View Full Version : PAINTBALLS FUN again??

07-22-2007, 07:13 PM
Been a long time since i played paint ball (at least 4 years) and too be honest never really though about playin again.

Well a few months ago a buddy at work wanted a paintball gun and i jumped at the chance to off load both my old tippmann pro-carbine and the AGD mini-mag. but said buddy took a likeing to the tippy and had no intrest in the shiny mag (DANG i'm still stuck with one gun).

Forward a few more months and as luck has it theirs a inter shop woodsball match getting hatched and im TOLD im going no choice in the matter (buddy wants to shoot me as i been running the shift for a few days now LOL).

So today i got out the old mag tossed it some oil and off to the feild i went. Only to find the onyl guys from my shop to show are ME and the guy i sold the tippy too.

I was shure id need a rental as i never have had mutch luck tuning mags ven after owning three of em and SHURLY after four years in a dusty basement corner it would leak and not work properly. But shure enuff once i aired it up turned the velocity down to the feild standard of 280fps i was all set. Played for four hrs befor i was ready to pass out and had a blast (damn i dont remember all that running LOL).

What a rush and the feild was awsome playing with work mates was great as we all played fair and were just out to have nothing to prove. BUT MAN when did it start costing $80 for 500 paintballs and entry fee at that rate i need to get me a pump again. none the less good times were had and im shure ill be back playin again sooner rather than latter at least i can count on the mag (although buddy likes that shiny gun know so maybee he will buy and get me a pump so i can afford to play LOL).

07-22-2007, 07:20 PM
(damn i dont remember all that running LOL).

4 years is a long time with the human body. The older you get, every day you wake up
without a back ache or something else hurting is a good day. :rolleyes:

Mags certainly are quality products, maybe too good.
Only way to get a magger to buy new products is to offer upgrades.
They just dont break down. I picked up an old marker on Ebay.
Valve # 00390 . Shoots like a dream, no leaks or problems, even as old as it is.

Quality always shoots straight. ;)

07-22-2007, 07:22 PM
$80 for 500 rounds? :eek:

Good god, no wonder you stopped playing. I pay 72 for 2000 rounds!

07-22-2007, 08:57 PM
$80 for 500 rounds? :eek:

Good god, no wonder you stopped playing. I pay 72 for 2000 rounds!

WOW i usually pay 40.

07-22-2007, 09:08 PM
$80 for 500 rounds? :eek:

Good god, no wonder you stopped playing. I pay 72 for 2000 rounds!

i pay like 30-50 max for a case...

07-22-2007, 10:25 PM
Yeah, we get ripped off in Canada. At my field its 140 a case.

07-22-2007, 11:20 PM
wow, the field is making BANK!! Was it atleaset good paint?

I normaly pay $55 a case for nelson anarchy.

Besides your wallet getting raped, glad to hear you had fun...

I haven't gone in months....

07-22-2007, 11:38 PM
i just started playing after a year off due to lung surgery and im having a geeat time. went twice in the last 3 weeks and if i wasnt poor id go every other weekend. i have a classic r/t and aside from me trying to figure things out it usually works great.

07-23-2007, 12:09 AM
I just looked at the exchange rates, and Canadian dollars are pretty close to American dollars, so you're paying actual, real money for paint up in the Great White North.

You're getting hosed on paint prices. Dang.

07-23-2007, 12:27 AM
i WISH i only paid 40 a case.

Then i wouldnt have to switch to pump.

Of course, i could just not play EVERY weekend........


07-23-2007, 12:54 AM
Glad to hear we have another old-time AOer back playin' again! And I can honestly see why you'd quit after paying $80 a bag. :eek:

Yeah, buy a pump (Sniper + autotrigger = heaven), keep the 'Mag, and keep on rocking! :headbang:

GroovYChickeN 2.o
07-23-2007, 11:21 PM
WOW i usually pay 40.

Field paint or BYOP?

07-24-2007, 11:22 PM
$80 for 500 rounds? :eek:

Good god, no wonder you stopped playing. I pay 72 for 2000 rounds!
I think that he was including feild fees in his price. I pay about $20 a case for good paint. Wholesale FTW!

07-24-2007, 11:55 PM
Yeah, we get ripped off in Canada. At my field its 140 a case.

i play in nova scotia...the field is $5 for a day, $5 for air fills, paint is $25/500, but you can bring your own paint (i like to support the field though). I was in ontario for the summer on CFB base borden, it has its own field, free air fills, c02 fills $5 for a day, $15 for a year membership, paintballs $15/500 flat rate

there are always cheap noob fields that chars like $100 for 500..you just need to look around

both fields are speedball/woodsball combo, the one in ontario has 5 different fields including airball..both get anywhere from 50-150 people on a walk on weekend day...the one in nova scotia hold scenario games that get 300+ people on 1 field each year...i think the record the field has was just over 400 people one day in 2006...it has only 2 fields, 1 woods ball, and a small speedball that is sometimes airball. They also do WW2 scenarios and charity games and stuff...they have a tank people carry around and stick their guns out of :)

07-25-2007, 12:41 AM
Outrageous paint prices in canada is kindof weird, considering this:


07-27-2007, 07:13 PM
Yippeee Got myself a pump (PGP2) and been messing around in the yard with it this things a blast why did i ever get outa stock class play. Should compliment the mag very well and help with the paint prices (btw previous stated price was paint and admishion fee).

As for the mag its earned a perment place in my ownership if only i can find a place still selling hopper elbo's (no buddy has em any were out here). Gotta keep it around for when i just cant cut it with the pump.

But heres some pic's




And one of the Old Tippman Pro-Carbine i sold to my co-worker


Oh and seems every one had a blast as pretty mutch all that went are working on getting a game setup for every other month.

07-27-2007, 09:47 PM
I remember the first time I played back in the late 80's paint was $2 (US) for a ten ball tube and 12 grams were 50 cents a piece.

But then again, if you shot more than 80 balls in a day, you were considered a hose.