View Full Version : 68 automag problems

08-04-2007, 02:04 AM
A while ago i bought a used 68 automag on ebay, and it has never really worked quite right. after a few calls to tech support and a few new parts/o-rings, and from what i can tell it almost seems like it is just taking a really long time for the valve to recharge. if i shoot it with the valve part of the gun near my ear, i can hear a small click a second or two after it fires, and if i try to fire it faster than that, it is lucky to get a paintball out of the barrel. most of the time though, that doesn't even happen. I have tried this with CO2, as well as with compressed air, and while it seems to be an improvement with comp air, the problem is still there.

Ideas anyone?


08-04-2007, 02:19 AM
Sounds like something has gunk in it. Clean your regulator. Be sure to re-grease the spring-pack and reg nut if you wash that. Check your valve pin spring, air lines, and clean your on/off too. Basically just clean and oil everything. Including airlines, ASA, fittings, etc.

08-05-2007, 02:25 AM
any particular type of grease i should use for the spring pack? at one point i did have it apart and re-grease it, but i don't remember if and what particular type of grease i used (my dad is a design engineer for a defense contractor and has a variety of quality greases that have been thrown out at work).


08-05-2007, 09:15 AM
Oiling the spring pack will also work. That's what i do.

08-05-2007, 09:38 AM
Is your on/off oiled or your o-rings new on top of the on/off?