View Full Version : 3d-model:Tac-One pictures needed...help

08-14-2007, 09:22 PM
I was wondering if any Tac-One owners with a digital camera could help me out.
I am looking to 3-d model a Tac-One....so I can play with making milsim mods for it...rather then just photoshop them on.

I would need a straight on front,top,back,left and right picture of a stock Tac-One. The bigger and more well lit the picture the better. Preferably with a 12in barrel on and with it off.

Also if anyone knows where I can find the measurements of the Tac-One that be very helpful.

Thanks for any help.

08-14-2007, 10:16 PM
Just get one in hand. It will be better then pictures will ever be.

08-14-2007, 10:38 PM
Just get one in hand. It will be better then pictures will ever be.

Very true. But until I get one (about a month)...I thought this may be the way to go.