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View Full Version : Mags not firing now for some reason.

08-20-2007, 02:07 PM
Hey everyone,

Got a game coming up in a couple weeks and I have an interesting problem.

I tested all my gear about a month ago when I thought I was going to make a game. Everything was working and chrono'ed just fine. Took everything out last night cause I will be heading out for a game very soon ...

Gased up my Phantom ... worked ..

Gased up my Classic ... Heard the bolt click, but when I went to pull the trigger I was greeted with a "spongy" trigger that didn't even get the marker to discharge.

De-gassed it and checked the hoses ... everything fine ... gassed it up and same thing.

Thought "Crap ... have to figure that one out later"

Gassed up my E-Tac ... SAME THING!!!!

Checked the bumper inside was all the way back and I still got no lovin.

What's missing here???

08-20-2007, 02:13 PM
Gotta give love to get love you know!! Seriously though do the bolts slide freely? Oil those babies up. What valve do you have on the E-Tac?

08-20-2007, 02:17 PM
Gotta give love to get love you know!! Seriously though do the bolts slide freely? Oil those babies up. What valve do you have on the E-Tac?

Always giving these guys a oil before I gas them up. The E-Tac has a X-Valve.

08-20-2007, 02:23 PM
Sounds like the bolt may be sticking. Do you have a larger carrier to try? I have quite a few extras I can get to you at Sherwood.

08-20-2007, 02:24 PM
Sounds like the bolt may be sticking. Do you have a larger carrier to try? I have quite a few extras I can get to you at Sherwood.

You going to CPX for the Scenario on Sept 8th?

08-20-2007, 02:27 PM
No, didn't plan on it with the Viper scenario the following weekend at Sherwood.

08-20-2007, 02:39 PM
No, didn't plan on it with the Viper scenario the following weekend at Sherwood.

Well last time I had everything out I got all my parts together. Have a good number of Carriers. Just never thought that they would be the problem if it was working just fine last time ... :cry:

08-20-2007, 09:36 PM
What about the bumper? I've had a few where after a month or two of sitting around the bumpers have stuck the bolt to the valve. Worth a shot...

08-20-2007, 10:02 PM
Did you have more than 800 psi in a high output tank??

mr doo doo
08-20-2007, 11:13 PM
^^ just about to say that. if its happening on BOTH guns then it could be the air..

08-21-2007, 09:52 AM
Nope the air pressure was good, full tanks and all. Plus I have a CO2 tank for the classic as well that's full.

Well I took the classic apart last night to swap rails with my "Parts" RT ULE. The valve body was the problem, or more specifically, the On/Off Pin. It was sticking out of the body. I pushed it back in and then gave it the mother load lube just to be sure. Put it all back together gas it up and it shot. Loaded up the paint, took it outside and it shot just fine.

I'll try to look into the E-Tac when I get a chance in the next few days and let you know.

08-21-2007, 10:45 AM
What kind of lube do you use on your valve on/offs or in the ASA?

08-21-2007, 10:55 AM
I have plenty lube from AGD ... I figure it's best to use what they sell.

Otherwise I would be using the oil I get from Palmer Pursuit.

But for now it's the AGD stuff.

No .... wait .... LOL... I used the Palmer stuff last night.

I talked to Buckshot last night and he seems to think the E-Tac isn't shooting cause the ACE software option might have been turned on. Since the "eye" isn't registering a paintball, it won't fire. I'm going to look at it tonight and see what's what.

** Edit: Aug 30th **

Well it looks like it wasn't a ACE being turned on issue. It was the same problem that I had with my Classic. The pin in the On/Off was sticking out. Pushed it back in and the Mag fired great.

09-02-2007, 06:28 AM
Good to hear you got them working. Now no excuses for Sherwood!! See ya in a couple weeks!

09-03-2007, 10:44 AM
Actually Saturday night, Sparticus showed up with his Chipley. He was concerned because his ss-25 was not performing like Buckshot's chipley.

I sold my Chipley to Buckshot you see. Anything to get those two jacks to play pump right.

So anyway, I showed him that the problem was that he had no compression spring in the pump handle and that I had an extra one. Which turned out to be wrong .... I had to cut this spring I had down so it would work right. I liked the end result ... he seemed to as well.

Anyway ... I break out my Classic and gas it up ... Not firing AGAIN.

He looks at it and says the problem was that my frame, rail, to valve didn't match up.

Made the proper switch and everything was fine.

Now I have to get a hammerhead barrel so that it's shoots really silent ... Didn't realize how quite it was until he let me borrow it for a bit. :wow: