View Full Version : vertical ASA

07-23-2007, 11:19 AM
I recently purchased a butchered minimag.
The ASA the guy gave me is definately the vertical asa.
It is also already attached to a macroline.


The only problem is it isn't mounted to the gun.
He never gave me any screws for it either. Honestly I'm not sure how it does mount to the rail.
I think I need 2 of these, but I'm not sure.


I don't see exactly how this thing mounts to the bottom of the rail.
There is a hole in the rail where it should be, but it doesn't look threaded.
So, what exact parts do I need?
Or, is my rail messed up?

07-23-2007, 11:26 AM
If it's a MiniMag, you should only need one. There should be grooves on the bottom of the rail that the wings on the ASA fit into. If that didn't help you, I can get you pics.

07-23-2007, 11:45 AM
You only need one screw but you dont want a caphead, you want a countersunk head.

07-23-2007, 11:48 AM
If it's a MiniMag, you should only need one. There should be grooves on the bottom of the rail that the wings on the ASA fit into. If that didn't help you, I can get you pics.
I've seen that.
I think I understand how it mounts now.

Where is the countersunk head screw?
Could you provide me with a link?

07-23-2007, 11:59 AM
Just took mine apart. You do NOT want the countersink screw. The cap head screw that's on the AGD site is the one you want.

Here's a pic of a countersink bolt: http://www.beaconclimbing.com/images/countersunk.jpg

Here's one of a cap head: http://www.sjscycles.com/store/4723aluminiumbolt.jpg

The AM/MM rail is milled to accept a flat bolt, not the cone-shaped sountersink bolt.

07-23-2007, 12:09 PM

07-23-2007, 12:12 PM
sorry for bad info, working from memory (full of cobwebs :) )

07-23-2007, 12:19 PM
sorry for bad info, working from memory (full of cobwebs :) )

No worries...Happens to the best of us. That's why I had to take mine apart!

07-23-2007, 03:18 PM
Well, I've been looking in my dad's machine shop for a screw that fits.
Haven't found one yet.
If I can't find one I will go backbottle.

07-23-2007, 04:15 PM
If you have a vert asa with a single hole, a 1/4 UNC cap head screw will be the right size, about 3/8 thread length. You also have double threaded vert asa's, but those will not fit a classic/mm rail without modification. If you don't have a good screw around, get one from a hardware store.

And if you have some never-seeze around, apply some.. these screws tend to lock up alot.

07-23-2007, 04:46 PM
Well, we were having trouble because the screw head would stick above the rail, so the mainbody couldn't fit flush against the rail.
Luckily, my superdad got his lathe and shaved off pieces of the screw.
I just mounted it and it works fine.
Thanks for all the help!