View Full Version : Friend leaves Paintball for RC cars

07-26-2007, 11:20 AM
I have a friend that last year got into paintball big time. His first gun was a 06 Ego and then traded it for a DM7, he bought the coolest jerseys and gear. He would tell me about how much he liked speedball and often criticize my Emag for not being as fast as his gun :rolleyes: Anyway, a couple of weeks ago he sold everything that is paintball related and got into RC cars. He said that paintball was too expensive for him but he has 4 new RC cars each worth a couple hundred. Do people get into something and lose interest this fast :confused:
Should I try to get him back into paintball?

07-26-2007, 11:25 AM
You can try if you want, but it's his decision. Believe it or not, there are in fact people out there who like things more than paintball.

07-26-2007, 11:28 AM
Yeah, some people are exactly like that. Who knows why they do that, maybe they didn't get breast fed as a baby...maybe they're still getting breast fed.

I've known a couple of people like that. I had one good friend who kept starting up businesses, successful ones. He would get into something big time, open up a bike shop, then loose interest and sell it, then start a locksmith business...etc.

07-26-2007, 11:43 AM
You can try if you want, but it's his decision. Believe it or not, there are in fact people out there who like things more than paintball.


I dont buy it.....

07-26-2007, 01:46 PM
well from someone who both plays paintball and has many r/c cars, both are not cheep sports, all the r/c stuff i bout almost equals how much ive spent on paintball (not including paint and playing). i actually am going to get my nitro r/c car fixed today.

07-26-2007, 09:33 PM
Man R/C is not cheaper if he is planning on raceing.
I used to race back in high school, the middle aged guys that worked for GM or TRW were the top finishers all the time.
They could aford the latest and greatest gear while the rest of us that raced on a budget got left in the dust. That's why I love the sportsman class were eveybody uses the same batteries and motors, true skill is the winner.
I am in need of an new engine for my T-Maxx, and what I want will run me $200, plus the extras to beef up the drive train.

07-26-2007, 11:41 PM
I have friends who are like that. I finally came to the conclusion that they are searching for "something" to fulfill them. What most of them don't realize is that things will never fulfill you, you can only be fulfilled through things like family and friends. Relationships.

07-26-2007, 11:55 PM
Should I try to get him back into paintball?

Maybe meet him half way? :D http://www.rctankcombat.com/

07-27-2007, 12:13 AM
Maybe meet him half way? :D http://www.rctankcombat.com/

I think that is something that I could actually enjoy doing.

07-27-2007, 12:39 AM
He would tell me about how much he liked speedball and often criticize my Emag for not being as fast as his gun

If your mags not as fast as any of those markers you need to get the Xmod software :shooting:

07-27-2007, 02:28 AM
I wouldn't classify one of your friends as one of the peanuts gang in paintball until he's been playing for maybe a year and a half. Anything less than that and there is a good possibility that its a passing hobby for him.

07-27-2007, 07:29 AM
I have played for years. I "quit" after a tournament last year, then got back in the beginning of this year. Right now I would rather go play baseball than paintball and have not walked onto a field in over a month. Its easy to get sick of paintball, especially when playing in todays game.

07-27-2007, 07:41 AM
I am glad you mentioned that. I have someone close to me who sold his paintball gun , cause it is so expensive (we only play once every 8 weeks) So what does he buy? I guitar!! LOL That is so much more expensive that hs pb gun( used minimag). Plus he changes his strings quarterly.

It does not makes any sense to up except, thats what he wants to do.

07-27-2007, 07:49 AM
I am glad you mentioned that. I have someone close to me who sold his paintball gun , cause it is so expensive (we only play once every 8 weeks) So what does he buy? I guitar!! LOL That is so much more expensive that hs pb gun( used minimag). Plus he changes his strings quarterly.

It does makes any sense to up except, thats what he wants to do.

When I want to do something (say play paintball) spending a couple hundred dollars on it is no big deal. When I don't want to $20 becomes expensive. Its a matter of perspective.

07-27-2007, 08:36 AM
He would tell me about how much he liked speedball

Paintball to most gets really boring if you only play speedball - its the same game over and over every time, and changing up a few bunkers doesnt make it different enough to want to keep playing once you are bored with it.


07-27-2007, 11:00 AM
I'd let the guy do what he wants. He may find that he likes RC more than paintball, or he may try to get back into paintball. Whatever he does, its his choice.

07-27-2007, 01:07 PM
Yeah they do. I had about 8 RC cars with a sh*tload of stuff to boot. Sold most of it to get into paintball.... Sell one car to get a basic setup, sell more to pay for other stuff.... Well interests change, but paintball is the one that seems to last longer than my other hobbies. :D

07-27-2007, 05:26 PM
OK... here's my first post in a long time. and its a long one :rofl:

I’ve been playing Paintball for over 12 years. The sport has changed a lot and I’m one of those who remember the “good-ole-days”. But I’m not going to whine about it. The sport is what it is today and it’s really easy to get bored of it quickly.

For RC, I’ve been doing it for a little less amount of time then Paintball. There is nothing wrong with having two or more hobbies… as long as you or your parents (if you’re one of those spoiled snot-nosed brats) can afford it. Right now I’m leaning more towards RCs. The technology in RCs have advanced just as much as paintball gear. Some of the RTR cars/trucks can dust any custom built RC from back in the day.

Paintball is still very expensive. Just for one day of play you’ll need at least a case of paint ($35) + Entry ($20) + Air ($12-$20) + Lunch ($10) + Gas ($20-$40) = over $100 for one day of play and that does not include your gear. Play twice a month and I don’t even know how you can afford it. As a result I play maybe 3-4 times a year. But that’s because life has shifted gears within the past 2 years.

RC Cars/Trucks is not as bad… 1 gallon of nitro fuel cost about $25 and will last you 20 to 30 runs on your ride (just guessing)… even more if you have small nitro RC. Batteries are rechargeable so that doesn’t cost anything. And you can pretty much run it anywhere as long as people don’t call the cops on you. So I can run my RC every weekend if my schedule permits. This is why I’m leaning more towards my truck then Paintball. But that doesn’t mean it’s less expensive. My current RC is a custom HPI Savage 25 Monster Truck… a true beast down to it’s custom graphite TVPs. It’s value with all it’s upgrades is roughly $1750+ and growing. Its easily double the cost of all my paintball gear combined.

Another reason I’m leaning towards my RC over Paintball… I can only tinker with my mag so much… can’t really increase it’s performance more then what I’ve done to it already. Next step would be to purchase another gun…. But what’s the point in that? And I only play about 3-4 times a year. With my Savage, the upgrades are endless. Every part of the truck can be upgraded , modified and tweaked. And I can test my mods as soon as I finish them and as long as there is light outside. It’s a tinkerer’s dream come true. :headbang:

Your friend selling his paintball gear is a waste… he should have held onto it just in case he gets an itch to play again. You just never know. But it's his choice and everyone has a preference… whether its what gun you use, what pack you carry, what mask you wear and what hobby you want to enjoy. Ask your friend if he wants to join you for a friendly speedball game, but I don’t think you should press him back into the sport if he not ready or willing.

Just my $0.02


07-28-2007, 05:33 AM
I should never have sold my savage... What a nice truck that was.... And what a moneypit... :spit_take

07-28-2007, 08:55 AM
Most players last less than a year. Nothing uncommon about it. I have been playing for a good while and have seen lots of people come and go, come back...leave again. Its a funny cycle.

A group of my oldest paintball friends plays maybe four games a year or so in our buddies back yard. A field that has been manicured and improved upon for well better than 10 years. Best place in the world to play for me, hands down. If it weren't for that place being available just to go get a good, honest game on to "recharge" my batteries and restore my faith in the sport and people, I would have quit long ago.

07-28-2007, 09:13 AM
I have done both, and hear this, AT THE SAME TIME!! I know it sounds crazy but a person can play ball and drive RC at the same time. Im not really hard core and just bash more than organized racing but my T-maxx when I had it was up in the 1k dollar range with all the stuff I did to it. I'm even thinking taking up a third hoby, needle point! That can get crazy expensive too, those needles run like 80 cents. :rofl:

RC is fun, PB is fun, needle point :tard:

07-28-2007, 02:12 PM
Its funny how people lose interest.
When I was younger I was heavy into RC before paintball (mom wouldnt let me have a gun in the house, yes even a paintball gun), so I got into RC. I was into it for years, then I lost interest for some reason. 5 or 6 years later I got into paintball, same thing. I played every weekend and sometimes during the week. I had over a 1K into my Mag w/ all the gear. My friends werent into it anymore they lost interest, I didnt want to play with strangers back then, so I put it on the shelf.

Now, I'm still an RC freak and after a long hyatus in paintball I'm slowly but sure making my way back in the scene or should I say fast and furiously making my way back in the scene.
Now I have 4 Mags :). My Classic, Xvlv Mini, Mag Pistol and a Vert Hyper Micro :rofl: gatta love it.

Heres my Baja 5B and FG Leopard with my buddies FH Buggy.

Heres my 1/4 scale Stadium Truck
This is what it looks like now, I'm in the process of rebuilding/upgrading the suspension and dropping in a new motor.
Here another ongoing project. Its a WCM 1/4 scale GN

07-28-2007, 09:27 PM
RC cars amaze me...I went to a local track located right next to a state roan. Buddy had a car that he could playin traffic with.....about 15K worth of upgrade to it.......rather expensive, but fun if you hae a polae to race it.

07-30-2007, 07:23 PM
my savage is ......well bent bad right now
picco force .27 full throttle and failed to make it around a basketball hoop.... makes me a sad panda

07-31-2007, 11:07 AM
That sucks... been there tho, going head on with a curbstone @ 40mph because of a faulty battery... :(

Well, maybe these pics might cheer you up:




XL chassis
Picco .26 engine
All heavy duty parts
Etc, etc.

Ironicly i sold this one to get my first paintball gear.... Never should have done it, but money doesnt grow on trees. :(

07-31-2007, 12:29 PM
I have played for years. I "quit" after a tournament last year, then got back in the beginning of this year. Right now I would rather go play baseball than paintball and have not walked onto a field in over a month. Its easy to get sick of paintball, especially when playing in todays game.

^^^^^I hear that!^^^^^

Funny thing, I gave up R/C Cars to start playing paintball. That was back in 92. I have amost as much R/C stuff still as I do paintball stuff. :)

I quit R/C cars because it got too expensive to be competitive. Unlike paintball to some extent, just being a good driver is not enough. I use to race nationally and had sponsors and it was just too damn expensive. But just like paintball, maybe if I cut back a little it would have been cheaper. I raced in just about every class, and I raced every weekend both Saturday and Sunday and I spent Friday night getting the cars ready.

I have well over 100 trophies, quite a few plaques and countless number of ribbons. It was a lot of fun though.

07-31-2007, 04:48 PM
I have seen so many people go through the same cycles with hobbies... head first into one for a year or so, then sell everything and start all over to get into a something different. I've done it myself. Unfortunately not everyone can afford the high cost of multiple hobbies, especially in todays "I want it all and I want it now" society.

I am like most of you, I'm sure. And all of my hobbies seem to be very expensive. I am a drummer (Well over 2k in a drum kit), I play many sports; Baseball (Pretty inexpensive, but my bat ran me 3 bills), Basketball (Costs me next to nothing) Golf (don't even ask) Hockey (Don't even ask) and of course paintball (I don't add it all up... then I don't have to tell my wife how much I have spent). Now my kids are getting old enough to join in (Yes, I am an old fart... but not that old). So rather than sell of my old stuff to pay for new stuff, I slowly accumulate gear and then my kids have gear too use too and we play together. This keeps the wife happy, and we all know how important that is!!!

So rather than try to convince someone (your friend) to play, just try to convince him not to sell off his gear. You never get back what you paid for it and eventually, and if he's like most of us, he'll be back!!!

At first I, too, would sell off everything from one hobby to start a new hobby, but then I realized something... "He who dies with the most toys WINS!!!"

08-01-2007, 10:02 AM
"He who dies with the most toys WINS!!!"

I have lived by that motto for many many years (as a matter of fact, it was a sticker on one of my R/C car cases).

I think I have a healthy lead over most people too. :)