View Full Version : Lvl 10 problems

08-19-2007, 01:06 PM
Ok, so I followed the installation instructions on Aoutomags.org, and it still won't work.

First, carriers...less rings is tighter? The most rings is the biggest?

I am using the carrier with no rings on it, and I still can't get the o-ring to feel snug on the bolt.

Leaking down the barrel, changes pitch when the bolt is moved from side-to-side, Tom K. says that means the carrier is the wrong size, but I don't have any smaller ones.

It seems like the o-ring is just too large for the bolt...

Anyone have a better "quick installation" guide they can share?

08-19-2007, 01:15 PM
what carrier are you using?
no lines?

08-19-2007, 01:21 PM
Yes, no lines and no shims. That was one tip suggested by Tom in another thread. So, no lines on carrier and it still fits kinda loose. Also, no shims.

After removing the shims, the gun won't even cycle now. It was kind of cycling before. Even with the velocity adjuster turned in way past where it was with the lvl 7 bolt.

This is a PTP Micro-mag, incase that makes any difference.

Using a Centerflag Hyperflow 420. Does anyone know the output pressure on this tank? Could that be my problem?

08-19-2007, 01:27 PM
If it's HP it should be around 750

Is the o-ring in the carrier old?
Do you have another o-ring from another carrier maybe?

08-19-2007, 01:42 PM
It is a brand new kit.

I am using the stock spring, also. Not even the long one.....

I tried it with CO2, classic valve, and it still just vents down the barrel.

The gun worked fine with no shoot-down or anything before with lvl 7 bolt.

I have no idea...nothing seems to work.


08-19-2007, 01:49 PM
Back the velocity out to where it was with the level 7.
Have you had the valve apart?
Is it clean?
Do you have a rebuild kit? New reg seat maybe?

08-19-2007, 02:01 PM
when i put a level 10 in my micromag i had to sand the bolt down a little bit as it was too tight to cycle back and forth (i could of sanded the interior of the body but the bolt was alot easier and only took about 20 mins with some fine emory cloth) also if its a new kit try another oring if it has more than one and oil it up

08-19-2007, 02:03 PM
New reg seat was put in less than a month ago, had no problems before putting in the lvl 10 kit. Valve has not been apart.

This has to be an issue with the lvl 10. Gun was working flawlessly before I started with the lvl 10 today.

I did back the velocity out, and it just made the bolt move even less.

The thing is, I have read many posts where people have said that it is easy to install and tune if you can read directions. I am not having any troubles with that, I have done exactly as it said to do.....

The only things I have touched, are those you need to remove and install for the lvl 10. As far as I can tell, none of my issues should be caused by doing that. I am thinking I may have a bad kit.... :mad: :cuss:

08-19-2007, 02:04 PM
Coralis - I have heard that as well, but the bolt slides right into the breach. No problems there with tolerances. Also, I tried both o-rings. Neither of them fit very tightly on the back of the bolt while in the smallest carrier..... :(

08-19-2007, 02:22 PM
i doubt the kit is bad more than likely its bad batch of orings ..... you did remember to put in the backing washer first right ?


08-19-2007, 05:09 PM
Make sure you have the #2 o-ring and #1 plastic washer in place. Sounds like it's missing.

Edit: The carrier sizes hold the o-ring tighter or looser.

08-19-2007, 07:30 PM
flyingpootang-both are in place, and I have the tightest carrier in.

coralis-yes, the backing washer has been in each of the 10 or so times I have disassembled and re-assembled it.

Any help with setting this up? No offense meant, but I am not a 12 year old. I read the directions, as well as many, many threads about the lvl 10......nothing seems to be working here.

08-19-2007, 08:52 PM
flyingpootang-both are in place, and I have the tightest carrier in.

coralis-yes, the backing washer has been in each of the 10 or so times I have disassembled and re-assembled it.

Any help with setting this up? No offense meant, but I am not a 12 year old. I read the directions, as well as many, many threads about the lvl 10......nothing seems to be working here.

Is this a NEW kit? something sounds very wrong.

08-19-2007, 09:22 PM
Any help with setting this up? No offense meant, but I am not a 12 year old. I read the directions, as well as many, many threads about the lvl 10......nothing seems to be working here.

WS, No offense we just have no idea how mechanically declined ;) you are, so we have to ask the obvious. In one of your post you said your using the stock spring. Is the spring height higher than the bolt face? Use the shortest gold spring from the L10 kit. If you push on the face of the bolt when aired up dose it still leak? When you push on the bolt it should stop leaking and the sear should lock up. The way to determine which carrier to use is to find the one that has the least resistance. The bolt shouldn't drop free when turned upside down while holding the carrier.

08-20-2007, 07:27 AM
Is the spring height higher than the bolt face?

Yes, I am using the shortest bolt that came in the kit. Yes, it is longer than the bolt. It looks identical to the normal bolt spring I just replaced with a brand new one.

If you push on the face of the bolt when aired up dose it still leak?

Yes, it still leaks. The pitch of the leak changes as you "torque" it around with a squeegee, but it still leaks. The only time it stops leaking is when my trigger is back, which tells me it isn't the on/off. If memory serves me right.

When you push on the bolt it should stop leaking and the sear should lock up.

The sear locks up on it's own, it just continues to leak.

The way to determine which carrier to use is to find the one that has the least resistance. The bolt shouldn't drop free when turned upside down while holding the carrier.

I am using the smallest carrier now, if the one with no markings is the smallest. It has a small amount of resistance, but not sure if the bolt will dangle from it. It is doubtful. This also concerns me since I will not have a way to tighten it up if/when it starts to leak from wear.


08-20-2007, 07:29 AM
Is this a NEW kit? something sounds very wrong.

As far as I know, it is new. I bought it from Classicmagger, and he said it was a new kit. It looks new and all the parts are clean and were free of dirt and oil when I opened the box. The springs were spotless, as well.