View Full Version : warp feed question

07-18-2007, 11:24 AM
Hello everyone

I was thinking about warp feeding my classic mag, my question is can you switch the marker from right to left handed during play? It looks a little tight where the loader is, I have medium hands just wondering if there is enough room to fit your shooting hand on the side of the loader location?

Thank you

07-18-2007, 11:52 AM
Most people (myself included) can't, nor should you. If you were to switch in play, that would only leave your warp & hopper hanging out the left side of the bunker. On the other hand, to shoot out the left side of a bunker, you would just turn your mag over 90 degrees (the warp and hopper towards the ground) to :shooting:

mr doo doo
07-18-2007, 04:24 PM
^^ nicely explained. if oyu switch hands, then warp feed isnt a good option. but as mstrdbz explain, you can turn your gun so that th warp is parallel to the ground to shoot. it works too!

07-19-2007, 12:04 PM
yes you don't even have to change hands.