View Full Version : Automag/Minimag??

07-18-2007, 10:31 AM
Is the Mag pictured on the following site an Automag body or Minimag body or what?

www.myspace.com/deentomc (http://www.myspace.com/deentomc)

(you'll be able to see the pics w/o having a myspace account)

07-18-2007, 10:46 AM
That's an automag body.
Is that for sale?

This is a minimag

07-18-2007, 11:57 AM
thank you. indeed it is for sale, its on ebay..and its actually mine, i just had to check b/c someone messaged me about it and although i thought i knew what i was talking about i apparently didnt XD. and the hosting of pictures on myspace is best i could do for a cheap alternative to ebay's picture hosting. (i kinda had to talk it up a little that way people who dont know what a mag is might have a higher chance of buying it, so excuse my usage of rare, although mags are harder to find than most markers :D)

auction here (http://cm.ebay.com/cm/ck/1065-29296-2357-0?uid=51960787&site=0&ver=LCA080805&item=250144050796&lk=URL)