View Full Version : Sniper/ military guns really make a difference.

07-27-2007, 06:58 AM
I have been playing for over five years now. When i first started playing i saw all these guns made for sniping. I saw phantoms( which i think are still around) Even autocockers that are pump/ sniping. Now i see spyders and many other brands with all these sniping upgrades, like stocks, e dots, 20 inch barrels and so forth. At my local proshop they makes tons off sniping anf military looking guns (tippmans primarly). My question is This all hype? These guns ( sniper/ military guns) claim to the the most accurate. :clap: Is this a noob trap?


seriously i see some of my friends spend so much money on upgrading these types of guns. Are they wasting their money? :shooting:

07-27-2007, 07:48 AM
My question is This all hype?


These guns ( sniper/ military guns) claim to the the most accurate. :clap: Is this a noob trap?

yes, also refered to as good marketing

Are they wasting their money?

They are wasting money if they believe the hype. If their goal is to have a milsim marker, then no. Some people very much enjoy milsim, but if they think the ball leaving the end of their barrel has different properties than the one leaving any other barrel, they need a reality check.

07-27-2007, 07:50 AM
Yes, my understanding is , ANY gun that has a good reg and a good paint/barrel match then the outcome will be the same. :headbang:

07-27-2007, 08:03 AM
All hype? No.

As others have stated, in a vise, any marker with comparable velocity and consistancy at the end of a decent undamaged barrel will shoot with the same distance / accuracy / consistancy as any other.

However... consider the following

A longer barrel: A longer barrel will not give you better range / accuracy. However it will give you a longer sighting platform.

A stock: A well fit marker will be held steadier, allowing you to be more like "a vise" used in the counterexamples of why upgrades don't work. It allows you to hold it more consistantly shot to shot, and provides a more stable platform, allowing better perceived accuracy.

Do they help the marker be more accurate? No. Do they help the shooter - often yes

07-27-2007, 09:04 AM
very well said, and excellent points

07-27-2007, 09:17 AM
Do they help the marker be more accurate? No. Do they help the shooter - often yes


07-27-2007, 04:23 PM
Do they help the marker be more accurate? No. Do they help the shooter - often yes

:confused: I am not so sure about that. I tried a milsim marker last weekend, and felt like I was carring a tank. Couldnt really run/snapshoot/shoot in general. IMO it make it harder to shoot with the stock/sling/24" barrel/crap.

07-27-2007, 04:47 PM
:confused: I am not so sure about that. I tried a milsim marker last weekend, and felt like I was carring a tank. Couldnt really run/snapshoot/shoot in general. IMO it make it harder to shoot with the stock/sling/24" barrel/crap.

A well set up one will provide you a more stable platform - not faster.

Stability and ease of point shooting are far different, the variances apply to paintball.

07-27-2007, 05:44 PM
All hype? No.

As others have stated, in a vise, any marker with comparable velocity and consistancy at the end of a decent undamaged barrel will shoot with the same distance / accuracy / consistancy as any other.

However... consider the following

A longer barrel: A longer barrel will not give you better range / accuracy. However it will give you a longer sighting platform.

A stock: A well fit marker will be held steadier, allowing you to be more like "a vise" used in the counterexamples of why upgrades don't work. It allows you to hold it more consistantly shot to shot, and provides a more stable platform, allowing better perceived accuracy.

Do they help the marker be more accurate? No. Do they help the shooter - often yes

helpful post

7, change the number bro :cheers:

07-27-2007, 06:20 PM
:confused: I am not so sure about that. I tried a milsim marker last weekend, and felt like I was carring a tank. Couldnt really run/snapshoot/shoot in general. IMO it make it harder to shoot with the stock/sling/24" barrel/crap.

And, there is the trade off. Unless you are talking about a 12 gram pump gun, the trade off is more weight, and a bulkier set-up. The Mil-Sim crowd, mostly is going for the "look". And getting the "look" cost's your marker extra weight to tote around. I learned very quickly that if some do-dad doesnt help the performance of the setup that I was trying to build, then it didnt get put on. But, that is just me. Lots of folks just love the idea of shooting an M16 look alike, or an AK 47. To them, its just about the look.

07-27-2007, 06:47 PM
not everyone like the way your supposed to hold a paintball gun either. Some prefer the feel of rifles.

07-27-2007, 08:47 PM
I have been playing for over five years now. When i first started playing i saw all these guns made for sniping. I saw phantoms( which i think are still around) Even autocockers that are pump/ sniping. Now i see spyders and many other brands with all these sniping upgrades, like stocks, e dots, 20 inch barrels and so forth. At my local proshop they makes tons off sniping anf military looking guns (tippmans primarly). My question is This all hype? These guns ( sniper/ military guns) claim to the the most accurate. :clap: Is this a noob trap?


seriously i see some of my friends spend so much money on upgrading these types of guns. Are they wasting their money? :shooting:

A basic stock of some kind can be useful for stabilizing a paintball marker. A buttplate on a CO2 tank works fine too.

That concession aside, there's little point to milsim - it IS the "noob trap" as you put it. Here's why.

Real firearms generate heat and recoil. They have to dissipate both while remaining a steady shooting platform, letting the user put a bullet on target at extreme range. That's why they look and operate the way they do.

Paintball markers do not generate heat or recoil. They have to be small, light-weight and maneuverable and the shooter is NOT concerned about long distance precision as paintballs don't go 150 yards... 150 feet at best.

Milsim is entirely for looks. Some of the best milsim paintballers - the ones that build things like custom AK47's or M1 paintball markers - will admit they've got no chance holding something like an M249 "milsim" paintball marker if they get into a gunfight against a guy with a tournament electro.

If you choose to play with milsim gear you are disadvantaging yourself against everyone else.

*** *** ***

I want to win and I find it frustrating when my gear is a limiting factor when I could just as easily have had other gear.

I used to own an SP-8. It was HUGE - not compared to real firearms but compared to what a "traditional" paintball marker is: small, with a barrel about a foot long and a vertical foregrip that may house a regulator.

I use an Automag now. I win gunfights I couldn't with the SP-8 because I couldn't snap shoot or maneuver the SP-8 as quickly as a typical paintball marker.

Remember: distances in paintball are under 150', most of the time, much closer. It's more of an advantage to be "maneuverable" than "precise."

It's up to you. I don't see the point in disadvantaging myself. I'm not playing "war games." I'm playing paintball.

07-27-2007, 10:36 PM
A basic stock of some kind can be useful for stabilizing a paintball marker. A buttplate on a CO2 tank works fine too.

That concession aside, there's little point to milsim - it IS the "noob trap" as you put it. Here's why.

Real firearms generate heat and recoil. They have to dissipate both while remaining a steady shooting platform, letting the user put a bullet on target at extreme range. That's why they look and operate the way they do.

Paintball markers do not generate heat or recoil. They have to be small, light-weight and maneuverable and the shooter is NOT concerned about long distance precision as paintballs don't go 150 yards... 150 feet at best.

Milsim is entirely for looks. Some of the best milsim paintballers - the ones that build things like custom AK47's or M1 paintball markers - will admit they've got no chance holding something like an M249 "milsim" paintball marker if they get into a gunfight against a guy with a tournament electro.

If you choose to play with milsim gear you are disadvantaging yourself against everyone else.

*** *** ***

I want to win and I find it frustrating when my gear is a limiting factor when I could just as easily have had other gear.

I used to own an SP-8. It was HUGE - not compared to real firearms but compared to what a "traditional" paintball marker is: small, with a barrel about a foot long and a vertical foregrip that may house a regulator.

I use an Automag now. I win gunfights I couldn't with the SP-8 because I couldn't snap shoot or maneuver the SP-8 as quickly as a typical paintball marker.

Remember: distances in paintball are under 150', most of the time, much closer. It's more of an advantage to be "maneuverable" than "precise."

It's up to you. I don't see the point in disadvantaging myself. I'm not playing "war games." I'm playing paintball.

Great reply! :shooting: I held one of those aka type guns other day at a shop. That sucker weighed like 10- 12 lbs no kidding! That is a total disadvantage!

07-27-2007, 10:50 PM
And don't think pump=accuracy or sniper(well kinda, I'll get into that). I don't know why we get all this hype seeing as how most pumpers know this fact. And if you hear the term sniper when in a pump conversation. They may mean a pump autococker. Which is called a sniper.

07-27-2007, 11:26 PM
. I'm not playing "war games." I'm playing paintball.

And, some of us are playing war games, we just use paintball gear.

07-28-2007, 07:59 AM
And don't think pump=accuracy or sniper(well kinda, I'll get into that). I don't know why we get all this hype seeing as how most pumpers know this fact. And if you hear the term sniper when in a pump conversation. They may mean a pump autococker. Which is called a sniper.

Most pump players actually aim, while many semi players "walk" lines of fire into a target. It leads an observer to easily conclude (falsely) pumps are inherently more accurate.

07-28-2007, 10:43 AM
Most pump players actually aim, while many semi players "walk" lines of fire into a target. It leads an observer to easily conclude (falsely) pumps are inherently more accurate.

Actually by the number system they would be more accurate. The number of shots fired / the number of shots on target would make it more accurate.

Now technically how one goes about getting the balls on target as you said... Semi's walk the line over... and pumpers more or less aim the gun for the best shot that they can get.

I'm with Kruger on the fact that Speedball and air bunkers dont' interest me. I prefer natural terrain and "war" type games. Is it really war??? HELL NO!!!! You wouldn't bunker me I guarantee ya that. But the Football, Soccer field look/game isn't for me. I prefer the woods, the scenarios, the missions, the props, the good fun that comes when your opponent comes over and you both chuckle at the moves you just made tryin to get at one another... That's much more enjoyable to me than the sprayin 25BPS into a bunker to keep the guys head down while he gets bunkered or the "Lane Shooting" that goes on.... Would it happen in a real WAR??? Yes most def!!!! But I go out to have fun.... If I have a great time with great folks and we can all laugh and chuckle at the end of the day then no matter how the scores look we all feel like winners cause we accomplished the ultimate mission. Have a Great Time!!!!

I dont' begrudge those that get into it pro and do the TV sports shows and such.... I applaud them for the training they go through and the skills that they do have. It's just not my thing. Those of us that have played both will like one more than the other depending on what we feel like that day. It's all opinion as to which is better.

WOW!!! Long post.... oh well... I'll close it now with a go out and :shooting: have a great time, play fair and it'll always be a winning situation...

I'm gonna go jump out of a plane now!!!!


07-29-2007, 05:46 PM
Pumps tend to be more accurate if you're measuring a shots/hits ratio. But if you're measuring by how long it takes to shoot someone out, generally it's close to the same (in my experience). I'm talking rec ball here. I've noticed that playing with a pump is definitely a disadvantage, as you can't hold heads down to move, but most of the shots I make are easy shots. I move up, I see someone's butt sticking out, and I shoot it. Probably I'll hit it first or second shot whether I'm using a pump or an electro. Lucky shots from across the field aren't all that fun anyway. You hardly ever see them hit, so you get no gratification.

Going back to the idea of maneuverability, it's one of the reasons I really like playing pump. In addition to my marker weighing far far less, I also carry ~2 lbs on my back instead of 8. I am not a big fan of cutting every last ounce of weight for the lightest possible marker, but dropping a large chunk of weight really does help you get to your next bunker.

07-29-2007, 09:32 PM
I personally don't like any extra thing on my gun so I think mil-sim is overated for improving gun performance in the areas of accuracy and range {as some have already discussed in fuller detail so I won't go there}, however I think some guns are easier to aim and keep on taget because of the ergonomics, and the way they work. I happen to use a 4x4 old school shocker, and an R/T Pro. both seem to be equal in range and consistency, however I really prefer the shocker over the R/T in terms of accuracy due to it's balance, heavy weight, low recoil, and the long barrel{helps in aiming}. So as for practical value mil-sim is not so great,it's aesthetics mostly.

Give it your best shot every time, all the time! :shooting: :bounce: :headbang: