View Full Version : Noob Concerns

08-19-2007, 08:31 PM
I am severely handicapped in the mechanics department and all things mechanical. What is an oring, a shim, a washer...etc? I am wondering with such little knowlege and experience with mechanical things should a buy an x valved mag and would the info video be enough to each me how to take care if it?


08-19-2007, 08:35 PM
oring is a rubber ring. it's usually either black or translucent white. some older translucent white ones turn yellowish. they are used to seal air within a volume. for example if you have a hollow tube and a rod inside it that moves back and forth. put an oring on the rod that fits snug and you can prevent the air from one side of the rod from going to the other.

washers are discs with holes in the middle (like a really small cd) which a screw can fit through. they get sandwiched between the product and the screw to make the screw more effective.

shims are i think just space-fillers.

08-19-2007, 09:08 PM
IMHO you are bettter off with a Mag that probably any other marker out there. Simplicity of design is one of one of the selling points for mags.

Just my opinion.

08-19-2007, 10:07 PM
This is how a mag works, stare at it for a few hours and you'll get it.


08-19-2007, 10:19 PM
This is how a mag works, stare at it for a few hours and you'll get it.


Good one.

Then read this for an hour and you will know what all the parts are. Washers, shims and o-rings all labeled


From here....http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?p=2402651#post2402651

08-20-2007, 01:51 AM
THanks for the info, but is the instructional manual, video or cd (not sure which u get) noob freindly. This is talking in terms of buying straight from agd.


08-20-2007, 02:12 AM
Honestly for the most part once a Mag is tuned you will almost never hafta do anything to it, just drop a few drops of oil in the ASA before a game and you probably wont hafta adjust the chrono speed at all =)

08-20-2007, 02:26 AM
THanks for the info, but is the instructional manual, video or cd (not sure which u get) noob freindly. This is talking in terms of buying straight from agd.

Well, it's certainly not easy to pick up and pull it apart for the first time, and I wouldn't recommend it, either. But here's the thing - all paintball guns are complicated to first-time users. The Automag is easier than most, though, and it's the only marker I can think of that comes with an instructional video. Plus, there's this whole forum full of people who can help you with your 'mag and tons on information around.

Is the Automag more newb-friendly than most markers? Maybe.
Are there more helpful resources for teching Automags than many markers? Definitely.

As long as you're able to learn, there's no marker you can't learn to tech.

08-20-2007, 03:10 AM
IMO I would recommend a spyder as a first gun. Mags are a little more complicated.

However, I am new to mags myself and I found tom kaye's videos to be very, very helpful and detailed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vehPc7vuK20

If you decide to get a mag, you can follow the video easier if you buy a mag with a classic valve. Then simply watch one step of disassembly 10 times, then mimic; watch the next step 10 times, then mimic; etc.

From my exp, parts might look different, I freaked out and asked for help here, and got the help :clap:

Then again, I needed a friend to hold my hand through taking a spyder apart too.

08-20-2007, 03:29 AM
I've helped lots of people in the same boat. theres nothing super complicated with a mag, or any paintgun for that matter. If you need to know some terminology just post here or find the dirtiest, oldest, most crotch'dy SOB you can find and ask him, he'll probably know. Dependable or not at some point you will end up taking something apart for inspection or maintenance. A few simple rules will help keep you out of trouble.

1. Proper Maintenance! I repeat, Proper Maintenance! With mags it isnt much beyond a little oil in the ASA (id tell you what ASA stands for, but honestly i dont know:). Find out what AGD says is needed to keep a mag running and do it. Dont let any part of the marker sit in a paintbath for a long amount of time. Misstreatment will be repaid.

2. When you take anything apart for maintenance and inspection, be as anal as you can. Then a little bit more. take your time and have plenty of room. lay out everything you take off in a line so you can go in reverse order to put it back. Label parts if needed with names or numerical order. If you need a tool for something, stop, go get/buy/steal the tool and continue. Attention to detail is what seperates craftsmen from the rest.

3.If available the first time you take something apart have someone there who has done it before or at least is handy with this kind of thing. its easier for someone to help if they are there for the whole project instead of the middle or end.

You can and should work on your own stuff. Be patient and research before you start and you wont have any problems. You really should have some mechanical knowledge in this world, a paintball gun is a fine way to start.

08-20-2007, 12:18 PM
would a fully electro gun like an ego be simpler to maintain than a mag?

08-20-2007, 02:08 PM
maintain,perhaps,untill 2 years later when the technology is completely outdated ;)

08-20-2007, 03:29 PM
1. Proper Maintenance! I repeat, Proper Maintenance! With mags it isnt much beyond a little oil in the ASA (id tell you what ASA stands for, but honestly i dont know:). Find out what AGD says is needed to keep a mag running and do it. Dont let any part of the marker sit in a paintbath for a long amount of time. Misstreatment will be repaid.

ASA = Air Source Adapter

Many moons ago I had bookmarked a website w/ a glossary of a lot of these terms.. but lost it a while ago.

Warpig.com used to be a great place to learn technical stuff like this, but haven't been there in a decade.