View Full Version : paintball on tv

07-18-2007, 10:43 PM
So my "local channel" has a show on it called "Steel Dreams" and they just featured the dude from Cypress Hill on there. I have no clue what the heck the show is for, but my girlfriend was channel surfing and happened upon this. I caught the tail end, but it was all about the Stoned Assasins, and more importantly, paintball. It was about 7 minutes long just about paintball.
It portrayed the sport well, and like a SPORT. Not a game. I was impressed. They covered a quick recap of how the sport started, and then what tourney ball is in a nutshell. They did a pretty fine job i must say.

Now they are talking about those high speed boats that race around.
Wish i knew what "channel" it was. My guide just says "local channel". Go figure.

mr doo doo
07-19-2007, 01:08 AM
hahahaha. B-real is the guys name from cypress hill. he made Stoned Assassins back in the early 2000's or something (too bad they werent really good). he even made a video of his song and it has paintball in it, and players like greg hastings, keely watson, blah blah blah.

07-19-2007, 03:29 AM
B-real also does the intro video/song to GHTP Max'd for ps2.

07-19-2007, 05:07 AM
yeah it's not that bad either