 cal.. ROF... It only takes one ball to put you out :eek: all the rest are just bonus balls.. And let me tell you ive had my share of bonus balls from the neebs :cuss: who think thats what the game is about :tard: ... they just dont get it...

07-18-2007, 10:45 AM
Better Turnout - I hate driving an hour to have nobody show up, or only like 4 little kids show :(


07-18-2007, 11:19 AM
......but if I had to say just one...........I would ban circut boards from all guns at all fields and all games. Just my own private pipe dream. :)

You just want your pneumatics to stand out... :D

turbo chicken
07-18-2007, 11:20 AM
first of all ... i really could care either way i still have fun on my typical day of play...

but i could see the benefeits of a limited ROF for walk on games ... or the different groups ... a couple of the fields i visit seperates new players, intermediate, and advanced players ...

so something like

new players 8bps pure semi
intermediate 15 pure semi
advanced 15 anything goes as far as ramping and modes ...

or just make everyone play with gravity fed hoppers to limit eveyones ROF for fields that don't seperate the groups...

07-18-2007, 11:20 AM
Having a valid place to play in the winter.

07-18-2007, 11:22 AM
Better Turnout - I hate driving an hour to have nobody show up, or only like 4 little kids show :(

Wait till an hour after the field opens and call them on # of bodies that are there.

ROF.... if you have a field with good turnout, I think it would be neat to have one
of the fields as a mech only game. Back to the roots of the game, when it was skill,
not ROF.

07-18-2007, 11:24 AM
I would have to say the cost. $50-$90 a case is insane. It is one of the biggest reason I play primarily pump where I can play a whole weekend on a single case instead of buying multiple cases for a single day.

I wouldn't mind capping ROF across the board to like 10 BPS in rec ball. Frankly the only people who really benefit from 20+ bps are the aforementioned paint vendors.

lastly I would scale back the attitudes. I mean if people played pickup baseball games and employed the attitudes of some of the players of our sport..... :tard:

I know you asked for only 1... but those are the big 3.

07-18-2007, 11:28 AM
I would request that once you are hit please acknowledge the hit and not wipe it off with your hands or the bunker you are currently using.

07-18-2007, 11:33 AM
I already got rid of the one biggest annoyance, cheating kids, by playing pump for the past 3 years.

However, if we're talking pipe dream time...I'd like a more cinematic experience...and not one based on WWII either. Sometimes I get sick of the whole trees and pallets field, and just playing total elimination. I know it would be expensive, but I'd love to play at a really complex field, maybe part indoor and part outdoor. I'd like to feel like I'm in the movie Aliens, or in the game Resident Evil 4. And I'd like to have some goals besides just shooting people. When I've put together renegade games, we've had some of the most fun coming up with wierd game varients.

07-18-2007, 11:37 AM
Wait till an hour after the field opens and call them on # of bodies that are there.

ROF.... if you have a field with good turnout, I think it would be neat to have one
of the fields as a mech only game. Back to the roots of the game, when it was skill,
not ROF.

Usually what I do, but stilll doesnt change my wish for a better turnout :)

As far as ROF, we dont allow anything but semi auto - solves a lot of problems.


07-18-2007, 11:53 AM
Capping ROF I am back and forth on. The funnest times I have been out is when I was with a group where every single person had the exact same rental gun. It was soo fun! I don't think I got hit all day and got around three people out a game; just because I am always running. Can't do this when people are spraying all over.

On the other had; I had some real fun with my Xmag way back when and going against all different skill and gun levels. While this did make it unfair for some first timers I think they will keep coming as long as you are nice to them and talk to them about what to try next game and don't light them up!
What made me stop is paint! I was dropping 80+ every weekend to play. I know someone can say just don't shoot so much, BUT that is what makes it fun!

If I could go for $40 tops and get plenty of paint to shoot how I want, within reason, I would buy a gun and get back into the sport.

07-18-2007, 12:03 PM
Well, I guess in my perfect world, it would be fair, balanced teams. Lately every game I've played has been one sided.

07-18-2007, 12:06 PM
I'm not sure how AO came to be such a large supporter of limited ROF... I seem to remember back in the day that Mags were known as the 'fastest'. ;)

turbo chicken
07-18-2007, 12:47 PM
i take back what i said ... about ROF ...

so the one thing i'd change is ... just more people at the field that play pump :D

07-18-2007, 12:55 PM
$100 a case paint without "sponsored kiddies" was a lot more fun.... and had a lot less problems.

At least in memory, maybe time makes things better.

07-18-2007, 12:56 PM
I'm not sure how AO came to be such a large supporter of limited ROF... I seem to remember back in the day that Mags were known as the 'fastest'. ;)

Mags quit being the fastest - thats what happened. Now AO supports mech only tournaments where mags can dominate again. If you "can't" (or won't, whatever) compete through technology, change the rules...

07-18-2007, 01:08 PM
I already got rid of the one biggest annoyance, cheating kids, by playing pump for the past 3 years.

However, if we're talking pipe dream time...I'd like a more cinematic experience...and not one based on WWII either. Sometimes I get sick of the whole trees and pallets field, and just playing total elimination. I know it would be expensive, but I'd love to play at a really complex field, maybe part indoor and part outdoor. I'd like to feel like I'm in the movie Aliens, or in the game Resident Evil 4. And I'd like to have some goals besides just shooting people. When I've put together renegade games, we've had some of the most fun coming up with wierd game varients.


07-18-2007, 01:17 PM
I think the attitudes are the worst part. I don't mind the kids with paintslingers as long as they stop shooting when someone calls out and don't bring the I'm God's gift to the sport attitude.

07-18-2007, 01:37 PM

that takes my vote. I guess it might be along the way of attitude, but in its own rank. stop having these brats come out and wave their weight (attitude) and money around. I use this phrase alot with this issue and it's all out dorky: "with great power, come great responcibility." If they can't control their gun and not respect the game and people, take it away.

Like there's a guy at my local field who has a stupid fast E-cocker, awesome guy and will appoligise if he hits you more then once and can make every new player welcome. one the flip side ther is a kid who is the equle and exact opposite whith his daddys dollars in toys. pretty much every week I have to get on to him about something that isn't even a stupid mistake/thing, it's him being... language I can't use here... and the manager turned him away once. take his DMC away, and all the people like him.

07-18-2007, 01:43 PM
I would make it mech only.

If that doesn't float your boat, fine. Then I would say no battery powered loaders, Shake N Bake! Tippy cyclone feeds not allowed either.

Shoot whatever you want but you can only use a VL-2000. :clap:


07-18-2007, 01:48 PM
Field layouts that promote more movement. I've played on speedball fields where everybody hunkers down and shoots a case, and I've played on games where eveybody still shoots a case, but the game is about movement and strategy, I love that.

I'd also like to give those guys who show up in blue jerseys to scenario games something else to wear.

07-18-2007, 02:13 PM
I am usually a bushballer, and I wouldn't change a thing. The group of guys I go out with are a range in age from about 15 - 45, we all get along very well, honest, and nobody brags or insults other people about their markers. We get usually around 25 guys out, and play year round, yes even in the snow.

07-18-2007, 02:16 PM
Faster woodsball game turn around, and slightly shorter games, i.e. more games per day, not feeling bad for sitting a game to clean equipment, eat lunch, catch your breath.

I don't want to sit for a half hour between games, and I don't like waiting for a game to end cause I got shot in the first 2 minutes of a 30 min. game with no recycles.

07-18-2007, 02:23 PM
Limited paint was fun (say XX amount of cases / team / tourney) . Added a bit of strategy - if you used a lot of paint early were you able to win late wtihout it? How much did you use / save to make finals?

07-18-2007, 02:52 PM
One of the big reason i quit playing was the fact that almost everyone at the local field whipped. I just got sick of it and decided not to play there, but the was the only good field that was close to me.. Cost really isnt that big of a deal if you have a job. Paintball is actually one of my cheaper hobbies.

07-18-2007, 03:09 PM
the heat and the ********

07-18-2007, 03:10 PM
More refs, On a good day their might be one or two refs for 30 people playing.

07-18-2007, 03:37 PM
The University's Department of Natural Resource Conservation wouldn't have taken away our field because we were "hurting the trees." Because we all know how much damage a paintball can do to a huge pine tree. :rolleyes: Too bad, that field was almost perfect.

My biggest problem now is actually finding a field worth playing at and less than an hour away.

07-18-2007, 03:45 PM
$100 a case paint without "sponsored kiddies" was a lot more fun.... and had a lot less problems.

At least in memory, maybe time makes things better.

Yea I remember the $120 per case tourney days.
Hopper ball, no more than 200 rounds per game.
Camaraderie between teams.
Loaning markers to other teams because they were down one.

I remember when bad attitudes towards refs or other non team members got you kicked off your team. Back when you would get your butt spanked by a team and they would sit you down and explain to you what you did wrong.

Better in my mind too. :)

07-18-2007, 04:26 PM
I would say ... skill level matching and matching the team sizes to the field. Sorry, that's two things.

Though it's good to expand your skills playing players much better than you, in a walk-on situation, team guys (especially if it is their local field, and there are more than one on a side) are at a huge advantage versus the randomly mixed walk-on players. Either break them up or have then play/practice separately for most of the day. A few mismatched games are okay, but keep them to a minimum.

Also at some of the fields I frequent, speedball fields that are even a touch small for 5 on 5 get used for huge walk on crowds ... mostly because there aren't enough refs to run enough games to break down the players into smaller groups.

I find ROF to be a non-issue, but then again all fields local to me are semi-only for walk on play.

Dark Side
07-18-2007, 05:19 PM
the heat.

mr doo doo
07-18-2007, 05:27 PM
mechs only!! :D

inexpensive paint (like 30-50). everyone be honest like back in the days. no bad sportsmanship!! cheaper admission (like 5-10). no wannabe-professional poo poos who think they are the best. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: have fun while making others around you have fun at the same time!!!

07-18-2007, 05:43 PM
inexpensive paint for me. If i could get it to $30 a case i would love it.

07-18-2007, 06:51 PM
I would request that once you are hit please acknowledge the hit and not wipe it off with your hands or the bunker you are currently using.

yea we have a few guys like that I call them " those who can't be hit "

07-18-2007, 07:16 PM
MY normal day of play(which is very different than most of yours) could see some improvements:

Teams wanting to play together
I'm cool with it a little but having the same teams over and over gets old...FAST

Lack of refs
Makes sense in outlaw though

Our backman
God I hate playing against him ;)

Getting bashed for being different
I like to be different. They seem to not like my unwillingness to conform. My Jersey is homemade, my pants are older than my gun and my gun was made before I started playing(3.5 years ago)

That guy
The one person who always shows up, who doesn't get along with anybody or who shows up and doesn't want to play therefore making teams uneven.

07-18-2007, 07:19 PM
No Cheating. Especially wiping, but also including ROF and ramping Violations.
I play recball, and even though recball is serious business :argh: ...
there's no reason to cheat in a game just for the fun of sundae balling.

07-18-2007, 07:20 PM
there's no reason to cheat in a game just for the fun of sundae balling.
Amen, you don't go out and wipe on a church group/birthday game. I hate that kind of person.

07-20-2007, 07:33 PM
I'd like a more cinematic experience...

If I could have anything, this would be it. It's similar to how I tend to rate amusement park rides. The more it looks and feels like I'm actually doing whatever it is attempting to emulate and the less it feels like a ride the more I like it. Some examples are the back to the Future ride at Universal Studios. Even parts of waiting in line feel "real". And the Tower of Terror at Disneyland (California Adventure). It really looks and feels like you are in a hotel. When you are lead to the basement it looks like what I would expect to see in a hotel basement. That's what I'd like most. :D

<img src="http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q45/delabril/hitech.gif">

Hey Hitech your starting to sound like me! - AGD <img src ="http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q45/delabril/smiley_mini102.gif">
Hitech is the man.... :eek: - Blennidae
The only Hitech Lubricant (http://www.kercon.com)

07-20-2007, 08:13 PM
Follow the times you have advertised. With the follow up to that being - RUN STUFF ON TIME. I hate the fact that it seems 'cool' if you run your field like you really don't care about what's going on or how long people stand around waiting for you to actually work and have some sort of organized paintball operation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-20-2007, 09:21 PM
Limited paint is the best way to play. At my field (splatmandu, TR MI) it's one hopper and 2 tubes per game MAX. Most don't even shoot that. That way, if kids with their ramping doo-dads wanna waste 20 bps at the side of my bunker, go for it...they'll only get to play for 25 seconds...

07-20-2007, 11:31 PM
I wish that my field would call games quicker and that people would get ready faster. It seems like they're just really slow at my field compared to others I've been at. Generally only one 90 second round is played at whatever field that game was called at, and then it takes 15 minutes for another game to be called, and then another 10 for people to be ready. I really don't see what takes so long to get ready. :confused:

07-21-2007, 12:26 AM
well, what is there to improve when you only play with good friends. last time i played there was really only 2 issues but my teamates were friends that just recently started playing. if you are out call yourself out, yell it regardless if everyone knows your out. if you have to check yourself call "time" and do so. jeez this got me so pissed that day because were were playin outlaw ball and we only had 5 people. since 2 of them were noobies i took them on my team. i was maybe 10 feet from them in a concealed area behined a tree and they were side by side unloading like there was no tomorrow on only 1 person! and then somehow they both get hit and instead of calling themselves out they walk towards the guy who shot em out and that guy does the same then they proceed to check for markings. all 3 were gathered on the side so i took it as all 3 of them were out. so i proceed to stalk my prey when the player from the other team(that i thought had gotten out) comes up behind me ans says,"Im still in" and shoots me!i get that theyre new but theyre not new to common sense(as i would hope)it seems like every new player has to either waste all his paintballs without getting anyone out or theyre walking to the starting area and hold their gone straight up and the hopper lids opens and well, there they go. next time i go im gettin my own case and i dont even use a bag no matter how lo0ng we play. newbies are expesive.

the other thing is that people are so worried about what their teamates are doing and they completely lose track of whet theyre doing. i was sittin behind some brush while the opponent (again it was my 3 vs their 2) was creepin closer and closer towards my teamates who as usual were throwing everything they had at him. they had no clear shot but this didnt stop em, i however wouldve had an amazingly clear shot had my opponent walked another 3 feet or so but my teamate yells,"What the :cuss: are you doing?hes right there" i stay quiet hoping the oppenent didnt catch my teamates performance but before i knew it he was running back to cover and i was sitting there contemplating on whether or not i should go rogue and take my own teamate out.

/im thirsty now

07-21-2007, 12:29 AM
Not a thing.

Evolve or die.

07-21-2007, 01:00 AM
less drama between teams/individuals
more play- where I play you show up at noon play one game by 2 talk about that one game for about an hour talk some more talk anohter hour so in an 8 hr day we may get about 4 games in. :argh:
cheaper paint (free would be best! :ninja: )
no cheating(or at least more structured/stricter rules aginst it)

07-22-2007, 03:52 AM
Not a thing.

Evolve or die.


07-22-2007, 08:33 AM
Not a thing.

Evolve or die.



Empyreal Rogue
07-22-2007, 09:18 AM

that takes my vote. I guess it might be along the way of attitude, but in its own rank. stop having these brats come out and wave their weight (attitude) and money around. I use this phrase alot with this issue and it's all out dorky: "with great power, come great responcibility." If they can't control their gun and not respect the game and people, take it away.

Like there's a guy at my local field who has a stupid fast E-cocker, awesome guy and will appoligise if he hits you more then once and can make every new player welcome. one the flip side ther is a kid who is the equle and exact opposite whith his daddys dollars in toys. pretty much every week I have to get on to him about something that isn't even a stupid mistake/thing, it's him being... language I can't use here... and the manager turned him away once. take his DMC away, and all the people like him.

That's exactly what I would change.

I'm tired of going out to play and listening to kids brag about how awesome/uber/god-like/1337 they are. Even if they get rocked in some games, they come up with excuses for what happened. There's a huge lack of maturity in paintball nowadays, and this is what also gives the sport a bad name.

I'd also like to input that there's a lack of honesty and respect in the game. Thankfully I have not experienced any disrespect while playing. But I read quite often and watch games where someone is obviously cheating but somehow gets away with it. It's not fair to those of us who are respectful and honest players.

07-22-2007, 04:28 PM
i would like to see fields supply a large block of valium, similar to a salt lick, that overly aggressive knuckle heads are required to sample on an hourly basis.

07-22-2007, 07:26 PM
One of the things I'm noticing here is the expense of paintball. I run a field, and have to tell you, paint for 30 a case just isn't possible, unless you want to shoot thirds. This isn't our fault, it's the distributor's. We sell our field paint for 45 a case (for quality paint, not trash), and charge 15 for entry with all day air or CO2 if you own your own equipment.

I do have to agree though, I'm sick of playing with kids who's parents support their paintball habit, shoot Egos, DMs, PMs and such. They think they are God's gift to the sport and they whine like 6 year old girls when you burn them on the break.

Another thing that gets on my nerves is when these little jerks guns go down, and they bring it to you and expect you to not only know how to fix it, but have the parts and the time to do so. I don't mind helping someone out if they need it, but they are like "hey, you look like you know what you're doing, fix my gun".

07-23-2007, 11:27 AM
The only thing I would change (this would go for tourneys to), any mode of fire other then full auto is acceptable, but a 10 bps cap limit.

07-23-2007, 01:53 PM
first of all ... i really could care either way i still have fun on my typical day of play...

but i could see the benefeits of a limited ROF for walk on games ... or the different groups ... a couple of the fields i visit seperates new players, intermediate, and advanced players ...

so something like

new players 8bps pure semi
intermediate 15 pure semi
advanced 15 anything goes as far as ramping and modes ...

or just make everyone play with gravity fed hoppers to limit eveyones ROF for fields that don't seperate the groups...

I disagree I think that limiting what players could do would just turn people away from the sport. Paintball is an artform for players to freely play how they like

07-24-2007, 12:53 AM
How 'bout more hot chicks. Everytime I go, it's a sausagefest. And the few girls that are there aren't that cute or there with their boyfriends...

Ok seriously, The thing that bothers me is the attitude some of these guys have, they aren't there to have fun. It seems like people are there just to shoot someone as much as they can before they call themselves out. Sometimes going up against these rampers is fun, but when you see a bunch of them squid bashing the beginners. It's pretty lame.

Irish Deth
08-06-2007, 12:11 AM
This will get pulled. But I'd ban Smart Parts products. No need for Lawyer-happy people to benefit from our sport.

Zone Drifter
08-06-2007, 02:37 AM
If i could change one thing, it would be organization. I like playing outside and on seemingly simple constructed fields, but it gets old. I wish that someone would actually build a complex that housed playing for all types of styles. For example, think the Complex map from goldeneye, now have designated ammo spots for each team. ok, allow each team either a pistol or pump, each using limited ammo (the regular that pistols and pumps can hold, no hoppers) and air cartrages. you would pay for the air and paint, but thats it. then organize it and have a real sweet scenario.

Coolest part about that, is you dont need camo or high bps, you just need skill, some corners to hide behind and low fps so that you dont kill the other person at close range.

I dont mind electo guns, they can be fun, but if its electro, then i think it should stay semi on fields and have them play in their own class. same goes with semi-auto mech markers.

All i would like to see, is a bit more oranization. I know paintball started outside with people who used the honor system, but i think a very impressive complex would get people worked up and want to play.