View Full Version : Foamie Assistance

07-29-2007, 03:50 PM
So i let a friend borrow the emag today for his first 3 man tourney. His team was out-gunned by a bunch of the teams, and i wanted to help him out.

Anyway, the emag was in fine form yesterday while i was using it, but had nothing but problems today. So, i was hoping you guys could give me some help in diagnosing/fixing some issues.

1. And the weirdest: Two foamies came off the bolt today. The one had been there since i got the gun, so i didnt think too much of it. The second one i put on with a good coat (no, i didnt slather it one, but a good even coat) placed it on the bolt and waited about 10 minutes for it to set up.
Sure enough, about 3-4 games later it was gone again. I have one foamie left, so i pulled the gun. (this was no big deal, they had one game left, and wound up smashing it)
I dont know why i lost two in one day. Seems weird to me. Ive never lost one before, much less two in the span of a few hours. The only reason i can figure this happened is because it was humid, and the second foamie i put on was super glued on top of the residue from the last one.
Any tips?

2. The gun was experiancing bolt stick every one in awhile. Seemed to rectify itself when you flipped it on mech mode, fired a shot, then went back to electro mode. ONly happened 2-3 times the whole day, but that was also a new experience for me. i did check the thumb screw to make sure it wasnt too tight. It was merely hand tightened.

3. Chopped 3-4 balls today. I figure it was due to the foamie missing,

4. At the end of the day it wasnt registering shots when the trigger was pulled. You could hear the solenoid clicking, but the gun wouldnt shoot. If you waited a few seconds it would shoot a ball, then nothing. Im hoping it was the battery being old, so im charging it now.

The strange thing is that it shot wonderfully yesterday, with not a hick-up to be found. Same weather yesterday too.

So guys, let me hear your opinions. Thanks in advance for the help.

07-29-2007, 04:29 PM
ive found my mag has its own personality, take for instance about 30 minutes ago. i shaved my on/off pin a bit, put it in fired about 2 shots, then nothing but cuffing, keep fittiling with the r/t banjo and take the trigger frame off, just about eveyhting and then started working again, i garuntee if i air it up tomorrow it wont work off the bat.

as far as fixing the problems, dont use superglue it eats the foami and outting on top of the old residue wasnt helping either. your battery might cause the tirigger problems, and if your chopping with a lvl 10 might needed to be tuned a bit.

07-29-2007, 04:46 PM
ive found my mag has its own personality, take for instance about 30 minutes ago. i shaved my on/off pin a bit, put it in fired about 2 shots, then nothing but cuffing, keep fittiling with the r/t banjo and take the trigger frame off, just about eveyhting and then started working again, i garuntee if i air it up tomorrow it wont work off the bat.

as far as fixing the problems, dont use superglue it eats the foami and outting on top of the old residue wasnt helping either. your battery might cause the tirigger problems, and if your chopping with a lvl 10 might needed to be tuned a bit.

I know. I thinkk my mag is mad at me because i purchased an autococker :eek: :rofl:

What are you supposed to use to put teh foamie on then? I always thought it was super glue.
As far as the chopping, my lvl10 is tuned pretty good, and its never been a problem for me....im chalking it up to the foamie missing for now. We'll see what happens.

07-29-2007, 08:20 PM
I think it is rubber cement, kind of like model cement. Maybe I am wrong. The stuff you use to re-glue Birkenstocks looks like it would work well.

07-29-2007, 09:37 PM
In the video, Tom says superglue.

07-30-2007, 01:00 AM
In the video, Tom says superglue.

YES! I thought i heard that somewhere, thats where. On those automag videos.

I didnt think i was crazy.

OH! And the fresh battery charge fixed up the trigger issues. Still worried about the bolt stick.

mr doo doo
07-30-2007, 01:36 AM
superglue, yes yes, that is the solution to your foamies not sticking. had one on my classic valve for 4 months now, and still stuck on the bolt!

07-30-2007, 11:35 AM
Leave the foamie off, I have shot over 20 cases of paint on my mag w/LX and no foamie. I have never reglued a foamie on after is has fallen off, and it has never affected my guns. The bolt stick thing I am not sure about, never had it happen to me.

Good Luck!

Jason R
07-30-2007, 01:52 PM
is it oiled? is the spring still good?

07-30-2007, 05:47 PM
freshly oiled. And the spring was changed out just to be sure.

07-30-2007, 06:52 PM
Use acetone or an acetone based product like nail polish remover to clean the old residue from the bolt before putting the new foamie on. That's the only thing I can think would have given you problems.