View Full Version : Superbolts ?'s from AGD Engineer

01-09-2002, 10:24 AM
My name is Eric, and I am an Engineer for AGD. I am working on the Superbolt problem, and I need to get some information from those of you that own superbolts.

For those of you that had sleeves break, please answer the following:

1. Approximate number of shots fired before break.
2. Barrel bore diameter.
3. Approximate temperature when broke.
4. Velocity

For those of you that had no problems with the bolts, prior to the "boiling" fix:

1. Approximate number of shots fired.
2. Barrel bore diameter.
3. Range of temperatures you have used it in.
4. Average velocity you use it at.

For those of you that tried the boiling fix:

1. Approximate number of shots before and after boiling.
2. Barrel bore diameter.
3. Range of temperatures.
4. Average Velocity.

Please add in any other notes/observations that you have about your superbolt. Also note that changing from a stock stainless steel bolt to the lighter superbolts may change your velocity up to 30 fps. When going to the superbolts, turn the velocity down before gasing them up, then adjust it back up to the desired velocity.

Thanks for your help.

01-09-2002, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Gibbo
For those of you that had no problems with the bolts, prior to the "boiling" fix:

1. Approximate number of shots fired.
2. Barrel bore diameter.
3. Range of temperatures you have used it in.
4. Average velocity you use it at.

Welp, I'd fall under this category, as it seems you're just referring to the sleeve breakage problem.

1. I went through about 2500 rounds

2. I use a Freak - most likely the .687 & .689 inserts. Those are the ones I use most. Occasionally the .691 insert.

3. 40* - 60*

4. 285-300 FPS

Observations on the Superbolt:

1. Naturally, it has a lot less kick/recoil

2. Seems harder on paint than an extended nose foamie. When I was playing in about 45-45 degree weather, I started out with a extended nose foamie. Played for about 3.5 hours with about 2 ball breaks down the barrel. Switched to the Superbolt and breakage down the barrel went waaaaaay up. I had a few ball breaks (down the barrel) every game.

3. Superbolt + broken metal nubbin = BAD! Of course, this is before I knew to use it with a plastic nubbin. Pics at: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17704

Hope this helps some!

01-09-2002, 12:18 PM
The tip broke completely off.

1: 80
2: .687
3: 50f
4: 280-290

I was using the freak barrel. My gun is well maintained.

01-09-2002, 12:23 PM
Mine broke:

1) Less than 500 shots.

2) Stock AGD Hopper Right Dual Nubbin Barrel Using Plastic Nubbins (E-mag).

3) Sub 30 degree weather.

4) Around 300 FPS.

01-09-2002, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by Gibbo

For those of you that had no problems with the bolts, prior to the "boiling" fix:

1. Approximate number of shots fired.
2. Barrel bore diameter.
3. Range of temperatures you have used it in.
4. Average velocity you use it at.

1. 1000
2. ? SP 12" Teardrop
3. 65*
4. 250fps

01-09-2002, 12:30 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Gibbo
For those of you that had no problems with the bolts, prior to the "boiling" fix:

1. Approximate number of shots fired.
2. Barrel bore diameter.
3. Range of temperatures you have used it in.
4. Average velocity you use it at.
.689 - .691
Not completely sure of the temp, but I used it in, but since it was playing at Country Club Paintball in Illinois at the time, I wouldnt expect it to be somewhere around 40°F - 60°F
240fps - 250 FPS


I'd have to agree with Gunga, It did seem to break a bit more down the barrel compared to a Long Nose bolt, as I had a couple breaks/game as well.

01-09-2002, 12:36 PM
For those of you that had no problems with the bolts, prior to the "boiling" fix:

1. Approximate number of shots fired. 2500
2. Barrel bore diameter. .687 .689 (freak)
3. Range of temperatures you have used it in. 30 to 60 degrees F
4. Average velocity you use it at. 250 265

Medusa RTD
01-09-2002, 01:49 PM
I'm in the did't boil bolt group.

1) 2500
2) .695 Freak
3) 40F to 50F
4) 250 to 300

The Super had more barrel breaks than AGD fomie with the same paint and temp range. The super is in a RT with a Freak and the AGD fomie is in a Classic with a SP All A. Sorry I don't have specific numbers on barral breaks.

01-09-2002, 02:24 PM
For those of you that had sleeves break, please answer the following:

1. 500
2. .689 - all american s.s.
3. 50-60*
4. 250 fps

I got one of the SFL versions and had to sand it down to fit my gun.

01-09-2002, 04:38 PM
I have had no "out-of-the-ordinary" problems with my superbolt. I have not boiled it and have not attached the foamie to it yet either.

shot about a case using the superbolt
using a Boomstick that I assume is small bore(.687 or .688)
temp ranges from 30-55F
I'll have to check the velocity as I was shooting in the 280-290 range with the stock bolt, so if the superbolt jacks up the speed, then I would assume I'm up over 300 then.

It doesn't seem to be any worse than my superbolt although I definitely need to shoot more paint through it for a better comparison.

01-09-2002, 05:02 PM
I boiled mine.

1.Before boil:0paintballs about 3000 dry fire
After: 0 I have no air

2.I think standard dye bore .688-.689?

3.Room temp around 70

4.I didnt change from ss bolt so probably(if 30 over) 310fps(no paint)

I didnt really notice a recoil difference(dry fire) and didnt have any problems. I boiled it and havent used it yet so i will have to get back to you on that. I havent shot paint with it yet so i dont know on breakage.

01-10-2002, 10:46 AM
For those of you that had sleeves break, please answer the following:

1. Approximate number of shots fired before break.
2. Barrel bore diameter.
3. Approximate temperature when broke.
4. Velocity

1. 400
2. .691
3. 35-40 degrees
4. 270-285

Here's a picute of the bolt after it broke. It jammed in the barrel. It did not, I repeat, Did not fly across the field and hit my cousin in Alaska who is unable to comment on this matter.

01-10-2002, 11:33 AM
1. 100 shots, just had installed it
2. .690 10" Dye Boomstick
3. 70-72*, was inside my home
4. 270-280 fps last time I had played (within a week)with my stock bolt

01-10-2002, 12:27 PM
Did yours break?

01-10-2002, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Eric_AGD
For those of you that had no problems with the bolts, prior to the "boiling" fix:

1. Approximate number of shots fired.
2. Barrel bore diameter.
3. Range of temperatures you have used it in.
4. Average velocity you use it at.

1. 5000
2. .684 Freak
3. 10 to 20 degrees C
4. 240FPS

01-10-2002, 02:04 PM
For those of you that had no problems with the bolts, prior to the "boiling" fix:

1. Approximate number of shots fired. 1000+
2. Barrel bore diameter. .691 (Stock E-Mag w/plastic Nubbins)
3. Range of temperatures you have used it in. 40-70 D.F.
4. Average velocity you use it at. 260-295fps

Mine did not break. It was .015" oversized, and I sanded it to the proper length. My bolt broke paint like crazy, before and after shortening the length. You folks (AGD) have had the bolt since Jan 2.