View Full Version : What be This Disk!?!?

08-15-2007, 08:34 PM
Hi guys. I've been lurking about for a while and until now, simply lurking has given me tremendous and enough knowledge to get by, but now I seem to be stuck.

I am new to mags, and have just begun reading airgun.com's manuals and watching Tom's videos on youtube. I've been following along the videos disassembling this old rental SmartMag.

When I went to disassemble the back of the gun, this showed up:

I checked the video, there's no big disk there. I check the classic valve diagram and there is no big disk in the spring pack either. I don't see that big disk ANYWHERE, and I can't seem to find a diagram for rental guns.

Tom says not to mess with the spring set, but is the disk supposed to be there? Should I remove it?

Also, Tom says in the video they used special lube for the spring pack, and they should not be wiped, but it looks (very) dirty to me and the grains are probably not from the lube. Should I clean the spring pack? If so, what kind of lube should I apply back? I only have Dow33 and triflow.

I'm attaching some other pics I have in case it helps.


Yeah, the safety mechanism was rusted stuck. I had to hammer it out. The little ball was totally black.... now I need a new safety kit.


It wasn't me! It came to me like this :(


Thanks guys :cheers:

08-15-2007, 08:51 PM
Wow. You've got some cleaning work ahead of you.

After you scrub all that crud off, get yourself a rebuild kit and replace all the o-rings... and that spring. Gross.

As for the "big disk," that's a unique feature to rental automags. I'm pretty sure that it prevents the user from setting the velocity too high. I wouldn't remove it, and it shouldn't otherwise affect the functionality of the gun, unless you want to shoot at +300 fps. (If that's the case, you can probably buy a replacement part for cheap instead of trying to ground off the ring.)

Now on to the spring pack. Clean the whole thing. There should not be that much crud in there. When you lube it up again, just use vasaline... and be liberal with it. If you use the same thin oil that you use everywhere else, it will just blow off. Vasaline is thick, it will stay put, and it will let everying move properly.

And yeah... safeties rust. Same thing happened to mine, and it's in much better shape. I still haven't gotten around to replacing it, though. I only play woodsball, so there aren't any refs getting on my case about the safety being off.

Hope this helps. Let us know if there's anything else you have questions about.

08-15-2007, 08:57 PM
:wow: I am not sure what to say here :wow:

I think you may be best off getting a new spring pack or valve maybe a level 10 as well ;)
never seen the inside of a rental valve

welcome to AO :cheers:

08-15-2007, 09:05 PM
My field limit is 290 fps. I want to be able to reach at least that so I won't be at a disadvantage. I read that rentals are limited at 250. Can a rental smartmag swap spring packs with other valves? if so maybe I should just pay the $12 to tunamart since I plan on buying a safety anyway: http://www.tunamart.com/index.php?c=39&p=32

I asked most of the other questions on PBN already, but I just found that this site might be faster at answering.... :)

i haven't broke down the rest of the gun yet. I stopped with the video at the point of breaking down to the spring pack. AFAIK everything in the reg is in very clean condition. i mean look at the seat.

08-15-2007, 09:07 PM
:wow: I am not sure what to say here :wow:

I think you may be best off getting a new spring pack or valve maybe a level 10 as well ;)
never seen the inside of a rental valve

welcome to AO :cheers:
thanks, but i think i will stick with lvl 7: I plan on using the parts to build a new mag with a z body. if tuna's spring pack will work with the smart valve then I am seriously considering that.

08-15-2007, 09:12 PM
You need to compare notes with this guy. (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=218414)

08-15-2007, 09:12 PM
First off your old lady is going John Bobbit you for getting grease on the carpet. The big wash is supposed to be there it pushes against the reg piston that is still inside the back of your valve. Use disk break bearing grease to lube it up. To get your rental mag to shoot above 280 fps drill out/over size the restrictor that sit inside of the power tube (where your bolt stem slides into)

08-15-2007, 09:21 PM
i'm totally bookmarking that thread.

i'm also totally 409ing the carpet :ninja:

also, the gun was USED as a rental, I'm not sure if AGD made it to BE a rental. Any visual differences? I'll get more pics when I can later today.

I guess my question is: is the big disk Smart Valve exclusive, or field rental exclusive.

There is no "field rental" engraved onto the valve, just some hand-made etching.

on the other hand, the engraving has faded quite a bit.

08-15-2007, 09:29 PM
I think most of them had rental lasered on the valve. In your last pic remove the o-ring and retake the pic. Inside of the power tube there will be what looks like a non removable washer with a small hole in the middle. A non rental mag will have a larger hole in the middle.

08-15-2007, 09:35 PM
i see what appears to be one hole in the middle, 4 bigger holes to the sides (2 on one side, 2 on opposite side)

I'll have to get pics up later.

08-15-2007, 10:11 PM
The washer is standard on all classic valves.

08-16-2007, 06:12 AM
I think most of them had rental lasered on the valve. In your last pic remove the o-ring and retake the pic. Inside of the power tube there will be what looks like a non removable washer with a small hole in the middle. A non rental mag will have a larger hole in the middle.

Hi guys, thanks for the help. I can finally put some pics but I have to sleep now. It took a long time to get the lighting just right so that the camera can see the inside brightly.

is this a small hole or larger hole then?

Also, if you look to the side you can see 2 holes there too.

There are 2 more holes on the opposite side, making a total of 4 side holes.

So is that normal?

What about the washer? You say it is standard but why can't I see a picture of that any place?

One more question (I'm noob to mags sorry) can I use Dow33 for the spring pack, or must I use brake disk lube? I don't want to use Vaseline because I've heard horror stories of petroleum based lube potentially causing explosion with HPA. (http://www.sapaintball.info/index.php?link=http://www.sapaintball.info/sapb/dynamic/index.php?id=757)

So can I use Dow33? It is recommended to be used on MacDev regulator spring packs and that reg has a disk spring stack too.

08-16-2007, 08:41 AM
Dow 33 will work fine, especially if you inspect the pack more than once every couple of years. Unless you clean your mag in a bucket of water, then you will need to check more frequently. :rolleyes: That's actually the point using wheel bearing grease. It's durable and it handles water about as well as any lube. It's also compatible with rubber and nitrile bearing seals. 33 is a bearing grease anyway and is good for water protection and seals. Pack it into the spring pack good after you get it clean. It takes a lot of neglect to kill a spring pack though.

That looks like a regular power tube to me. I have not seen a rental restricted tube, but I don't see any restriction there.

08-16-2007, 02:09 PM
:eek: I'd say throw it back in the ocean from where you snagged it while fishing. JUst kidding good luck with your rebuild. :headbang:

08-16-2007, 03:04 PM
That is exactly what my spring pack looks like. I have the old AIR valve circa 1994 or so and my mag isn't a rental variety. It was also that dirty when I popped it open :wow: I degreased it all, fun, and am going to be repacking it shortly. I guess worse comes to worse new parts are readily available.

08-16-2007, 04:22 PM
lol......... :wow:

thats is literally the dirtiest mag I've ever seen....

how do you plan on getting all the rust off? most of the rusted parts can be replaced easily.... and hoe does that much dirt get into the valve?

08-16-2007, 04:35 PM
The spring pack and piston get it from the reg adjustment wrench 'hole' (there's gotta be a better word). With some mags, you have to wonder if kids have been playing in the yard with them air-less (sand and mud in the valve body :tard: ).

Funny thing is the reg seat in those pictures above looks new.

08-16-2007, 10:11 PM
Wow how did that sandbox get in your regulator??? :rofl:

08-17-2007, 10:09 AM
Wow how did that sandbox get in your regulator??? :rofl:

Wow how did that catbox get in you regulator???

08-17-2007, 02:33 PM
Well, I ordered a new spring pack off tuna, as well as a reg piston assembly and safety kit, so I guess I won't have to worry about cleaning the spring pack anymore :p

With a new spring pack do I need to re-tune to see if I need a different powertube spacer?

And how fast is tuna usually?

08-17-2007, 02:49 PM
The powertube spacer will depend on the wear on your sear and the tolerances of the rail and body. If it shoots don't worry about it. If it causes a leak or if it causes bolt stick, deal with it then. Don't forget to put a new bolt spring on there. A worn one can cause bolt stick.

08-17-2007, 03:32 PM
cool, thanks. I guess I'll come back later to show off/ ask more questions