View Full Version : Emag Trigger not not registering

07-20-2007, 08:36 PM
Hi AO'rs.. need some help... I have an EMAG with the tuna blade. The gun worked perfectly the last two time i used it... (never worked in plain mechanical mode) but it worked fine in both hybrid and Emode.

The gun isnt recognizing the trigger pull... Battery is fully charged. I was able to get it to click when i took the sensor cover off and touched the black wire with an allen wrench. is it a bad Hall sensor?

Please help...

07-20-2007, 09:26 PM
Hi AO'rs.. need some help... I have an EMAG with the tuna blade. The gun worked perfectly the last two time i used it... (never worked in plain mechanical mode) but it worked fine in both hybrid and Emode.

All i replaced was the cracked selector switch with the aluminum switch from Luke's Customs. The gun isnt recognizing the trigger pull... Battery is fully charged. I was able to get it to click when i took the sensor cover off and touched the black wire with an allen wrench.

Please help...

Adjust your trigger magnet?

07-20-2007, 09:57 PM
Adjust your trigger magnet?
i tried that,,, didnt work.. tried it out all the way and in...could it be a bad hall sensor?

07-20-2007, 11:20 PM
i tried that,,, didnt work.. tried it out all the way and in...could it be a bad hall sensor?

Make sure it's 90 degrees from the trigger.

07-20-2007, 11:55 PM
the gun worked great just last weekend.... what could it be

07-21-2007, 06:51 AM
Magnet too far in or too far out. Either extreme won't work either. It has to be in the correct range. Maybe the trigger magnet is on backwards.

Maybe there is a broken wire connection at the HES.

07-21-2007, 08:06 AM
try the adjustment on your selector switch/ the length of pull you have. If that is what you changed you may have knocked it out of whack.

Does it register in Hyper mode? where the gun is on, but in the mech position? If so the above will not work. It will be more with your sensor.

07-21-2007, 09:08 AM
hey mann,

the trigger pull is not regestering in hybrid mode either... the only thing i changed was the actual plastic selector switch to a metal one cause the plastic one cracked when i was trying to tighten...
so it is probably the hall sensor I will need to replace?

07-23-2007, 08:58 PM
for those of you that experience the same problem... iwa able to fix the problem by removing the hall harness completly and tried the different sides until i figured out which side of the sensor worked.. not sure why it stopped functioning but had to flip it to get it to work again...

07-23-2007, 09:11 PM
Maybe the trigger magnet is on backwards.

I'm betting the trigger magnet got reversed from before. The HES/trigger combination only works in one direction. Make sure you have the proper side of the HES facing the front of the gun or you won't be able to properly adjust the trigger magnet and you could face additional full auto problems from the solenoid magnetism.

The front of the HES should have the writing on it. It should be facing forward.