View Full Version : RT Mag + Intelliframe Problems

08-10-2007, 08:29 PM
A while ago I purchased an RT mag (the classic one, not the Pro) because I wanted an inexpensive but good quality gun... well, and because I liked the way it looked (why do all the new guns look like toy space blasters anymore?). It came with a benchmark double trigger. Some people on pbnation recommended that I get an Intelliframe and level 10. So I poked around on ebay, being the cheap person I am, and found a deal too good to pass up -- another RT mag already upgraded with an Intelliframe, revy, dye barrel, tank, etc., so I jumped on it, as it was about the same price as the upgrades alone. I'd essentially have free spare parts or sell my previous mag and have free upgrades. No level 10 yet, but one thing at a time.

I may have been a bit overzealous and screwed something up when I took it apart to take a closer look at the bolt and valve and all that, but I think it was a bit squirrelly to begin with. For starters, the hinged rod that touches the trigger (not sure what the correct term for that is) was too far forward, so it will randomly fire if you so much as looked at it funny -- even if the safety was on and it wasn't being touched. I adjusted that by screwing it in further, but it still didn't fire right.

The first time I pull the trigger, it'd usually do a half-cycle, I guess you'd call it. It wouldn't shoot very hard -- barely enough to push a ball out of the barrel -- and the bolt stuck forward about half way. Pulling the trigger again would cause the bolt to get "sucked" back into place. Then it might fire normally, or do another half-fire, or spaz out... in other words, it's completely unusable.

Now, having two of these mags made it easy to just swap parts back and forth, so naturally I tried swapping valves. The valve from my previous mag exhibited the same problem in the new gun, and putting the new valve in the old mag seemed to work fine, so I'm not really sure what to do next. It doesn't look like there's anything wrong with the valves.

About all there is left to try is swapping the entire bodies. I ran out of air before I got that far, though. I wouldn't think that would make much of a difference. Mechanically there's almost nothing to them. Of course, there's not much to the triggers, either. I'm kind of stumped. My dad and I spent quite a while disassembling, cleaning, lubricating, reassembling, swapping, testing, etc., and I can't for the life of me figure out why it's behaving the way it is. It doesn't really make sense that it can get stuck forward when the spring should be pushing it back, and it also doesn't make sense that pulling the trigger "sucks" it back into place, when it should be blowing it forward. But we're both new at this, so we could be overlooking something simple or doing something stupid.

I'm heading out to a field tomorrow, so I can get my tanks refilled and play with them some more. I'm not sure if I should try to mess with the intelliframe there or just use with the one that works. Any tips would be appreciated. I'm a newbie.

08-11-2007, 01:28 PM
From what I understand, the classic RT uses different sized parts in most regards (valve and such). I'm not sure whether an Intelliframe was made to fit on the classic RT platform (or if it uses a different frame for that matter). Was the newer mag you bought a RT Pro? I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will add their two cents.

08-13-2007, 01:50 PM
They are both classic RT's, but yes, there are different sized parts (or at least holes put in different locations). I believe the RT Pro was made to be more compatible with other mag parts.

After completely swapping bodies, the intelliframe worked like a charm. The sear was probably causing the problem. Either it wasn't positioned correctly or had just gotten worn.