View Full Version : Upcoming MOUT invitational

08-13-2007, 06:02 PM
It appears there are some problems interfering with the event. Apparently one of the XO's just resigned at the last minute. A replacement is in the works, but will it be in time?
Registration for invited players is supposed to be done by the 31st. As I understand it the invitation packets haven't arrived for players yet....

I heard a nasty unsubstantiated rumor that one commander invited Smart Parts Scenario Team. You know last years champs.... and that the other commander's core teams found out. As it was relayed to me something along the lines of "why pay the price to have rear handed to (team) by SP's factory scenario team?" Faced with this he apparently threw in the towel.

Whether that is true or not....given this hardship, and definate looming possibility that this invitational will not go over...Will Viper try to do another? I assume that MXS is completly out of the picture...and PLEASE no need to dig that back up!!!


08-13-2007, 06:06 PM
I have no clue what you just wrote...other than that this scenario is invitation only...WTF??

08-13-2007, 06:22 PM
I have no clue what you just wrote...other than that this scenario is invitation only...WTF??

Sorry....an announcement that was somewhat of a fiasco last time around.
There is a 300 player invitation only event being planned by Viper at the Camp Blanding (FL) MOUT facility in early October.
The commanders themselves were to invite who they wanted to play in the event and that way there were no excuses for performance on team selection, etc. Also exclusive in that the event itself is to be more involved, theatrical, and unlimited (or less limited) in what on site is available for use as well as players engagement. Kind of a play with what you bring atmosphere rather than being asked to play nice. No cheating etc. just highly competative.
Anywho, I was hoping to see this do well. Therefore Viper may continue putting on events there later for the general public sice the previous promoter may be out of the picture.

50 cal
08-13-2007, 06:49 PM
When you try to get elitists to play at an event and you get some elitists to show up, what do you expect?

A real mess, that's what. :rolleyes:

08-13-2007, 07:03 PM
When you try to get elitists to play at an event and you get some elitists to show up, what do you expect?

A real mess, that's what. :rolleyes:

And here I thought only the elitist types where only found on the tourney scene.

08-13-2007, 07:13 PM
When you try to get elitists to play at an event and you get some elitists to show up, what do you expect?

A real mess, that's what. :rolleyes:

QFT. They have worked their way into the woodsball scene.

08-13-2007, 07:55 PM
When? December 15th & 16th.

And not only is it open registration...its FREE Entry.


Check it out. You only pay for paint and air. Good stuff.

WOW that looks like a good thing.

I am just curious what they will cap at. Once that site gets over 800 or so players its a huge stalemate. I will keep tuned in on that.

08-14-2007, 04:16 AM
WOW that looks like a good thing.

I am just curious what they will cap at. Once that site gets over 800 or so players its a huge stalemate. I will keep tuned in on that.

caping at 1200

50 cal
08-14-2007, 08:15 AM
LCP's event looks like a good one to attend. Count me in!!

08-14-2007, 10:03 PM
I went to the first one at Low Country, they said that they would cap it at 500. Saturday morning, there were 750 there to play. It was a crazy, COLD weekend. But a good time was had by all, even the losers.