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Nish Grout
07-31-2007, 07:07 PM
Hey guys just wondering a few things about fields.

What do you look for in a good field?

What turns you off from a field?

07-31-2007, 07:16 PM
Good Refs are a big one.
access to air, not just CO2.
and just gereraly not being run down and ghetto are a just a feww things that are big for me.

07-31-2007, 07:19 PM
I look first at the atmosphere of the field. Who are the players and what are attitudes like. Are the people friendly? helpful? safe? respectful? ...cheating?

I like to weigh how quality a facility it is as well, but to be honest, I would rather play at a field with good people than a fancy layout.

07-31-2007, 07:19 PM
Safety and good refs are #1.. if you have those, generally everything else follows suit.

Zone Drifter
07-31-2007, 07:37 PM
-My pet peve is field conditions. I dont want to be playing a speedball match on a rocky hill, or woodsball with nothing but trees that i can find in my back yard.

-Refs, eh. Shouldnt need them, but people cheat. Fair refs are good to have to enforce safety and find the cheaters.

-Air access. I love air fills all day.

-Field paint. Sometimes i dont mind it, but when you have to use it and its downright horrible, then it annoys me to almost not wanting to play. I mean, why waste my money on something thats just going to break in my barrel?

General upkeep (goes with field conditions too) is nice. i mean, its not hard to power wash a hyperball field once and a while.

Nish Grout
08-01-2007, 07:13 AM
I'll try to get some pics of the spot I'm looking at could take a while.

Refs I'm working on I knew that would be a big one for everyone.

As far as field paint goes I was thinking of using Anarchy I know I like it, bore is a little small but it seems to be good paint

08-01-2007, 07:38 AM
grass is nice.
covered stageing areas.
good refs are a must.
decent feild paint.
i'd rather not walk 100 yards to fill my tank, shooting a mag, that gets old fast.
the quality of players (good refs who dont take crap from whiny players will improve this).

Empyreal Rogue
08-01-2007, 09:26 AM
Turn ons:
-Friendly staff (Includes Refs)
-Friendly atmosphere and walk-ons
-Clean staging area
-Clean fields (No rocky patches)

Turn offs:
-Rocky fields
-Local 'teams' who are so full of themselves they see themselves fit to challenge the local walk-ons and proceed to cheat, ramp, and cheat some more
-Crappy refs who don't enforce rules/lollygag/flirt with locals during play

08-01-2007, 09:36 AM
One thing that turns me off to some fields is the lack of fields to play on. The closest field to my house has some good qualities, but I do not go there very often because I get bored playing on the same two fields over and over.

Other things:

- Good refs, ones that at least act like they care.
- Sufficient staging area -- covered is nice.
- Competitive paint prices.
- Maintained fields.

08-01-2007, 10:28 AM
Hey guys just wondering a few things about fields.

What do you look for in a good field?

Field quality and layout including grounds condition,
HPA fills @ 4.5K , close to fields,
Accessible chronos,
BYOP would be nice , reasonable quality/priced FPO if not,
Goof refs would be nice but they generally all suck anyway , min wage mostly to blame and cheaters are just too good,
Regulars that are tolerable to play with,
GOOD INVOLVED ownership probably the most important off all as all other things will be covered well if so. I ALWAYS try and meet the owner up front.

Hey guys just wondering a few things about fields.

What turns you off from a field?

Missing any of the above. ;)

08-01-2007, 06:48 PM

Clean field, meaning cut grass on speedball fields, and orderly woodsball fields.

COVERED STAGING AREA. Big one. Paintball is a summer sport, and the last thing you want to do after sweating your butt off while playing is to go back to the staging area and bake in the sun.

Good refs. Nothing worse than a ref who treats the job as an "inconveniance"

Good people. Its always nice to frequent a field where everyone is nice and helpful. Both staff and players. Ive been to fields where the staff is a bit....snobby....and thats never good.


BYOP is nice. Big selling point for regular players. But if thats not in the cards for you, try to carry a selection of paint. All qualities, and quantities. Dont make your players buy a case if they dont need to. Sell it in 100/500/1000/2000 rounds. I hate having to buy a case if all im doing is teching a gun, or playing pump.

Memberships. Im trying to get my local field to pick up on this one. They have everything (except byop) listed above. And i love the refs/regulars/owner they are all good people. But it would be nice if they let me pay $X.xx amount for a year, or 6 months so i dont have to pay field fee every time i go and fill out a a waiver. Especially since im there EVERY weekend.
It would be nice to pay $100.00 or so, and that get me no field fee/air fee and lets say..10% or something off paint prices. Something along those lines.

08-01-2007, 06:59 PM
Most fun I've had in a long time was at the same ole same ole woodsball
type (sort of) field with the fort and lots of trees, cable spools, satellite dishes,
pallets, etc., spread all over.

I had played that field many times, but it was the ref changing the field
and game type very often that made it such a blast.

If you have a field with creative refs that are about creating a fun time
for the players, you have a good field.

I would rather win of course but, I dont care whether I win or lose, as long as I had fun.
I play for the fun of it, no other reason.
I have nothing to prove.

So its from that view my reply to the question comes from.

08-01-2007, 08:10 PM
Safty(good nets, safe reffs, many chronos)
Good refs
Friendly staff
No dumb rules(spray doesn't count, body shots only etc)
Paint prices
Church groups and birthday specials(targets ;) )
Even if I gotta pay I love BYOP