View Full Version : i searched bk but nothin so help

07-27-2007, 01:53 AM
ok so what i was wondering was, if putting an rt on off in a classic makes it faster because i want to make a pnuemag but on a relative budget so what would be the best valve besides an X because it'll be a little too expensive. thanks all

07-27-2007, 09:35 AM
An Rt on/off in a classic makes the trigger pull lighter than the required pull of the original on/off. The stroke is supposed to be better as well. (I didn't stop to check the stroke when I had the chance.) This is a good first step in the direction of a pneumag.

Classic pneumags are sweet. A chunk of stainless that breathes paint. The expensive parts are putting a lvl10 and double trigger frame on them. The best part is you can add a piece at a time until you are ready with the pneumatics and still have a playable marker.

If you have a 'Classic' valve, those seem to be the most reliable for recharge rates with the RT on/off (good for around 16-20 bps). There were some minor differences in SOME of the older A.I.R. valves that gave them some difficulty going above 14 bps or so. The main point being that the passage that runs between the valve body and the regulator body need to line up or you need to add a hole that does line up. You can use a sharpee to check an older valve, since they like to turn out a little anyway and you can't measure it perfectly. I don't know where the mini and micro mag valves fall in there.

Then there's that whole electro frame option you can add on afterwards ...

07-27-2007, 04:21 PM
sweet thanks for the info man that sounds good, 16 to20 bpd, i really doubt i will pull faster than that