View Full Version : Smart Part Patents Questions

chill will
07-20-2007, 10:25 PM
When do the Smart Part patents run out on electronic markers?

The revolve is the newest design on the block, but I am sure that once Smart Parts Patents run out we can all look forward to a surplus of new designs.

07-21-2007, 10:05 AM
yeah...um...well, you see smart parts sort of patented patents running out, and now there patents never run out.

07-21-2007, 10:37 AM
Word on the street is they just got a patient on paint. They are going to start putting credit card machines on all markers so players can pay roalities.

07-21-2007, 04:54 PM
Im pretty sure SP even owns George Lucas :cry:

07-22-2007, 01:52 AM
Patents last 20 years. Yep. . . 20 years. . . long time. . . gonna be a while. . .


07-22-2007, 02:36 AM
Word on the street is they just got a patient on paint. They are going to start putting credit card machines on all markers so players can pay roalities.


I think the key, if i understand what ive read, is that some company needs to get down to the nitty gritty and fight the unusually broad patent smart parts has. Therefore setting a precedent for other companies.

David needs to take down goliath in other words.

07-22-2007, 11:57 AM
Yeah, I've heard about that. The problem is, there are a bunch of much bigger companies in other industries who will dump a bunch of money into the lawsuit because they also have unusually broad patents but if a victory is given to the anti-broad patent side, those companies patents will also most likely be taken away. Seeing as paintball doesn't have wealthy enough companies to take on the onslaught of lawyers, there's nothing we can really do about it. If the anti-broad patent side gets a victory from a lawsuit outside of paintball, however, we should then be able to defeat SP.

07-22-2007, 12:05 PM
With any luck the patent system will be updated. Legislation designed to overhaul the U.S. patent system was approved by the House Committee on the Judiciary. (http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,134779-c,proposedlaws/article.html) (pcworld)