View Full Version : ***** July Classic MOTM Vote *****

08-10-2007, 09:22 PM
Alrighty , here we go . . .

1) AronMsmith1987 :

<a href="http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u249/AronMsmith1987/MCB%20Gallery/My%20Personal%20Collection/10.jpg"><img src="http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u249/AronMsmith1987/MCB%20Gallery/My%20Personal%20Collection/10.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

2)sixtoes1313 :

<a href="http://img2.putfile.com/main/7/18808530842.jpg"><img src="http://img2.putfile.com/main/7/18808530842.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

3) robertsr1811 :

<a href="http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g21/robertsr1811/100_0424.jpg"><img src="http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g21/robertsr1811/100_0424.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

4)flyingpootang :

<a href="http://img2.putfile.com/main/8/21218511153.jpg"><img src="http://img2.putfile.com/main/8/21218511153.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>


Removed as per request

mr doo doo
08-10-2007, 09:25 PM
my vote goes to flyingpootang for such a ridiculous cool looking mag, but also since he is a fellow baydestrian, yahoo!! :headbang:

08-10-2007, 09:34 PM
>.< ::head explodes::

08-10-2007, 09:38 PM
>.< ::head explodes::

Exactly what I was thinking. I am not going to vote just yet, gotta mull it over a bit. Very tough month.

08-10-2007, 10:44 PM
Well Aronsmiths looks like a Phantom, and poontangs looks like a Carter, both of which are amazing by the way.

But I had to give it to Aronsmith because poontang used an X-valve and this is supposed to be the Classic MOTM.

08-10-2007, 10:58 PM
Man.. tough choices this time..

Both pumps are exquisite specimens... All the markers are sell a kidney to buy fantastic...

I will ponder more the force on this I shall..hmmm

08-10-2007, 11:00 PM
Omg that first pump is gorgeous. Got my vote.

08-10-2007, 11:27 PM
yea the x valve KILLS the classicness of fpt's pump, still a work of art!

08-11-2007, 06:27 AM
I had to give my vote to [NA]WARLORD

Lately, the only thing making most of these mags "classic" are the valves. Everyone is all decked out w/ ULE bodies, warp feeds, custom annos, etc.

[NA]WARLORD has a nice (and still sought-after) splash kit w/ the big-ole expansion chamber and steel-braided tubing everywhere. He even managed to get the splashed grip frame to match which I think is rare.

Nice n' clean too! A true classic. :clap:

08-11-2007, 07:48 AM
I had to give my vote to [NA]WARLORD

Lately, the only thing making most of these mags "classic" are the valves. Everyone is all decked out w/ ULE bodies, warp feeds, custom annos, etc.

[NA]WARLORD has a nice (and still sought-after) splash kit w/ the big-ole expansion chamber and steel-braided tubing everywhere. He even managed to get the splashed grip frame to match which I think is rare.

Nice n' clean too! A true classic. :clap:

I'm with you on this one G.
"Classic" should be "Old School" not just a classic valve.
[NA]WARLORD got my vote on this one. :cheers:

08-11-2007, 10:08 AM
I suppose it's a subjective call but Flyings is the only one with a X and the only other with a ULE body. . . neither of which are set up vert feed.

4 of 5 have classic rails and classic valves , (most running CO2 also)

4 of 5 have old style single triggers ,

2 have AGD pump kits , 3 with stick feeds ,

1 is an almost stock Smart mag that was produced in lower numbers and rarely if ever seen complete anymore , can't recall the last 'full' smart mag I saw actually ,

You have a scratch built mini'd Sydarm and a warped and polished classic AM.

At least IMO , those are great examples of custom Classics with a modern flair of course.

It's still a custom marker contest. ;)

I don't think there's very much fun in a museum collection contest , not many people are going to have a chance to participate in that either.

Just my feelings on it , I know you can't satify everyones tastes.

08-11-2007, 01:37 PM
Wow, both the open and classic are filled with sweet mags!! Gonna have to hold off voting here too. Great job Aoers, way to keep us all in line and remembering why we own mags. :bounce:

08-11-2007, 02:17 PM
I suppose it's a subjective call but Flyings is the only one with a X and the only other with a ULE body. . . neither of which are set up vert feed.

4 of 5 have classic rails and classic valves , (most running CO2 also)

4 of 5 have old style single triggers ,

2 have AGD pump kits , 3 with stick feeds ,

1 is an almost stock Smart mag that was produced in lower numbers and rarely if ever seen complete anymore , can't recall the last 'full' smart mag I saw actually ,

You have a scratch built mini'd Sydarm and a warped and polished classic AM.

At least IMO , those are great examples of custom Classics with a modern flair of course.

It's still a custom marker contest. ;)

I don't think there's very much fun in a museum collection contest , not many people are going to have a chance to participate in that either.

Just my feelings on it , I know you can't satify everyones tastes.

Not to mention one of the entries posted Aug 01 which technically isn't July :rolleyes: FPT has a nice Mag, but he should have been automatically put in Augusts contest vs July's.

I believe the contest rules are to vague as what determines a Classic vs a custom as it could go either way, is a Classic Mag upgraded with modern parts, still considered a Classic or a Hybrid Hot Rod ? If I start out with a stock Mini Mag, swap the body for a ULE, the Trigger frame for an Intelli and the valve for an X Valve, is it still a Mini Mag ? Lastly, how is an upgrade kit (pump) considered a Classic, if it was never offered as a production unit ? To my knowledge, the pump Mag was never offered as a model in any years lineup, it was just an accessory like the Intelliframe or Warp Feed .......... :rolleyes:

08-11-2007, 04:40 PM
That's completey true. It's all subjective and varies greatly. As I put right in the contest description , I don't really know what I'll take. I've put a bone stock AGD golden gun and a Centenial in the finals in the past , both one of the rarer of all mags and neither won by AO votes in the end.

'Classic' can be factual or feeling or spirit. I like having it very open ended like that so everyone can have a shot. Not everyone can or would buy an Xmag , mill it to death , anno it , hack the 'tronics and go full custom. By the same token , not anyone can get lucky and stubble on RT #17 or a NIB AM at a local garage sale. But pretty much everyone can gather 'classic' parts and assemble a nice custom worthy of MOTM.

That's the best part of the contest IMO and I like it that way. :cheers:

08-11-2007, 05:47 PM
Im going with robertsr1811. That looks like a classic and fun to play with setup hes got there. Add a InYoFace 10 inch stock and oh joy!
flyingpootang's pump Mag just speaks for itself. It just looks like a Foose car in a Stock Classic Car contest. Good luck to all :clap:

08-11-2007, 07:06 PM
Well I in no way intended to downplay any contestants either, if I somehow came across that way. I suppose I was just trying to give some props to the classic-style mag that brought us all here to begin with. :)

I would gladly own/shoot any of those mags above!

One of the things that make the 'Mag so great and have such a passionate following, is the sheer amount of customizability (if that's even a word) that it allows. When you boil it all down, we're all sitting around with the same valve and trying to build a kickarse marker around it.
I have never seen or used any other marker with a virtually unlimited number of configurations. (don't mention the Tippmanns, that's a different discussion ;) )

Keep up the good work guys! I look forward to these polls every month!

08-11-2007, 07:09 PM
Same here.
ALL Mags are awesome.

I'd love to own roberts. (my second choice for motm)

08-11-2007, 07:24 PM
VERY hard, but my top three are:

1. flyingpootang
2. robertsr
3. AronMsmithf

08-11-2007, 08:45 PM
That's pretty much irrelevant. The month is closed when I post "closed".

Do you think the 'one' in question wasn't going to make the finals regardless of month?

No, I thought July meant the moth of July and August means the month of August, not when you decide the contest is on or not. Its pretty obvious that if you name a thread after a month that it should fall between those 01 to 31 or the days of the month. You must live in Florida as your election/voting procedures reflect as such.

If your giving the its over when I say so mentality, then do me a favor and remove my entry, I dont want to be a part of some power tripping nub admins game. Thanks for all who voted for mine, but its pretty obvious you could enter anything anywhere at anytime and it would still be considered a contender.

08-11-2007, 08:53 PM
WARLORD']No, I thought July meant the moth of July and August means the month of August, not when you decide the contest is on or not. Its pretty obvious that if you name a thread after a month that it should fall between those 01 to 31 or the days of the month. You must live in Florida as your election/voting procedures reflect as such.

But YOU live in Flordia. Therefore YOUR opinion is obviously null and void, right? YOUR procedures must reflect this, right?

RRfireblade can do what he pleases, he brings the contest to the forum and he can take it out!

Oh god I sound like my father.....anyways, this is a great tough month, my vote goes to AronMsmith for making me jealous

08-11-2007, 08:54 PM
But YOU live in Flordia. Therefore YOUR opinion is obviously null and void, right? YOUR procedures must reflect this, right?

RRfireblade can do what he pleases, he brings the contest to the forum and he can take it out!

Oh god I sound like my father.....anyways, this is a great tough month, my vote goes to AronMsmith for making me jealous

Actually, I have only been here for 3 years and was born and raised in Md. And it has nothing to do with an opinion, do some reasearch, and look back about 10 years into the Florida Election Scam where the votes got tampered with and had to be recounted.

08-11-2007, 08:57 PM
WARLORD']Actuaqlly, I have only been here for a year and was born and raised in Md.

Either way, your a :mad:

This thread is for voting, not showcasing how much of a :mad: one can be over a simple contest.

If you don't like the rules, then don't enter ;)

08-11-2007, 08:58 PM
Opinions vary and yours, in mine, = 0.

The rules ? What rules ?

chill will
08-11-2007, 08:58 PM
Rob you get my vote. Sorry guys but I only see 2 classic mags on here.

08-11-2007, 09:02 PM
WARLORD']Opinions vary and yours, in mine, = 0.

The rules ? What rules ?

At the beginning of each contest.
Although this matter isnt in the rules, the contest won't be changed just becasue you or anyone else :mad: about it.

Now I think we should both stop posting and let the others vote as well.

08-12-2007, 02:58 AM
Picking one is never easy.

Seeing everyone posting their mags here every month just shows that this marker brand, "Airgun Designs" is always a winner, still here after all these years. :headbang:

08-12-2007, 05:51 AM
this is a very tough month, both classic and open class. idk if i could even bear owning one of these markers as they are just too sweet to use.

08-12-2007, 05:56 AM

I'd say within 19hrs qualifies as "near" and therfore complies with the posted rule. :D

Tell that to your bill collectors ;)

19 hours after is after the end of the month not near the end. Near the end would be the 29/30th. Your rules are misleading and vague and need to be updated, but, since I am no longer associated with this, whatever, its your thread, do as you wish. Besides, if I had won, the shirt wouldn't fit nor would the grips be used for anything in the future, so nothing is gained on my end. I agree, it is for the best as your best isn't good enough for me, Thanks.

08-12-2007, 10:32 AM
Ouch . . . panties always bunch up like that ? :D

Actually , it's just not that big of a deal IMO , of course yours may vary. ;)

It's supposed to be a fun little show off your marker/looky here what I put together . . . let's all have a good time braggin' contest.

If someone who really wants to participate , really wants to get in an entry at the very last possible moment . . . does it really matter if I let him slide for not even being a whole day late ?

In summary , lighten up and play nice or don't play in my playground.

Thanks. :cheers:

Does it matter? Where do I say that?

Anyway Jay, thanks for taking your time to run the contest and get and send out the shirts.
Thanks to Kruger for stepping up with some cool grips also.

Now get in here and vote.

08-12-2007, 10:39 AM
Actually, RR, whoever wins these 2 votes i will donate to both of them, i have some spare paintball equipment. :cheers:

the mags are too amazing to just give the winner a shirt :D

08-12-2007, 10:41 AM
Good for all then, not sure why you'd even get involved with such corruption in the first place with nothing to gain. ;) Is that why you moved to Florida too. :D

Either way , have a great day. :cheers:

Some people don't need personal gain to feel like a winner, but its not that I feel the contest is corrupt, I just feel there should be more stricter guidelines. Classic as in Classic mag/minimag with some ups, of that time period, not a full blown custom piece, FPT has a beautiful Mag, I agree, to me, whomever was selling the blue X Valves should have donated one to FPT so he could finish the look of it the right way, but thats just me. But, its not a classic, in anyway shape or form, its a custom. Also, when someone says "July" others aren't expecting August entries to be permitted, a simple delete of thread and a pm saying July is locked, Go post in the August thread would have been the right thing to do but this isn't the case. So, since I felt it was unjust, I backed out since technically, there was only two actual Classics presented, and by some of the other posts, I see I wasn't the only one who felt this way.

I moved to Florida at the suggestion of a friend due to my work experience and haven't regretted it since, unless you count dating the psycho in Deltona, but thats irrelevant at this point in time. One of my first stops was off of 100 in beautiful downtown Bunnell, when my buddy who used to work in a computer shop right in front of PTP said that there was a paintball store over there and I needed a fill to sell a marker in Palm Coast, I had sold the week prior to moving to Fl. To save the guy shipping charges, I met him at PTP so the guy, other then Forrest (forget his name) could check it out for the buyer before he bought it. So, not only am I not corrupt, but a damn nice guy to boot. I just felt this was a Classic contest, not just a Custom contest and felt like I got the short end of the stick, ohh well, live and learn.

You have a nice day too ;)

08-12-2007, 11:42 AM
WARLORD']Some people don't need personal gain to feel like a winner, but its not that I feel the contest is corrupt, I just feel there should be more stricter guidelines. Classic as in Classic mag/minimag with some ups, of that time period, not a full blown custom piece, FPT has a beautiful Mag, I agree, to me, whomever was selling the blue X Valves should have donated one to FPT so he could finish the look of it the right way, but thats just me. But, its not a classic, in anyway shape or form, its a custom. Also, when someone says "July" others aren't expecting August entries to be permitted, a simple delete of thread and a pm saying July is locked, Go post in the August thread would have been the right thing to do but this isn't the case. So, since I felt it was unjust, I backed out since technically, there was only two actual Classics presented, and by some of the other posts, I see I wasn't the only one who felt this way.

Where do you draw the line between some 'ups' and a Custom ? Most would say there are no Mag 'ups' for starters. (I hate that term BTW , thankfully this is NOT PBN) :) Then your left with changing parts around. Where do you draw the line between swapping a rail and milling one ? Buying a colored part or re-anno ? What's an 'up' anyway , an aftermarket part like a grip frame or an AGD part like a pump kit ? Your really asking for is a TON of rules and guidelines to cover all that , plus that's just barely scratching the surface.

I guess it's a waste of breath to continue this discussion but I for some reason I am feelinging the need to understand why you wish this contest to be so seriouly strict and structured ? Is the term fun completely lost on you ? Seems like. I'm am flattered though at the value you place on my T Shirts. :D

You say I'm on a power trip cause I'm too flexable , then you want me to make the rules to be more structured and more stict . . . I don't understand that mentallity , really I don't. Would not a heavy handed , rule enforcing un-flexable contest not be MORE powetrip like ? I'm lost on that. Yet you feel your point of view for my contest is the only valid one . . . power trip ? And this all over an entry posted within a day of the end of the month . . . I don't get the extemist in that. FYI , tons of bill collectors grant grace periods before penalization. Credit cards are almost a month before interst , Car payments are often up to 10 days , Ultilities will let you go weeks before cutting off services. Flexibility is 'usually' a good thing. ;)

The rules of MOTM , as I have run it for YEARS now , have not changed give or a take a sentence here or there. The intent of the contest has always been crystal clear as has been the intended Fun content. In addition , I clearly state that there is NO specific marker for each catagory , NO specific criteria required. It's subjective as is ANYTHING that get's judged. You should have been well aware of all that long before you entered and long before you decieded to trash my efforts here i, impeach those involved and do so in a completely inappropriate place . . . oh yeah , against the rules regarding text posts.

Hmmm yet again.

I always purposely put a greatly diverse type of contestant in the finals , MANY MANY times putting in MORE than the 5 I state in the so called rules. I leave it up to the voters to pick from there , interpret thier own idea of what qualifies and excels. I don't know how to make it more fair and fun than that. Looks at your entry for example , was it not 'Classic' ? Did I not put it in the finals ? Yet . . . was it even close to winning ? (not trying to be mean , just saying) Sounds alot like sour grapes to me. Would you have been happier if markers were excluded just so you can win ?

I'll tell you what tho since I nice guy and will never be on a power trip , if this was contest is so important to you and you feel like you've been wronged , PM me your addy and I'll send a shirt (in your size) to make amends.

Besides that , I'll take your concerns under advisement but I will tell you that I seriously doubt I'm ever going to make MOTM the heavily structured , rules laden , catagory specific , ran with an iron fist contest that you would like it to be. That's just not my style nor is it the kind of attitude that has made AO the forum that is is today. :) Perhaps you might like to read the contest before you deciede to particiapte. That may save you some grief in the future.

I also would like to appologize GREATLY to all participants for the fact that I allowed this discussion to happen here , it should not have , it's not fari at all to you guys. I should have asked all of it to be pulled but perhaps it will clear up questions lke this in the future. Regardless , I am sorry that it may have pulled attention from those who deserved it . . . the finalist.

All finalist will get T-Shirts as my apology. AGD shrts for the runner ups and MOTM of course for the winner. Make sure you all contact me after with addys.



08-12-2007, 12:51 PM
I have said what I needed to say on this, and I didn't see anything about text posts in the voting section, only in the contest itself. As for being stricter, not really, mainly defining the difference between Classic and Custom as you seem to have both Classics and Customs in the Classic section, yet all customs in the custom section, seems like a double standard to me. But, I guess that is a concept you fail to see. I did read the rules and as in the past competitions it seemed pretty cut and dry, just seems this month you tried to cut some corners in an effort to save some time, don't know, only you can answer that one. I was always told to be fair and impartial as well as if your going to do a job, do it right the first time, because first impressions make lasting impressions.

As far as the power trip, it was directed to your statement as to "its over when I say its over" bs. That just rubbed me the wrong way and made me think lesser of you as your letting this go to your head, so to speak. This will be my last post on the issue, but in an effort of fairness to all, you really should reconsider your judging criteria on the two different areas, or just have one big contest and let anyone enter anything. I mean, you have two areas to judge from, yet you combined two classes in one and added a separate class all together. How is that fair ?

It was never about me winning or losing, but the fact that you put 3 customs in the classic section then had a totally separate section for customs, it just doesn't make sense to me. You need to redefine the criteria for Classic section, as everything else will fall into the custom section. That is my biggest issue and what I have been trying to say the entire time.

I'll tell you what tho since I nice guy and will never be on a power trip , if this was contest is so important to you and you feel like you've been wronged , PM me your addy and I'll send a shirt (in your size) to make amends.

No thanks, I have officially withdrawn and wouldn't wear it anyway, its the principle of the thing, no offense. Its a nice shirt, but I wouldn't feel right owning something I didn't win or earn, but thats just me. Thanks for the offer. You just hearing me out and my thoughts is all I ask.

As for reading the rules, yeah, I read them, re-read them and this is the area that threw me the most:

This MOTM will also include an "Old Skool , Classic Mag competition ! ! Dust 'em off ,shine 'em up and let's see some Old Skool Mag Repp'in. Looking for anything falling under the guise of Old Skool , presumably lots of SS parts. but that will be open to interpretation. Could be rare , unique or just plain old.

Please state which division you want to be in (Open or Classic) in case it could go either way.

To me, that defines 2 separate classes, and even you point out which class to put as " It could go either way". Just so I don't feel like its just me, several people have expressed the same opinion I have, so obviously I am not alone in my way of thinking:

But I had to give it to Aronsmith because poontang used an X-valve and this is supposed to be the Classic MOTM.

yea the x valve KILLS the classicness of fpt's pump, still a work of art!

Lately, the only thing making most of these mags "classic" are the valves. Everyone is all decked out w/ ULE bodies, warp feeds, custom annos, etc.

A true classic. :clap:

I'm with you on this one G.
"Classic" should be "Old School" not just a classic valve.

Rob you get my vote. Sorry guys but I only see 2 classic mags on here.

08-12-2007, 01:09 PM
Is this contest so important to you that you must rant on? Maybe you should try enjoying life, cause this MOTM contest is meant to be all in good fun.

Good luck to all the entries! :cheers:

08-12-2007, 01:17 PM
I feel like Robert's best meets the criteria for a classic mag motm contest... the others all have components on them that too me are new school (despite two of the three being pumps). Given the classic theme I think his not only meets the criteria... but is my choice on a personal level. I love the grips (have a pair myself) and there's not many pistol converted mags out there that are this clean and functional. That doesn't take anything away from the others though because they are all very well done.

08-12-2007, 01:19 PM
Is this contest so important to you that you must rant on?

Is this thread so important to you that you have to rant on my ranting ? :rolleyes:

08-12-2007, 01:20 PM
WARLORD']Is this thread so important to you that you have to rant on my ranting ? :rolleyes:
Get happy bro. :confused:

08-12-2007, 03:00 PM
Ok I had to remove a few posts. Thats it. Its gone far enough. Back to voting.

You withdrew yourself from the contest and I would say this thread also. I get the last word and thats it. No more. Sorry you missed the FUN part.

08-12-2007, 03:23 PM
I went for roberts gun on this one. All the guns are beauties but to me the pumps look as if they are trying to look like already existing pumps. Roberts gun looks unique and plus I know that I would get a lot of kills with that setup because it will shoot like any of those other pump mags without having to cock it. I do give a lot of credit to the beauty of all the guns though. Any one on those would certainly make me do a double take if a saw one in my field. :cheers: